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Family man, fisherman, Occasional meme maker, Son of the Northwoods, Midwit, Police Bodycam edits in Highlights, Election expert.

Mar 6, 12 tweets

🧵We have been allies with Israel 67 years. I'm going to do a little thread on the contributions of Israel having our back like no one else. You may be shocked!

Israel's contribution to the Korean war. They were directly asked to help and refused.

Israel's contribution in Vietnam. A trend you are going to notice here is Israel only cares about themselves.

Desert Storm? "Sorry we can't for diplomatic reasons".

Afghanistan war? Sorry we can only do some intel.

Iraqi freedom? You guessed it. Nothing.

So what makes them a great ally? Nothing. It's Ideological.

Israel nuking, World wide Nuclear proliferation.

In short they aren't allies they are parasites wearing the skinsuit of an ally. They do little to nothing for us past buying off our politicians with foreign aid we give them.

Every middle eastern engagement the US has fought for the last 50 years was for Israel and the greater Israel project. None of this is debatable.

A list of hostile actions by Israel against the US while they have been our allies.

The Greater Israel project is at the center of all US involvement in the middle east.

We are going to give them Syria and Iraq.

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