n/1 So lets talk about narratives. 1. you know shahjahan build tajmahal, now do you know he killed and raped hundreds of hindus at that time 2. some one will say , dont say this. Dont create communal disharmont 3. Now when u speak of british and independence do u create communal
disharmony. If yes stop speakingabout independence 4. Now how are narratives affecting us . 5. whole world know hitler killed thousands of jews. now lets come to hindu genocide. Dont discuss 6. Why . again you will say it is communal 7. I dont understand how it can be commnal
8. Do in israel people are hating christians 9. Now in books starting from class 1 to our newspaper, no- one discuss brutality of islamic invaders 10. Now some can keep her child name taimur, who had killen thousands of hindus. Can some in europe can keep her child name as hitler
11. So we have totally forgotten our history due to rotten system and when someone like @TrueIndology raise voice people start crying with useless logics 12. We are visiting dargahs of ajmer and whatever. Do we know there history. Md chisti of #ajmer kidnapped hindu(kafir) girls
13. and we are most shameless creatures bowing there. Much such places are in India 14. So this is the whole ecosystem which has created our such mindset
Solutions 15. government should write true history, whatever has happened.
at individual level, my suggestions 15. Read and do research . Follow handles like @agniveer@TrueIndology@eGangotri@noconversion and read the true history 16. Teach your children value of dharma, remember vultures are sitting outside to change there religion
@eGangotri . You can contact them,, support them or start your own initative 20. instead of putting money in some langer, bhandara or making big ravana , donate money to such organisations. 21. make yourself physically , mentally, morally , financially and spiritually strong
22. Be responsible and take responsibility of nation and dharma