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Romans 8:31 // @SabreSupps

Mar 16, 16 tweets


Under Kirlian photography, Honey shows one of the strongest energy fields of any natural substance


One of the only substances on Earth that can RAISE the HUMAN AURA & activate dormant DNA

Its a DIVINE superfood we cannot even fathom🧵:

Science cannot explain this.

Honey never spoils.

Jars of honey found in Ancient Egyptian tombs (over 3,000 years old) are still perfectly edible today.

It defies bacterial growth, decay, and entropy itself.

Almost like it exists outside of time.

Honeys produced through alchemy

Bees collect sunlight codes from flowers

Nectar holds the frequency of the flower's essence

Bees transmute this into honey through sacred geometry (the hexagonal honeycomb) and vibrational frequency

If you've done DMT you've seen this geometry.

The hexagon is the most stable shape in the universe

It represents perfect balance in sacred geometry

This is why honey holds higher vibrational information

The bees are working with some sort of divine mathematics

Bees are literally building fractal reality.

Honey was seen as sacred by ancient civilizations

Egyptians called it "the tears of Ra."

Sumerians said honey was the food of the gods

Its mentioned 61 times in Bible "Promised Land flowing with milk & honey" Exodus 3:8, representing prosperity + abundance

also in The Quran.

Honey is liquid sunlight

Plants absorb photonic light energy from the sun

Bees extract the essence of this light frequency from flowers and encode it into honey

When you eat honey, you're literally consuming light codes

Honey is HIGHLY intelligent

If you put a jar of honey in a room, it will:

- Absorb negative energy

- Clear the frequency of the space

- Protect from low vibrational entities

The frequency of honey resonates at 540 Hz

This is the frequency of love, harmony & healing

It's one of the only substances on Earth that can

RAISE the HUMAN AURA and activate dormant DNA

Honey heals at the quantum level

Studies show honey:

- Repairs DNA 🧬
- Boosts stem cell production
- Activates the pineal gland (third eye)
- Opens the heart chakra

Modern science is only scratching the surface:

- Honey contains over 200 bioactive compounds.

- It has natural antibiotics MORE POWERFUL than pharmaceutical drugs.

- It can heal wounds instantly.

- It protects the body from radiation damage.

Bees are interdimensional beings.

They exist between physical and etheric planes.

Honey is the physical manifestation of divine energy brought into 3D form through bees.

Even modern scientists have no idea how it works exactly

Honey "contains unknown quantum properties" that scientists can't yet explain.

It's the only food on Earth that contains the full spectrum of light.

So when you eat RAW local honey...

You are literally consuming:

- Solar energy

- Cosmic intelligence (monks fasted on honey)

- Divine frequency

This is why honey cannot be replicated in a lab

It is encoded with universal intelligence that exists beyond the material world.

I cant believe I'm only getting into Honey now.. endless benefits:

- powerful antioxidant and immune booster.
- Honey repairs DNA and protects against cancer.
- feeds the gut microbiome
- natural nootropic
- Honey neutralizes heavy metals and toxins in the body
- heal wounds and regenerate skin cells
- protects against heart disease and strokes
- activates stem cells and accelerates physical healing
- protects against radiation and EMF damage
- contains over 200 bioactive compounds that modern science cannot fully identify
- natural anti anxiety / anti depressant properties
- natural sleeping aid

Honey literally heals the body, mind + spirit

Its the only food on Earth that contains the perfect ratio of fructose & glucose

This allows it to feed the brain, nourish the cells, and detoxify the body simultaneously.

Im going to rip some honey immediately after posting this.




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