Paul Profile picture
Family man, fisherman, Occasional meme maker, Son of the Northwoods, Midwit, Police Bodycam edits in Highlights, Election expert.
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Mar 9 5 tweets 1 min read
MAID services, Marriage rates, Men wanting to marry young teens, population collapse, and over all general happiness tanking are all signs of the same greater evil sitting in the room and no one wants to address that.

Women were happier at home and men were happier working themselves to death. AI and Women working aren't going to solve any of that in fact its going to make the despair worse for the vast majority of people. We have a society without purpose.
Mar 6 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵We have been allies with Israel 67 years. I'm going to do a little thread on the contributions of Israel having our back like no one else. You may be shocked! Israel's contribution to the Korean war. They were directly asked to help and refused. Image
Mar 1 8 tweets 2 min read
Starship troopers the movie isn't fascist. They are a color blind republic who gives everyone a choice and regardless of that choice you will be protected by the body whole, you just won't get a lot of the benefits.

The Government depicted in the movie is what would have happened with America if it didn't get diverted into gay race communism in the 60's.

The bugs are objectively the bad guys. Much like America prior to giving everyone the vote you had to have skin in the game to vote, or garner federal benefits.

This goes right over most people's heads in America because they were never taught American history.
Feb 15 4 tweets 1 min read
New Cave diving image just dropped. Image They lived bro's...
Feb 10 16 tweets 4 min read
This engaged lesbian couple can't stop cheating on each other. They want to ensure they have a solid financial foundation, lol. They have been together for 3 years. Sierra has a child from a previous marriage. Dear Lord. They bring in a combined total of 70k a year. Image This one didn't even know how much money hits her account. Image
Jan 25 8 tweets 2 min read
AI knows what scientist refuse to admit. Human races are subspecies of each other and not one species. If humans were treated like any other species we wouldn't all be lumped into 1 group. Anyone who studies biology knows what I say to be true.
Jan 15 6 tweets 1 min read
I'll tell you exactly how the next 4 years are going to play out if people listen to Chris Rufo. The GOP loses the midterms, they lose in 2028 and the Gay race communist is going to rampage for revenge and everyone who listened to Chris will deserve it.

They didn't defeat anything they are attempting to rebrand it. There is a reason not one of the pussies can just simply state White males are being actively discriminated against and deserve help and its because Gay race communism is alive and well in the GOP. They are trying to brand the Dissident right as "The Woke right" because they have rightly deduced they are the next target because they themselves are DEI gay race communist.
Jan 13 23 tweets 6 min read
Meet Tessa and James from Dallas Texas. Tessa is a legal Mexican Immigrant who moved to America after marrying James. She isn't allowed to work by law until she gets her green card. James makes 23.50 an hour and cant really afford to support both of them in Dallas on that wage. His new Wife is highly critical of that.Image Just to give you an Idea of what we are dealing with on todays episode of Financial Audit with Caleb Hammer.
Jan 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Look I know a lot of people love Israel and all that Jazz but its an evil country founded by evil people who to this day do horrifically evil shit.

Israel isn't our allies or friends, they are a tumor controlling the US for their own benefit. They get called our greatest ally not for what they do for America but how much money they secretly put in our politicians wallets.
Jan 7 16 tweets 4 min read
Meet Michelle and Stephanie, a Zoomer lesbian couple who have some debt problems. They clear about $7,200 a month and are behind on their student loans. You may ask, 'Why can't they pay their student loans?' Well, we're going to cover that.

This episode is deceptive because you think one them is responsible but they aren't. A little glimpse inside of what is going on here financially. They make 7k a month but she can't afford to pay on her student loans which is under 200 dollars a month.
Dec 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
On todays financial audit, Caleb learns she went to private school and a private college which her parents paid for and asks "and you came out like this?"

She responds "Pretty great huh?"

She is one of the most insufferable people that has ever been on the show. Image Caleb asks her "What hard things have you ever done" and she responds "Go to school".
Dec 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Always odd to watch these adult content companies pull their services the second a place requires Adult verification as if these sites are targeted specifically at kids. They are targeting kids.
Dec 9, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Meet Amber from Sulphur Springs, Texas. Amber is a new mom who makes roughly $41,000 a year before taxes. She is two years behind on her taxes and is sitting on a mountain of debt. Her fiancé and child's father doesn't know about the debt and also pays her rent. She also doesn't have the money to pay this year's taxes.Image At this point she's looking at being 3 years behind on her taxes. She was hoping the baby would help offset the taxes.
Nov 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Marc Andreesen on Elizabeth Warrens agency CFPB which has spent the last 4 years terrorizing people via debanking. This is going to be a 3 part thread. Pt 2. Marc Goes through who has been effected by this and where this line of law and thinking came from. Joe slowly gets more and more shocked.
Nov 25, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Meet Rachel from Sacramento. Rachel is a Dog sitter, assistant, and house sitter. She was recently fired from her job, and makes 850 dollars a month. She is speed running the Cat lady tree of life. Now you may ask "Why was she fired" Because she had a job she couldn't do and was just collecting a check. I have my doubts about her disability.
Nov 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Lmao, the content on youtube is getting wild. Real chance at a golden age of comedy. 💀 Image
Nov 15, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read
Meet Lydia, She's in between jobs but is about to start a job as a DOD logistician for a private contractor which starts at the end of the month. She doesn't have a place to live yet, and is supporting her boyfriend. Her current lease is up in 6 days, and she has nowhere to live.Image Link to episode for those of you who want to watch along.

Oct 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
As a guy who has been happily married for 20 years the second women stop having sex divorce is soon to follow. I've seen it a dozen times and have helped other men get through it. Cutting off sex for men is like cutting off PDA and cuddling for women.

Sex is where men get intimacy from their partners. It's not a denial of sex, its a denial of intimacy.
Oct 28, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Let me set the scene. Matt Walsh is in anti White support group for White people and they find him out but he doesn't realize it because he went to the "Crying room". When he comes back they start telling him "I don't feel safe, and we want you to leave" and this was his response. They end up kicking him out.
Oct 27, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Sandy Hill-Pittman is a Journalist/Socialite who climbed Everest for a book deal and was one of 2 journalist on the ill-fated 1996 ascent of Everest that killed 8 people.

What isn't known by most people is the decision to allow her on the mountain and the actions taken to get her to the peak was one of the main reasons 8 people died. I'm going to do a little thread on the climb and her. Now you may ask "Why was she responsible" basically she wasn't in shape for it, She needed to be short roped up the mountain which caused a logjam on the mountain. The sherpa who short roped her was assigned another job.
Oct 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Bro we are so cooked unless we win. Holy cripes. This is out of Green Bay Wisconsin and I have to be honest the The Brown County Sheriff needs to fire that Sheriff and dispatcher.

The Sheriff cited the Victim with a more severe punishment while letting a hit and run driver with no insurance off with a slap on the wrist.

The Sheriff called the victim racist for saying "He was black and looked like he was going to run" as justification why he followed the guy.

Notice how the cop is friendly and chill with a criminal who fled from the scene of an accident and how he treats the victim. I'm disgusted. I want the Sheriff fired.