Richard Case Nagell, alleged CIA agent, claimed he knew of JFK assassination plot & was ordered to kill Oswald ("the patsy"). Fired gun in bank 9/20/63 to be in custody during event. Had names of CIA agents, incl. "Albert Hidel" (Oswald alias), at arrest.…
The timeline would be something like this person was organized to deal with Oswald and got cold feet, and instead got intentionally arrested.
In a panic, Jack Rubenstein (Ruby) was sent in to deal with Oswald, who had already stated in a recording he was a "patsy."
What is interesting is that his head trauma was discussed in the document at length, implying he was disturbed... but ya... the story about the names in his pocket is true. And the names were in fact CIA, here confirmed.
Further in the release is a 1968 memo detailing out the 7 names and identifying each person, but strangely has no record of Nagell himself. So how does this mystery man come to know who these CIA people are?
He must have been working for someone.
The document goes on to surmise the connection between the parties came through the Los Angeles field office, likely the FBI, and mentions the OO/C which likely denotes the officer in charge.
Another tidbit in the Nagell story is that there was a previous attempt on Kennedy scheduled for Sept 26 in DC. If this is true, Dallas was a backup plan.
The JFK assassination hints at a third player.
Beyond the CIA and organized crime, this actor, distinct from the CIA yet tied to Nagell -was tasked with eliminating Oswald. Nagell and Oswald were likely picked for their tailored backstories, fitting the plot’s design. 1/
Oswald was recruited into the plot, CIA and organized crime
Nagell was recruited into the plot by the 3rd actor, when Nagell failed the 3rd actor showed its face 2/
Jack Rubenstein (Ruby) had connections to organized crime, this is well established. Ruby was also Jewish, name changer, and had to come in and shut the patsy up in an emergency. In essence he KNEW he was taking one for the team... and that team is the 3rd actor 3/
When Nagell robbed a bank instead of killing Oswald, Jack Ruby, tied to the mob, was tapped to silence him instead, shooting Oswald to protect Israel, the 3rd actor. No Italian/Cuban, it was Rubinstein.
Nagell story explains Jack Ruby better than anything I have ever heard 4/
This thread can be updated because of today's new JFK document releases.
Per this document, after the JFK assassination, Nagell was actively helping "conscientious objectors" in some form of secretive fashion. It raises the question, if Nagell failed in his Oswald mission, what was he doing still involved in these types of activities?…
A note on the agent's read on Trinkala:
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