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OVHcloud.Jezby.Shadow.Qwant.Poweend.MFF.married.1+2 daughters.

Sep 11, 2017, 25 tweets

#Ovh Weekly News: week 34

#Ovh Roubaix Valley #2: in 1 month it will be done :)

#Ovh DC Erith,UK (London): let's make the DC pretty again :)

So proud to see all the teams working together: US, vCloudAir, EU :) #Ovh #VMworld2017 D313

The meetings with the customers to talk about the live migration from on-premise to cloud based on #HCM #VMware #Ovh

Today, I'm in BHS :)

24th meeting "Next Level", today we are in #BHS, our DC in Canada. @AntoineTISON

@AntoineTISON #Ovh DC Beauharnois,QC (Canada): BHS4 BHS5 BHS6

@AntoineTISON #Ovh DC Beauharnois,QC (Canada): BHS7 BHS8 BHS9 in progress

@AntoineTISON I've visited #BHS: 1.66km ..

@AntoineTISON 25th meeting "Next Level", today we are in Quebec,QC to meet our teams CX/UX and explain "how will we work together?"

@AntoineTISON #Ovh DC Erith,UK (London)

#Ovh DC Etith,UK (London): phase #2

#Ovh DC Limburg,DE (Franckfurt): phase #2


#Ovh DC Sydney: Dedicated Cloud is coming

#Ovh DC Singapour: Dedicated Cloud is coming too :)

MTL. #OvhSpirit

26th meeting "Next Level" in Montréal,QC to explain "how will we work together?"

During last 4 months, with @AntoineTISON, we met 1800 #Ovh membres working in 21 offices, 10 countries, 26 meetings. Amazing #OvhSpirit

@AntoineTISON Back to Paris.

#Ovh DC Hillsboro,OR (US-W)

#Ovh DC Vint Hill,VA (US-E): pretty ready to start with the phase #1

#Ovh DC Hillsboro,OR (US-W): preparing phase #1

back at home. #RoubaixValley

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