1/7 Why are Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, David Sacks, and other far-right billionaires willing to sacrifice Ukraine and Taiwan?
2/7 Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and David Sacks are far-right billionaires who indirectly gained power in the 2024 presidential election. They significantly influence Trump's policies and want him to abandon Ukraine and Taiwan.
3/7 These billionaires consistently prioritize their business interests over American interests. They rely on china for its market, labor, and natural resources, which leads them to avoid confronting china, regardless of its actions.
4/7 They envision a world where the US and China compete while sharing global spheres of influence. Their greatest fear is a real war or even a trade war with china. Additionally, they view russia as an extension of china, so they also seek peace with russia.
5/7 They are cowards and perceive russia as a potential threat that could create problems. As a result, they are willing to appease russia and cater to its demands. Ultimately, they mistakenly view russia as a conservative nation, which it is not.
6/7 As a result, they view Taiwan and Ukraine as nuisances and are eager to appease china and russia to secure business opportunities. Their disdain for Ukraine and Taiwan is further fueled by the democratic world’s support for both.
7/7 Source:
The New Republic - Is Elon Musk Serving Two Masters?
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