Se puede discutir razonadamente sobre la utilidad, la conveniencia o las funciones de un “relator/coordinador” en las reuniones de los grupos políticos sobre #Cataluña, pero nada justifica que eso sea lo “más grave que ha pasado en #España desde el golpe de Estado de 1981”(1/7)
ni acusar de “alta traición” al Presidente del Gobierno. Son acusaciones muy graves, tipificadas en el Código Penal, que deben sostenerse con los instrumentos jurídicos que existen para ello. Si el Sr. Casado está convencido de lo que dice, el artículo 102 de la Constitución(2/7)
le permite actuar con los diputados que tiene en el @Congreso_Es.
Resultan cansinas las patéticas invocaciones a que el Gobierno "sea valiente", "no le tenga miedo a la derecha" y se "atreva" a reconocer el "derecho de autodeterminación".(3/7)
Son cuestiones que no están amparadas por la Constitucion ni por el derecho internacional. El Presidente del Gobierno @sanchezcastejon lo ha vuelto a recordar y repetir. No pueden hablar en nombre del pueblo catalán, excluyendo de él a más de la mitad(4/7)
de los ciudadanos de Cataluña que no les votaron. Ocurre así con los movimientos independentistas de raíz identitaria. Pretenden basarse en la unidad sagrada del "pueblo", pero acaban en la división y el enfrentamiento social. Los secesionistas tratan de conseguir(5/7)
una mediación internacional que facilite un negociación en pie de igualdad entre el Gobierno de España y el de la #Generalitat. Para ello denigran la calidad de nuestra democracia y nuestro sistema jurídico y representan a España como un Estado represivo que viola los #DDHH.(6/7)
Timely meeting of the Two-State Coalition for Israel & Palestine in Nicosia. Standing up for peace & justice takes courage, deserves respect & support. Their voices must be heard.
We are at a critical juncture, as the reactions to the @IntlCrimCourt's decision illustrate. 1/5
#ICC arrest warrants are judicial, not political & have nothing to do w/ antisemitism. Since its creation, the EU has always strongly supported the #ICC. Its decisions are legally binding: there is no pick & choose. Threats against it are unacceptable, incl. from US Senate. 2/5
The EU cannot pretend to defend multilateralism, IHL, rule of law & not implement #ICC or #ICJ decisions.
We cannot stay idle while the UN, its leaders & staffers are intimidated or attacked. @UNRWA & @UNOCHA are doing an indispensable work.
Accountability is key for peace. 3/5
The post-1945 multilateral order is losing ground: we see more confrontation & polarity, less cooperation & multilateralism.
To tackle the challenges facing us in the 21st century, we need a fair assessment & decisive action.
A pleasure to talk today at @UniofOxford🧵1/10
China has risen to super-power status. Middle powers - India, Brazil, South Africa, KSA - are emerging as important actors on the global stage. As Europe we wanted to built a ring of friends & we are surrounded by a ring of fire, from Sahel to Middle East, Caucasus, Ukraine. 2/10
We see an acceleration of global trends, from climate change to demography. Inequalities growing, democracies declining, freedoms at risk.
What do we need?
- A clear assessment of Europe's main existential threat: Russia.
- A strong focus on principles, cooperation, strength 3/10
On 7 October, the horror of the terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel - with the massacre of 1,200 Israelis and the kidnapping of hundreds - shocked the world and plunged the region into a humanitarian and political tragedy.
Six months later, where do we stand?
I add my voice to that of UNSG @antonioguterres in expressing the EU’s total condemnation of a brutality that no cause can justify.
By this indiscriminate attack, Hamas has totally disqualified itself.
The Palestinian people cannot be represented by this criminal group. 2/7
The Israeli people have our deepest sympathy. Israel has the right to defend itself, in full respect of international humanitarian law.
The EU has constantly asked for the unconditional release of all hostages.
In this tragedy, civilians are paying the highest price.
The Ukrainian army is one of the best in the world. They have proven to be.
Ukraine is resisting, fighting off the Russian aggression, which is trying to cruelly push the country into darkness and cold.
Humbled by the courageous soldiers and their will to defend their people.
The EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine is proof of our determination to support Ukraine: militarily, financially, economically & politically.
This Mission is unprecedented, pushing EU military cooperation to new levels. Over 20 Member States participate in it.
Today, #EUMAM has reached its full initial operational capability.
1,100 soldiers are already being trained.
The Mission will generate training offers to address Ukrainian needs and we are going to provide resources: €16 million for lethal equipment for training purposes.
In 1975 our predecessors signed the Helsinki Final Act, agreeing on a core set of principles: renouncing the use of force, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and protecting human rights and freedoms.
Today, Russia is violating all these @OSCE commitments.
Russia has brought war back to Europe. It is throwing Ukraine into cold & darkness, and beyond its brutal attack on Ukraine and it’s people continues its deeply destabilising role in Georgia’s breakaway regions and Transnistrian region of Moldova. We need to be united against it.
The @OSCE institutions and operations continue their efforts to bring stability in this grim environment. The EU will continue its steadfast support to the organisation.
We will provide €1.2 million for OSCE demining activities in Ukraine.