Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle Profile picture
Physician Gas Passer in real life. Fly in a circus of elephants on twitter; Gator/Buckeye alumnus. Ex Charlestonian/Current Florida Man. Feel a Reckoning coming

Mar 11, 12 tweets

New Seth Rich Files. Lots redacted. Thank you Ty. So 3 points. (I dont have an opinion on the case)
1 He worked w registrations/ voter outreach at DNC
2 His work laptop was evidence during Russia investigations
3 Interesting Docs w logs/passes for something related to elections?

The numerous redacted notepad files with third party info is what is related to the Russia investigation (maybe?). Some scrambled. Did they even try to look at? These are 2016 too. He had access to VoteBuilder, The giant Dem Voter database. Lots of files with no data. Not saying anything. Just going through this. Lots of interesting empty folders. Not sure what to make of it.

Im sure there is an explanation for this? Lots of modification dates of files after his death. Are BLF files usually zero bytes. They are logs? Not saying anything. He had a remote access open source program on his work computer. Why couldnt they open the time stamp file (another log file) or note pad files? Beyond my scope. Just interesting. Could be normal.

Again. He passes a few days after these files in redacted folders get modified. These files are empty. Did he move them? or Back them up? Again. Not saying anything at all.

So this is an interesting timeline. He has access to NPG VAN for his job. He was a Berny Bro. This is what Hillary sued Berny so he they wouldn’t have access. Was he backing it up? Guess who analyzed that. Crowdstrike. Just weird coincidences.

He was learning to program. Probably would be good to learn pythong and hadoop for his job.

Definitely learning to code. SQL injections? That is where a lot of hacking comes in. In a redacted folder. Again. Not saying anything.

Screen shots of polling assignments with voter ids. What does voting deadrows? I think eligible but unregistered. Its a shady list. You dont need id for them. What incidents is he tracking? assuming 50 + dc + PR + guam. no idea.

file and extensions dont match. Cant you bypass that in excel. Other image just interesting. When do provisional counts come out? DNC National Committee Polling Fraud Case Management. Voter Expansion Software Application Suite -Virginia Fail Safe document. A states work orders and product ids. presumably election related.

OCD ID; 200k list; first pass script. They could say what application. They couldn’t access google docs? Sequal Pro Data Dump. That is remote?

None of this is possible without @Ty_Clevenger so props to him. Again no opinions on the tragedy. If it wasn’t a random tragedy, It could either be election related. Did Russia hack Seth’s computer and get access to all of Americas voter database? Or DNC hack related. Less likely

@Ty_Clevenger Added to thread wrong.

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