A lot of people panic if a person collapses around them. And that’s because they don’t know what to do.
However, panicking doesn’t help.
Throwing your hands up and saying Eya does nothing for the victim.
You must learn how to do first aid
It may save the life of your loved one.
Usually when a person suddenly slumps, its due to what is called a “cardiac arrest”
Someone suffering a cardiac arrest will collapse, become unconscious and suddenly stop breathing because their heart has stopped.
So the aim of the first aid is to help jumpstart the heart back.
So what do you do?
It depends on if you are alone.
Or if you are with at least one more person- then it’s a lot better.
If you are with one more person- the other person(s) can focus on immediately calling an ambulance/getting a car to urgently transport the person to hospital.
And you can focus on the first aid to revive the patient while you await for professional medical help in the form of an ambulance or a car to transport the person immediately to hospital.
So this is about effective division of labour. There’s NO time to waste or take IG videos.
Remember a person who just collapsed is because most likely the heart stopped.
You have to immediately go into action IF this collapsed person will survive. Every second wasted on “eya” and dancing round the patient only makes it more likely they will die.
1.Check for Danger!
First things, first.
Check for danger and anything that could put you and the patient in more danger. If a person collapsed in the middle of the road for instance, you must call for help and notify motorists to take another route.
I would not recommend moving a collapsed person on your own- as you may not be able to move them on your own or even move them in a safe medical way.
Just remove any dangerous objects around them like broken objects or sharp materials. Loosen their clothes a bit.
Face the four different directions around the patient and shout loudly for help.
This is if you are alone with the person who has collapsed.
Call 911, 767, 112, 999 or whatever number is for ambulance in your country.
This should not take more than a minute.
ALL you have to tell them is
Where you are- clear address
Who you are- just your name
What you found- a collapse
Give them a number to call back if they miss their way.
Remember time is of the essence-
Esp if you are alone.
Don’t spend more than one minute on that phone call.
Time used to call ambulance dispatcher is not time for unnecessary descriptions.
“If you turn right, then go straight, then enter under bridge etc etc” it’s useless.
Give address, let them use google maps or ask around.
Except if you are two.
And someone has started first aid.
3. Do the A, B, C Quick Check
Check the Airway.
Tap them on the shoulders and call them if you know their name. Watch for any response.
If no response, If there's no response, leave the casualty in the position they're in and open their airway.
Check the mouth quickly for
for anything that may be blocking the airway. If you see dentures or food or anything, remove it safely.
Then gently lay them on their back and open their airway- place 1 hand on the forehead and gently tilt their head back, lifting the tip of the chin with the tip of 2 fingers.
Now check B and C
Breathing and Circulation
This can be done using the Look, Listen and Feel technique.
It’s very fast and takes just ten seconds.
Kneel beside the patient.
LOOK for any signs of life.
LISTEN for any breathing.
FEEL for any pulse- check the side of the neck.
Once you see there is no sign of life and you cannot feel a pulse- that is a cardiac arrest. You must do a CPR now!
Start Chest Compressions immediately.
Give 30 chest compressions.
How do you do Chest Compressions?
Kneel next to the person.
Place the heel of one hand in the
in the middle of their chest and put your other hand on top, interlock your fingers and then push down.
Using straight arms, press down into the breast bone firmly, so the chest is pressed down by 5-6cms.
Push up and down at a rate of around two per second. Give 30push at a go.
After every 30 chest compressions you do, give them 2 rescue breaths.
How is that done?
Tilt the person’s head gently and lift the chin up with 2 fingers. Pinch their nose. And then seal your mouth over their mouth, (or bring it very close if you don’t want it to touch) and blow
And then blow very steadily and firmly into their mouth for about 1 second.
Look at the the chest and make sure that you see it rise. Give 2 rescue breaths.
Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until they begin to recover or emergency help arrives.
If it’s a child over one year old, between 1-10 years old that collapsed, it’s the same thing- only that you use heel of one hand for the Chest Compressions instead of two. If it’s a child under one year old, use two fingers only to press the chest- until professional help comes.
As I explained, this is best done if you are at least two people. You can easily swap the Chest Compressions and keep rotating it till an ambulance arrives and medical professionals can then take over.
