A key player behind the #GCM, @Morocco_UN have done much to improve international migration governance.
Yet global delegates prepare for #roadtomarrakech amidst reports from Morocco of crackdowns, pushbacks, & deaths of the very people for whom the #GCM was designed to protect.
Three other migrants were injured, including one in a critical condition, who has their arm amputated. independent.co.uk/news/world/mid…
Moroccan authorities have undertaken major raids on migrant neighbourhoods, forcibly transferring asylum-seekers, refugees, undocumented *and* registered migrants - including children - to the south. An approach deemed "cruel and unlawful" by @amnesty amnesty.org/en/latest/news…
Migrants report that Moroccan police smashed doors of their small shared rooms and took money they were making to pay smugglers.
Now, hiding in forests, they face further raids, as police seize their belongings, burning camps and force them onto buses
The Global Compact on Migration is a beacon of promise.
It is a historic agreement which recognises migration as a reality, and that its “chaotic, dangerous exploitative aspects cannot be allowed to become a new normal"
As @MarocDiplomatie@louise_arbour lay ground for #GCM#ForMigration adoption in Marrakech, all hope for this agreement now hinge on the Host Country's committment to ensuring rule of law, due process, & access to justice in its own migration governance
3/ Essentially, the EU's "dirty work" of detention and returns will be farmed out to member states where the EU has *serious concerns* regarding judicial independence, freedom of expression, corruption, rights of minorities, and the situation of migrants and refugees.
Delighted to welcome Polish Judges and Prosecutors to @AmnestyEU office for a briefing on ongoing attacks on judicial independence.
Here's what they said;
"Any judge making a ruling inconvenient for the govenment risks disciplinary actions, suspension, or criminal proceedings"
"Prosecutors and judges are guardians of rule of law in Poland, but when they do their job, they are facing disciplinary proceedings"
"We are here to tell the EU that time is of crucial importance. We can easily reach a point when the changes taking place in Poland will be irreversible"
“Before I left my home I was like a hero to everyone. Nobody in my village had ever had the chance to go and work in a rich country like Spain...But it has turned out to be the worst decision of my life.” theguardian.com/global-develop…
Each year, Spain provides 'circular' visas to 20,000 Moroccan women to work in agriculture.
Women with children preferred.
The logic is, that separated from their young children they are more likely to return *and* are less likely to complain about conditions.
Its been almost 10yrs since @GAATW_IS produced an excellent report on Spain's cruel seasonal worker regime, and the exploitation and abuse facing Moroccan migrant women workers.