Joanna McCunn Profile picture
Legal historian; senior lecturer @bristolunilaw; cake fan (she/her)

Feb 14, 2018, 9 tweets

Instead of writing my lectures I've decided to rate ships involved in contract law cases

The Great Peace: bad at maps. just trying to help 8/10

The Achilleas: too popular for its own good 5/10

The Hongkong Fir: suffered many serious breakdowns. #relatable 5/10 (also apparently too shy for photos)

The Super Servant Two: strong. majestic. at the bottom of the ocean 7/10

The Peerless (both): did their jobs perfectly. hilarious misunderstandings not their fault. excellent name 11/10

The Moorcock: got too (moor)cocky 4/10

The Eurymedon: everyone loves a stevedore 6/10

shout-out to The Universe Sentinel: great solidarity with #strikeforuss but let's try to avoid extortion next time. 7/10

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