Ok, you guys helped me raise $60,000 for low-income public school kids all over America via @DonorsChoose . Now I'm starting a new thread, for Bay Area schools. I won't be doing this 18 hrs a day, but I'd appreciate any help you can spare.
This first one is for special needs kids in Visitacion Valley, SF. A very low-income school in the shadow of the richest city in America: donorschoose.org/project/making…
That $60K we raised for kids came mostly in small increments of $5-$50. So it might take us awhile to raise the $2700 she needs to get the art/maker supplies she needs, but we WILL DO THIS.
People have asked why Bay Area schools a) I live here b) in the shadow of insanely wealthy neighborhoods (and even in them) are horrifically underfunded schools c) that's because 1978's Prop 13 limited property tax increases, depriving schools of funds.
Which is why CA used to have the best public school system in country and now has 3rd from bottom. Prop 12 "tax revolt" was the beginning of this kind of strangling of schools and public services. So that's why these special ed kids don't have supplies donorschoose.org/project/making…
Last few people who've given hail from MO, NY, TX. WHICH IS AWESOME. But Californian who can spare a few bucks, please step up.
Visitation Valley middle school is about equal parts Black/Latinx/Asian... Schools that serve a richer population, have PTAs can raise enough for arts/afterschool programs or even multiple teacher positions. Not so here. donorschoose.org/project/making…
obviously this is deadly serious, but it is also morbidly humorous how these descriptions of Putin's mental health describe that of literally everybody rn
1/Hey, I wrote about the San Francisco school board recall. tl;dr it's a lot more complicated, and more local, than a lot of the takes floating around would imply: motherjones.com/politics/2022/…
2/ Whether you're seeped in the SF school board controversies or new to them, I hope this will add some context motherjones.com/politics/2022/…
3/ Is this one of those things you have to say (probably) or an actual fact. 🤔
I though Moliga might survive, but the anger on so many issues that the board engendered swamped them all.
And Boudin should be worried, tho' different coalition pushing for his recall. All incumbents, frankly. @sfbos in particular should pull its head out of ass. It won't.
Every *single* precinct voted to recall Collins, except two, both of which have tiny voting/overall populations (as in 2 votes in one on west side, 12 votes in one in south side).sfchronicle.com/projects/2022/…
quasi obsessed with this logo/bug at NYT. How they took the five rings and made three podiums (blue, red, green), a medal (yellow), and used the black for the "Beijing" slug.
As @ReadyDavidM notes, you can also read this as 2-0-2-2🤯
The five rings represent a 1913 take on the five inhabited continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania*, and the Americas**.
*aka Australia, NZ
**Europeans downgraded us a whole continent. Even though arguably Europe is merely a peninsula of Asia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_s…
Once again, the @sfbos—particularly @AaronPeskin and @conniechansf—is doing everything in its power to ensure we are locked in a permanent state of not enough housing, pushing rents and evictions and homelessness ever higher. Just insane. sfchronicle.com/sf/article/May…
When you insure that no housing developments are built—even when 25% or more of units are affordable—you are not being progressive. You're throwing a can of gasoline on a regional crisis of epic proportions and benefiting the rich most of all.
If you live in Oakland and you wonder why rents there have gone through the roof, look to @sfbos (and all the towns on the peninsula)
3/ There is no more vital topic, and we don't silo it off from the rest of the newsroom, or treat it like an afterthought. But we want candidates to tell us how they'd like to approach the beat in 2022. motherjones.com/jobs/climate-r…