Speaker: Mike Nwangwa
Topic: Habits Of Successful People
Text: Joshua 1:8
Success means different things to different people.
Success could mean different things to you at different stages in your life.
For instance when you are young, success to you might mean I want to get a good job, I want to marry a beautiful woman or I want to build a big house.
But when you become old, your definition of success changes; it might mean I want to have children who are responsible or I want to live a more healthy lifestyle.
So the question is What does success mean to you?
(Joshua 1:8)
"If you don't get the definition of success right you will get your destination wrong"
Understand where you are going and what success really means to you.
I need you to also know that overnight success came from overnight sweat.
Success does not have to do with how a person looks, it has to do with the persons achievements.
The secret is line upon line, precept upon precept a little here a little there.
When preparation meets hard work together they birth opportunity which ultimately leads to success.
Six habits of successful people
1. Successful people are unique: Successful people are unique and they celebrate their uniqueness.
You are special, you are exceptional,you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You can either get frustrated of who you are or you can take advantage of it.
Once you get that understanding your life becomes easy. You don't need to try to be like anyone.
You are unique you are original.
"when you try to be like another person you at best a copy".
Successful people know that they are different and it's their differences that gives them an edge.
Your difference doesn't make you abnormal it only means that you are super normal.
2. Successful people are learners:
You are not too old to learn and you can not be too big to learn.
(2 Timothy 2:15)
Successful people listen to others, even in the midst of their apparent stupidity you might pick out a lot of wisdom.
Sometimes God might use a donkey to share wisdom with you.
But if you think you are the prophet you might miss out on it.
In our part of the world people think it is a shame to learn. That's the difference between successful people and mediocre people. They are not ashamed to say I don't know, that is how successful people are made.
Successful people will go the extra mile they will attend Conferences, buy books they will pay money just to learn something new.
"If you learn more you will earn more, if you know more you will earn more that's how it works, money goes in the direction of people who know more".
3. They obey the law: (1 Cor 10:23) the law here speaks of the word of God.
And the law also speaks of the legal aspect of life.
We need to study God's word because that's how he speaks to you. When you give yourself to the study of God's word he will open your eyes to see new things.
Successful people are not distracted: (Phil 2:13)
They are focused on their goals, they don't let the situations of life deter them from achieving their dreams.
Successful people are talkers: (mark 11:23-24)
They talk about their dreams and vision they know how to sell their dreams and ideas to investors.
Don't allow anyone shut you up, keep talking about your dream untill you achieve it.
Successful people act: No matter what you know if you don't act you will remain a failure.
Sometimes your solution is right in front of you, God has given you your answer already, you must be strong and courageous to take the next step to achieve your goals.
One major characteristic of living things is growth. When you are not growing, then something is wrong. Anywhere you find things not working, it is time to seek the face of God's help.
1. Impatience. Seeking quick solutions. You need faith and patience to inherit the promise. 2. Ignorance of the help that come from God and consequences...
Good morning, welcome to God's Royal Assembly online platform. We are excited to fellowship and worship God with you this morning. Thanks for joining us!.
Now ministering is our Senior Pastor, @danayidu
Topic: All Round Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is the a state of being extremely productive or prolific (Gen 1:28). God desires that you be fruitful.
Five Areas God wants you to be Fruitful 1. Fruitfulness of your body: God doesn't desire any of His children to be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)
God wants you to be fruitful in your body.