I plan to do an overall analysis of every MV. ViVi in my opinion has one of the best Music Videos of the bunch, and a lot of really cool hints at upcoming themes. Today I’ll be breaking down the video and showing you what I found most interesting about it.
We start with The 1/3 members tapes. I find it interesting that Hyunjin and Haseul are at the top. I’ve pointed out that both of these members die in their video, maybe this represents them now being “above” the other members or in Eden. Notice Hyunjin is left out of the stack
If you read my Hyunjin theory, you will know I think the black cat represents her losing one of her 9 lives. We see a black cat on this folder ViVi is looking at. Side note in Girl Front we see a black cat sticker and an Orange cat sticker. The evidence is still stacking
We see Vivi plugged in to the cassette player with the cord of her headphones having a twist in it much like the Möbius. Vivi has her pinky on the end of the cord. This also isn’t the first time we see ViVi plugged into something
We also see a shot of 8 skates. I’ve always thought this represented Choerry with them being so connected, but I’m still trying to figure this out. You can see that the first skate is flipped and has a tag. 2 on the bottom also have this tag and are the left skate.
Any help here is appreciated. The only thing I thought of was Yves cutting the tags in new. If anyone has any interpretation I’d love to hear it! The shot seems so specific because the skates aren’t lined up like that in any other shot!
We see many shits of ViVi looking tired or like she is half awake. This could mean we are seeing a dream. One of the digipedi directors stated that the video was a distorted memory of ViVi’s life as a human. We also know ViVi need to charge which makes all of these shots so cute
Speaking of these shots, let’s check out some of what we see. First let’s look at the poster under the computer. It. If you look at the original poster you will see that they added pink and blue tape over some of the words which appear in multiples of 3. But one is crossed out
I also noticed that Motorola has 3 O’s in it but the first o is missing and faded off. This could represent vivi’s death in one of the 3 worlds. This shot also comes right after we see a shot of ViVi drawing a circle with her finger. She does it in EDINY as well!
But what jumps out to me the most was the rose with the words The End. The last song in the Loona solo catalog is Rosy, and the final mv before all 12 unite shows yyxy eating roses. This poster was hinting at the end of predebut all the way back in early 2017.
Another connection to yyxy would be Girl Talk. The book ViVi has is called Girl Talk which is the title of Chuu’s b-side with Yves. Chuu and ViVi are the only girls we see taking pictures, and Yves and ViVi are the only girls we see with books!
We all know the references to new, with ViVi skating. But knowing that this memory is corrupted, I started to question who the boy skating with ViVi actually is. This might get confusing but I still want to walk you through my thoughts of it being Jinsoul.
Firstly the colors this boy wears is mostly white when you first look, which does remind me of Yves. But looking closer his bag is black and blue, but so are his skates. He is wearing a baseball cap. The only other member we have seen in one is Jinsoul. Notice her name in black
He is also a Blonde. And we know that in EDINY is the first time we see Jinsoul. Jinsoul was shown before her official reveal much like ViVi, and her who’s next girl teaser pic had the description of Black and Blue!
I noticed these cones in the scenes with them dancing. They had black on them and were set up around them in a way that reminded me of the way Jinsoul seems trapped. I’m starting to think ViVi and Jinsoul were “trapped” in Hong Kong by Olivia. But why?
This also made me think of the members who wore chokers, who all are very connected to Vivi.
Gowon and Chuu have been looking for Hyunjin for quite some time we first saw them sending her the bracelet in the See Saw MV
We also saw them with the yellow smoke in Hi High as well as searching the yellow building in So What
And in why not we had Gowon searching with Blue smoke but it was at night time this time instead of the day so she was using the inverted color to find her. We even get an inverted image of her with this smoke in the mv and it’s all yellow. I inverted the original images too
When the eye teaser came out, many Orbits began to point out that everyone’s left eye was being used except for the members of YYXy and Yeojin. YYXy often uses things in reverse to show that they are on the flipped side of the möbius. So why is Yeojin with them?
We know Yeojin has been lost and never made it into a subunit, so I just want to point out some clues from Loona mv’s that she has been in Eden all along. First off in the opening of Kiss Later, we see a red rose on her bed. We saw YYXy eating these roses to leave Eden
We see Olivia embrace herself on a bed. There is blue lighting reflecting off of her as well. After this we see Olivia' s final ascent as she climbs to the roof where the sun is setting. We also see smoke as she gets to the roof. Olivia decides to look into the sun.
We see a shot of her eyes and then as she turns we see everything go red.
The screen is completely red and then you see Olivia emerge from the red room with 2 red glowing eyes. We see Olivia get dropped by Yves. From here we see Olivia carry out God's plan to burn everything.
When Olivia Hye's video for Egoist came out, I started to piece together a story that I didn't see a lot of people talking about. Mal and I have watched all of the videos together just to find red and blue. Let's start with Lipsoul
In Kim Lips video Eclipse we see her embracing her red world. I wanted to point out some things I've found interesting here. Firstly Kim Lip is shown with a Red Halo around her. We also see shots of the Owl a lot during these times. Owls can turn their heads all the way around
Some more connections between these 2 is their eyes, water, and being on either side of Kim Lip. Both of them have blue odd eyes, but ViVi’s is not the same. So why am I thinking this is not Yves?
I think Yves might be replicating a time of ViVi and Jinsoul skating to help her remember. We see her eating the apple and we see at the end of new ViVi wake up as if she remembers now. But if we look at EDINY ViVi has clearly woken up seems aware. She is with Jinsoul and happy
We also have their connection of the aquarium where ViVi and Haseul see Jinsoul from Cinema Theory. We still have a lot missing from Olivia vs Yves But Jinsoul may have been trapped by Olivia to lure ViVi, someone who Yves seems to love. Olivia may have been who made her android.