High-value men get the most women, money, and fulfillment.
But what sets them apart from the average man?
What makes you high-value?
Explore the 20 behavioral differences between average & high-value Men:
1. Average men ask their wives permission to make major decisions.
High-value men have their wives contributing to their plans.
2. Average men are always busy.
High-value men get productive.
3. Average guys take short breaks & celebrate when they 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 winning.
High-value men understand big rewards require momentum & consistency.
4. Average guys ask others for value thinking there's no shame in asking.
High-value men give value first before expecting anything in return.
5. Average men wait for the right circumstances to start.
High-value men start to create the right circumstances.
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6. Average men prepare for their retirement.
High-value men retire when they're dead.
7. Average men don't have time to work out because they're "working."
High-value men understand working out positively influences their mindset, energy, & focus.
8. Average men have long lists of morning routines (cold showers, journaling, skincare, etc.)
High-value brush their teeth & get to work.
9. Average men follow what others are doing.
High-value men set high standards that they follow first.
10. Average men try to do everything themselves & call themselves "lone wolves."
High-value men seek mentorship & networks knowing they cannot do everything 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 alone.
11. Average men have dreams.
High-value men have goals.
12. Average men fear rejection.
High-value men fear regret.
13. Average men seek comfort.
High-value men seek progression.
14. Average men compare themselves to who they were yesterday.
High-value men compare themselves to the best & learn from them.
15. Average men dedicate time to helping others.
High-value men dedicate time to themselves first to become better helpers later.
16. Average guys scroll through other people's content for hours.
High-value men create what others consume.
17. Average men try to make money.
High-value men focus on becoming men who make money.
18. Average men look to delegate their decision-making to others out of fear.
High-value men are leaders people turn to when it's time to make decisions.
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