If May wanted to find out what the people meant by Brexit, she had to ask them, near the time of the referendum, when it was fresh in their minds.
ComRes did that. Only 35% of Leavers thought they were voting to leave the Single Market.
That is only 18% of all voters
61% of Leavers thought their vote meant Remain in the Single Market, as did 82% of Remainers. That's what people voted for
Leave lied & bamboozled: extra money for the NHS, What's wrong with Norway? Turkey was joining the EU, the Nazi-like propaganda poster of hoards of refugees
And here's a curious finding:
71% of all voters expected to Remain in the Single Market, some with current rules on Freedom of Movement and some with limits to FoM.
But what voters didn't know, because politicians didn't tell them, is that the EU alreally allows limits to FoM
So 71% wanted what we have, but didn't know we had it
Mrs May, you are not delivering democracy, it's a sham. Sorry for the unpleasant analogy but Hitler manipulated voters, also under the guise of a referendum. This will go down in history as Britain's lowest hour. Shame on you
"Ukraine is the frontline of the global struggle between democracy and authoritarianism." @apmassaro3
No, much worse. There are and have been many authoritarian regimes: Franco, Greek junta, Egypt... Russia is a belligerent gangster state on steroids, threatening world stability
Since his rise to power, Putin has become deemed untouchable & one of the richest men in the world, through blatant theft, corruption, threats, murder, instigating brutal war, brainwashing Russians. His aim is not just an empire, but to weaken the West, destroy rational thinking
He has been engaging in hybrid war, using bots, disinformation, supporting corrupt leaders and kleptocrats like Trump and self-harming "decisions" like Brexit; using hybrid war to make democracies implode and countries bend to his will, or at least remain neutral, even about evil
I am so ashamed of the West. They praise Zelensky's bravery, but hang him out to dry. Biden, Stoltenberg and others repeat: NATO will not do what is needed to save Ukraine. It is TERRIBLE poker. @ZelenskyyUa is right. They've given Putin the green light to annihilate Ukraine.
@ZelenskyyUa NATO and western leaders admit they miscalculated about Putin in the past. They were warned, and all the signs were there. But they didn't listen, maybe paralysed by fear of the awfulness that a ruthless gangster was running a country with nuclear weapons.
But if they were wrong then, why are they so certain their calculation is right this time? There's a lot at stake. They are willing to let Putin destroy an innocent non-aggressive country which only wanted to be left in peace. They say it's to avoid WWIII, which is understandable
As every logician, philosopher, or Lewis Carroll fan knows, if you start with a false premise, valid reasoning can take you to weird conclusions. That is why Brexit is like the topsy-turvy world of Alice in Wonderland.
The false premise is *MPs must enact the referendum result*.
MPs have a duty to act in the interests of UK. Normally, holding a ref would not conflict, because normally the electorate isn't asked if it wants to self-harm. And if asked, the electorate is expected to say 'no'. It's like asking your child "Do you want to make yourself sick?"
As every parent knows, that doesn't always go so well. But the electorate weren't asked if they wanted to self-harm. They were promised sunny uplands. Brexiters deny this now, but they are gaslighting us. We were conned to conclude democracy demands we be poorer, more anxious. .
Brexiters are using tactics of psychological abuse on the public
It is political gaslighting to gain control of UK’s psyche, just as an abuser in a personal relationship gains control of his victim.
It is done slowly so we don’t realize we are being brainwashed: boiling frog
It is the strategy of dictators and cult leaders.
1.They tell blatant lies with a straight face, including denying they ever said something, even though you know they did. For example, they deny they ever suggested that we could stay in the single market if we vote Brexit.
*What’s wrong with Norway* was never said, even though we know it was. They don’t apologize or back down; they just ignore you & continue to lie.
2.They throw in positive reinforcement. They say if we leave, they will put money into the neglected regions that voted Brexit. .
This is shocking if not surprising. Proof that Putin is doing in the EU what he did in the US. The probability is Brexit is made in Moscow. Or at least parts are. And May, suppressing investigation, is at best defending *her* Brexit, at worst colluding
This is no time for People's Vote. I even think the EU elections should be postponed. The West, including the EU, has been underestimating an existential crisis. Putin has been waging a clever subtle war. We don't want to see it.
ps: more "protecting *her* Brexit" than defending
MPs must wake up and smell the corruption. It is within your gift to vote to #RevokeArticle50 and you must do it. There's a lot to put right, democracy to be protected. Why does anyone suppose that democracy is just counting ballots, or war is just battles with guns and bombs?
THREAD: I don't agree @Femi_Sorry. Pandora's Box may have been opened anyway, infecting GB with populism, but it's past time we tell the truth. It was PM's & Parliament's job to stop Brexit. After advisory ref, PM weighs result together w all relevant factors to decide policy.
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Then policy is put to Parliament to scrutinize & legislate if nec. May cheated, claimed ref was the decision. Normally it would be natural for a ref result to be accepted, because normally a ref asks about a change for the good. If the ppl reject the change, it's status quo ante.
This is the process in Parliament, time & time again. Reaching a decision as monumental as Brexit would involve impact assessments, consultation with industry, NHS, all sectors affected. These factors would be weighed alongside ref result. It shouldn't be hard to understand.