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Feb 12, 12 tweets

Dr. Ranganath is one of the world’s top memory researchers.

He's a neuroscientist and psychologist who's spent 20+ years studying how the brain and mind work.

Here are 10 key lessons from @CharanRanganath's book "Why We Remember":

1) The average American is exposed to 34 gigabytes of information every day!

2) We forget because we need to prioritize what is important so we can deploy that information when we need it.

3) Depression will negatively impact your brain and memory similar to early stage Alzheimer's.

4) The brain is not a memorization machine; it's a thinking machine.

5) Instead of studying for 6 hour straight, break up your study time into several sessions to improve your memory.

6) Being naturally curious about a topic improves memory.

7) Think of memory less like a photograph and more like a painting.

8) Forgetting is a feature, not a bug.

9) The experiences that are the most distinctive are the easiest to remember because they stand out relative to everything else.

10) Memory shapes the way you feel about your choices.

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