Ben Nimmo Profile picture
Writer, linguist, diver. Principal Investigator, Intelligence & Investigations @OpenAI. RT ≠ endorsement.

Mar 7, 2018, 9 tweets

October 10, 2016, was a good day for the Russian #trollfarm. @Crystal1Johnson posted this, and got over 44,000 retweets. (Archive here: )

The #trollfarm post triggered this article by the @dailydot. H/t to them that when @Crystal1Johnson was exposed, they left the story up, for its "historical and educational value."…

Thing is, the article was only exposed, by @thinkprogress, in November 2017. The troll farm's fake stood for over a year.…

Also on October 10, an unattributed troll tweeted this comment, falsely attributed to Sidney Blumenthal and sourced from the Podesta hack, about Clinton's responsibility for the deaths of US diplomats in Benghazi.

One of the main amplifiers was our old friend @TEN_GOP, which was definitely run from the #trollfarm.

The other main amplifier was Microchip, then under the handle WDFx2EU7.

A few hours later, Trump read out exactly the same misattributed quote at a rally in Wilkes Barre, PA. Unclear where his campaign took it from, but TEN_GOP was one of the main drivers.…

Oh, and the following day, TEN_GOP tweeted this anti-Clinton ad, getting over 13k retweets. Note the URL as preserved in the archive:

One of the retweeters? General Flynn. (Compare the URL he shared with the URL per the archive.) Again, that's #trollfarm impact.

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