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Apr 21, 2018, 5 tweets

#GenDunford met with @DefenseIntel Director #USArmy Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley yesterday before addressing the DIA workforce.

#DYK that @DefenseIntel provides critical research to the Joint Staff to help inform @DeptofDefense investment decisions for the #JointForce?


During his remarks, #GenDunford thanked the @DefenseIntel workforce for their critical intelligence analysis and for the support he’s received throughout his career.

He noted that for the past 20 years, he’s started his day reading something produced by DIA.

#GenDunford also thanked the @DefenseIntel team for their role in developing the National Defense Strategy and the National Military Strategy and for supporting the global integration of resource allocation and force posture decisions across the combatant commands.

#GenDunford closed out his talk by thanking the @DefenseIntel workforce for their public service to the nation and to the men and women of the #JointForce. Their work enables him to provide the best military advice and recommendations to the @DeptofDefense Secretary and @POTUS.

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