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Feb 27, 2018, 5 tweets

Today for #InvasiveSpeciesWeek – we are giving the orange-striped #anemone (Diadumene lineata) the spotlight! 🔬 #InvasiveSpecies #NISAW (1/5)

This #invasive anemone is believed to be from the northwest Pacific and has successfully invaded many regions around the world - as you can see in red on this map! #InvasiveSpeciesWeek #NISAW (2/5)

D. lineata is one of the world's most prolific non-native species because it has many modes of transport, what we #invasivespecies biologists call #vectors. One special way is rafting, where it floats on freely moving objects like seaweed to create new populations. (3/5)

Like jellyfish, anemones have #nematocysts! These are stinging tentacles that they use for defense and to catch prey. The feeding tentacles carry the prey to the mouth region where it is ingested whole. Yum! #InvasiveSpeciesWeek #NISAW (4/5)

#FunFact: Many Diadumene lineata populations are actually made up of multiple clones meaning that each individual is genetically identical! #InvasiveSpeciesWeek #NISAW To find out more about D. lineata and other invaders: (5/5)

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