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Mar 19, 7 tweets

Here are losses for February.

First, the total losses by category. You see significantly more losses for Russia than for Ukraine. This is the first month where Rubicon played a significant part of the Ukrainian losses.

Roughly 17% of Ukraine's losses in the month of February were from Rubicon (328 out of 1965). Primarily in Kursk.

Here you can see Tank, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Armored Personnel Carrier, and MRAP losses by day through the month. Note that Russia uses few MRAPs.

Here, you see AFV (mostly unidentified armored vehicles) and Infantry mobility vehicles by day.

Here, you see Civilian Vehicle losses and ATV vehicle losses by day.

Here are two last charts you might find interesting. They show the ratio of Russian vehicle losses between the categories of vehicles between August 2023 and February 2025. Note the differences over time.

Charts are made by @clockworkChrisJ

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