You're not an ordinary person. You have been empowered to win. Because you don't understand what has been done for you is the reason a lot of people are still being oppressed.
Living with an understand is the greatest gift after receiving salvation. The reason you receive the Holy Spirit is so that you will know what has been given freely to you.
You are positioned to win. Don't be intimidated. You're seated with Christ in heavenly places. You're seated in an advantaged position. Beloved you have #theadvantage
Understand that you can not be stopped. You can do all things through Christ who strengthen you. You are well equipped to face any and everything that comes your way.
You're unstoppable because you have Christ who infuses straighten in you.
You have all it takes to win. You have been blessed with all the resources you need. all things are yours. 1 Cor. 3:21
If you can believe the unbelievable you will begin to experience the impossible. Excuses are the cheapest items to be manufactured. Anyone can come up with an excuse.
1. Have Faith. Mark 11:22 2. Speak Faith. Job 22:29 3. Feed on God's Word. 1 Peter 2:2 Psalm 119:105 4. Cast out fear. Joshua 1:9 5. Be Diligent in what you do. Proverbs 22:29
Be good at what you are doing. Don't just focus on doing but rather be good at what you're doing. Give your best 100% of the time. Nothing would stop you.
Welcome to service! 🙌 Today, we step into a realm of divine power to Enlarge Kingdom Frontiers! 🔥 Get ready for an encounter that will shift your destiny.
Ministering: Pastor Sam Ekomekido
Topic: Power to Enlarge the Kingdom Frontiers
Text: Psalms 84:11, Proverbs 4:18
#SundayService #ChurchGRA #ChurchGRAService #GraceAndGlory
To advance and enlarge God's Kingdom, it is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit.
One major characteristic of living things is growth. When you are not growing, then something is wrong. Anywhere you find things not working, it is time to seek the face of God's help.
1. Impatience. Seeking quick solutions. You need faith and patience to inherit the promise. 2. Ignorance of the help that come from God and consequences...
Good morning, welcome to God's Royal Assembly online platform. We are excited to fellowship and worship God with you this morning. Thanks for joining us!.
Now ministering is our Senior Pastor, @danayidu
Topic: All Round Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is the a state of being extremely productive or prolific (Gen 1:28). God desires that you be fruitful.
Five Areas God wants you to be Fruitful 1. Fruitfulness of your body: God doesn't desire any of His children to be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)
God wants you to be fruitful in your body.