1.When Trump told Clinton at the debate that she would be locked up, he meant it. There have been some indictments but nothing like we wanted.
Soros, Clintons, Podestas, and many more were indicted privately and Clones are being used to cover this up.
2. Roger Stone, Alex Jones and others once talked about Wikileaks all the time.
'Ordering' children. The symbols and photos. Weiner’s laptop.
Alex Jones was shut down after being threatened.
Wikileaks shut down too.
3. Trump knew all and when he said he was going to drain the swamp it was EVERYBODY.
Comey and Mueller also got involved with pedophilia, just like Chuck & Nancy and all the rest.
Endless murders. Seth and hundreds more.
4. As soon as Trump was elected, they manufactured false photos, tapes, and voice doubles to make it seem like Trump was involved in pedophilia wtih the very ones he was going after.
5. He was presented with this privately and told that if he tried to bring ANY of them down, they would expose this information about him to the public. He would be impeached the same day, followed by years of trials, and ruined forever.
6. It almost killed him and he was furious and broken.
This is why Q came.
7. Trump HAD to leave this part alone FOR NOW.
He decided to do all he could for the people.
Securing borders, drug and human trafficking, more jobs, unity, cutting taxes and on and on. He would have been gone in a day and instead he is fighting in other ways.
8. They arrested Roger Stone to muddy the water and to keep trying to ruin Trump's name.
19 officers with machine guns broke down Stone's door. He is 66 and has no gun and did nothing but forget about a text sent to somebody. Nothing to do with Trump.
9. Roger Stone knows well about all of the pedophilia and this was to threaten him into never speaking. Or die. They would kill his wife also.
Trump is FURIOUS hat they did this to his friend that he knew when they were very young.
10. He knows Mueller will do what he can to harass BUT he also knows there is nothing he has ever done.
All the ones against Trump are LIARS and PEDOPHILES.
This is why the SWAMP has not yet been drained.
11. NEIOH - IT IS NOT OVER! In the end, all will be locked up. WE do not interfere with stories and free will but WE do assist in many areas and WE always will.
The public will never know the full truth from mainstream sources, as Q said. Not until The Event.
12. But the White Hats and many Pleiadians are here now. IKAI is here and also meets with POTUS and Q.
Trump will see this term through and accomplish many things. He will forever change the country. It’s not over yet.
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The Biden puppet is back in the closet. The Epstein files have not yet been disclosed.
With publicly available information and Pleiadian disclosure I'll try to connect some dots between Biden, Epstein, and human cloning. [THREAD]
Pleiadians disclosed the real Joe Biden was arrested by the time his candidacy for US President was announced.
The deep state has been using clones for decades; for control, for profit, and to conceal deaths and arrests.
The biggest secret is that there are clones everywhere.
Biden had clones before 2016.
Updates through the eye cause bruising and bleeding (black eye club) which is why updates are now mostly done through the foot and concealed with orthopedic boots.
For the last 4 years many who followed Q have theorized that Trump has been controlling the Biden White House as Commander in Chief.
If that were true, then Trump is guilty of all the things Biden has done.
Arrests have happened, but those following Pleiadian disclosure already know these arrests haven't been concealed by White Hats using actors in masks, but by Black Hats using rapid human cloning.
'Dark forces control Biden'
Trump said in a recent interview that the Biden White House is controlled by evil forces.
Sometimes 'disinformation is necessary', but there would be no reason to play this game if it wasn't true.
The evil done to America during the Biden administration was never necessary.
Puppets and Puppet Masters
'Puppets and Puppet Masters' refer to clones and handlers.
Q said some people who were loyal to Trump can even be replaced with clones.
Trump has continually said that some people 'don't know they're alive' and 'look and act differently'.
He hasn't been trying to expose his own secret plan, but his enemies'.
To understand the ET situation on Earth, as well as many other disclosure topics, you must start with the basics.
Why are we here?
We're Souls having a human experience by choice.
Human bodies were created for the purpose of soul incarnation (body by Elohim, Soul by God-Source)
What is the reason for suffering and struggle?
Why do athletes use weights? Resistance builds strength.
We are in a duality matrix of free will choices. It's a school for soul learning, not a prison. Individual free will tests were planned for the greatest benefit of humanity.
There are positive ETs who have been with us since the beginning. Some look human and some don't. Some have been called "Angels". They serve as our spirit guides and incarnate as humans too, choosing to forget.
Many of us are their Soul Family and come from the same Soul Origin.
I've been sharing info from our Pleiadian Family for over 5 years, made possible through direct telepathic contact with my mother. We never asked for this. We weren't even interested in this kind of information when contact began. This was our Soul Plan.
We consistently share what Pleiadians want us to know so that we can 'save' ourselves, through understanding the power that we already have.
Each person can only understand to the limits of their current level of consciousness, so messages we share don't make sense to everyone.
I believed there would be other Pleiadian contactees to appear but from my vantage point I just see people looking for attention by recycling older info, or just making it up as they go. It's unfortunate that a few once reputable sources of news have been pulled into these traps.
1. #NEIOH This is one example that is surfacing for people to know and understand. We have been very open about Vortexes and our thousands of areas of Crystal placement around the planet and in oceans. azfamily.com/news/mysteriou…
2. We have known this would cause many that do not understand they cannot reach or touch our placement, to dig tunnels, blast mountains, place cameras and enter the ocean. Not one Crystal can be found. This is by design and Technology.
3. This sound is from tunneling beneath by groups that are very dark and have wanted to destroy our Mission. We laugh as they have attempted this through many Dreams. Understanding the Shift is to be, they are becoming frantic and careless.
1. I'm not the first to say it, but the "Richat Structure" is the lost city of Atlantis.
The first king of Mauritania was Atlas. In myth, Atlas is Father of the 7 Pleiadian Sisters.
Before The Flood, there was open contact, and Pleiadians were visiting and assisting.
2. #NEIOH: In very Ancient Civilizations in this area, there were very friendly Tribes that were open to many Beings from Multiple Galaxies. There had been no brainwashing and many humans were always open and welcoming to our visits as well as others.
3. There were many times of drought as well as flooding. As We considered these to be our Friends, We came in Crafts. Many Fleets came and landed and rescued many thousands of people from many areas.