Anyhoo, my Gogo, great gran, 95 thereabouts was telling me of a clan that didn't allow families to keep twins. One child had to be killed because it was taboo. She also said that same clan would sacrifice the 1st child if a girl, to their "ancestors" so they would have a boy next
I've decided to ask for her consent to record her talking next time &write a book. She's had an interesting life. I will of course try to research &verify some things. She once told me that her husband made coffins, & the one time they kept one under their bed, he died #mashura
That I believe ties into the whole belief that we used to have that one should not prepare for death. Remember how scared people used to be about buying funeral policies with a "coffin" as part of the package. Or even pre-buying burial space. For our older generation it was scary
Ok enough dark news. On another happier note. Gogo also used to brew beer, not mahewu, beer. She never sold it tho, she'd drink together with her man. She gave me the recipe. 😂😂 I don't drink beer but I'll pass it on. You never know, I could be sitting on a winning formula
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Good mid morning. In today's news, schools are set to open for exam classes only. Some next week, others end of Sept. Many govt &rural schools are still charging fees in ZWL. 3rd term fees are $10 gvt fee, levies range from ZWL200-800. That's US$0.12, levy US$2.5-$10🤨
Meanwhile pvt schools are charging from $450 - $4k. Parents from both are protesting. Gvt schools because there is no way PPE, sanitizers, operational costs, etc at $10 per child to last 3months? The pvt school parents feel ripped off. They would like at least a 30% discount...
Meanwhile the children are caught in the middle, they have to literally prepare for their first public &major exams in 3mnths. Yes online learning has been avail for many, but kids have struggled, others have had no access at all. They will write but....its 2020. Dont stress them
Ahhh today is hectic....its windy and the fumes from Pomona are horrible, getting a headache and my nose is congested.
Update #PomonaDumpFire
Risks of wind starting fires at other points in the dump.
Action Plan
1.Suppress pockets with flames using fire tenders
2.Spread gravel to cover smouldering areas
~100 000L Water - urgent
~2 x bulldozers
~2 X FEL
For more information or updates join the Pomona Dump Facebook page.
#TrueStory some1 said..."have you ever met some1 &disliked them instantly. Not that they have done/said anything offensive, they just have an aura that makes you hate them." I gave them a blank stare &they said "that's how I feel about you." Ini ah. Yayish. I dont even know them
I just kept quiet and carried on waiting in the queue. But then I kept thinking is there something about the way I'm dressed, or do I look weird. I mean who does that, from nowhere, unprovoked. Anyway, she decided to change queues, after I didn't respond. I'm still shocked.
In hindsight, all the clapbacks that I could have said come forward, but when you are so shocked, sometimes you freeze. Hours later I keep wondering if she was looking for a fight, if I really was looking hameno. Anyway I will never know. But it's just weird
1. Been trying to self isolate after Gogo's funeral. Let's just say as a mother and wife without a helper it can't, not a chance😔 my 2 little ones are huggers, they love to tell me nyaya and jokes. Been trying to teach them the elbow greeting / first ain't happening...
2. Every morning they make breakfast, but I still make lunch &supper &clean the house& I'm still the referee. So I challenged them. Said "pretend I'm not here for 2 days". I packed my snacks, kettle, steamer, juice etc. They fought a lot &played. 3pm they knocked "we're hungry"
3. "You're hungry but I'm not here remember. Ask your Dad". They said, he's also hungry. I said "aiwa ka, make a plan, I'm self isolating." So Dad orders food. Anyway, long story short. After my failed simulation, if I were c19 positive, home recovery won't work.
We have people who believe that 1. Covid19 is just a flue & it's better if we all get it & be done with it 2. Covid19 is real, but it happens to others, it could never be them 3. Covid19 is real but we're all going to die anyway, so live it up
They see the numbers tho....
We have those that believe that 4. Covid19 is a huge masterplan to reduce the world's population and bring in the one world order 5. Covid19 is a precursor of worse things to come 6. Covid19 is part of the prophecies in Revelations
They are preparing for the after life...
Yesterday at the hospital, I overheard some1 say, many people are not dying from Covid, they are dying with Covid19. They already had complications like diabetes etc, but when they pass on their deaths are recorded as corona deaths. It wasnt my conversation so I couldn't ask....