Since Covid arrived:
“Why are so many children having developmental problems?
Why are there more car accidents & plane crashes?
Why are people more aggressive & less empathetic?
Why is everyone sick all the time?
Why is there more violence in schools?”
Gee, I dunno…
“There isn’t more violence in schools and kids are fine”
Oh, ok 👍🏻.
“People aren’t more aggressive and less empathetic”
Oh, ok 👍🏻.
“Everyone isn’t sick all the time”
Oh, ok 👍🏻.
“There aren’t more plane crashes or incidents in aviation”
Oh, ok 👍🏻.
Yet when the answer to all these questions is obvious, giving the actual answer (covid) is always met with complete bewilderment and you’re looked at as if you’re some kind of intellectually challenged conspiracy theorist.
Let’s keep ignoring the virus that shan’t be named then!
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