So if you ever encounter a collapsed person, this is what you MUST do.
Please when a person collapses, do NOT start pouring water on them. Do NOT start fanning them. Do NOT start dancing around them and putting your hands on your head. Do NOT start recording IG Live Videos.
Someone Call an ambulance immediately. Someone start CPR straightaway.
I hope this little short article has taught you what to do if you ever encounter a collapsed person.
Remember- emergency first aid and chest compressions may be the only intervention that would save a collapsed person’s life.
And that person may be your loved one.
Thank you.
And let me add that if at any point, the person is revived before the ambulance comes, if they cough or open their eyes, just stop the Chest Compressions.
LOOK for signs of life.
LISTEN for their breathing.
FEEL for the pulse on their neck.
If they are talking and breathing,
Stop the Chest Compressions.
Sit them up
Give no food or anything.
Wait for them to recover properly.
You may give some water.
But wait for an ambulance and ensure you get them to a hospital regardless, for proper medical evaluation and investigation of what happened.
And if you are someone like me who sometimes loves to watch videos to learn better- here is a video by the British Heart Foundation that explains exactly everything I’ve been saying.
Watch it here.
Please retweet this for people who learn more by videos.
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MKO ran for president in 1993.
He won fair and square, but he was denied.
He got locked up, accused of treason and died (?murdered) in jail.
Today 32years after his death,
The criminal traitorous military monster that annulled the 1993 elections, denied over 100million Nigerians their rightful leader, unleashed security forces killing over 100nigerians in the protests, an animal who should be languishing in jail if Nigeria was a sane country, he is today launching a worthless book and is being hailed as a “hero” and an “inspiration”.
How a despicable treasonous traitor who truncated a democracy and deprived a duly elected leader of his rightful office, is now rebranded as a some kind of a hero by the political establishment today tells you everything you need to know about this geographical skit called Nigeria.
A country with leaders that have zero honour, zero virtue, and zero values.
What a shame. What a disgrace.
And to think that some of the people in the presidency and in the political establishment today were people who were allies, friends, loyalists and foot soldiers of MKO back then.
Today, they are happily and shamelessly participating in a last-minute whitewashing of an unpatriotic treasonous criminal who unilaterally smashed the collective hopes of all Nigerians, deprived the people of their electoral wishes and infact unleashed security forces to murder over 100 of the citizens who protested.
You will think at least among thieves, there should be honour. But not to these current opportunists and shameless parasites in the political establishment today.
What a shame. What a horrifying disgrace.
One of the deepest problems with Nigeria as a country is a lack of deep rooted values, an absence of collective virtue, a shocking national amnesia, a willingness to celebrate criminals and a readiness to make heroes out of the most deplorable egregious crooks among us.
The 1993 elections was, and is, the fairest, the freest, and the most transparent election in the entire history of Nigeria.
That a deranged demon in military uniform can just casually decide to cancel the outcome and the results,
Yet he was never prosecuted, never investigated, never jailed, never punished, but he is now infact a “hero” to many politicians even though objectively this man is a disgusting unpatriotic criminal traitor, should tell you this is a morally broken country with a totally lost conscience.
Can we please stop comparing the lion to the tiger? A tiger is stronger, is heavier, is faster and more brutal than lions.
The lion is a fraudulent creature who paid influencers to call it “king of the jungle”. This overhyped wig-wearing fraud does NOT even live in the jungle.
Lions live mostly in grasslands, rocky hills and savannah. A lion can’t even hunt alone most times. They behave like nigerian cultists that need the support of their guys to attack a prey as a group.
Tigers on the other hand actually live in the jungle. A jungle is a dense forest with trees. You will almost never find a lion there. It’s too weak to live there.
And by the way, Tigers regularly hunt alone. Because guess what, contrary to the lies in LionKing and from paid influencers on social media 😂, the tiger is the actual king of the jungle.
Also, to whom it may concern;
The roaring sound in the movie LionKing (when the lion roars) belongs to a tiger.
That roar is the roar of a tiger.
Another evidence of fraud by lions.
One day, we will return the crown to the true king of the jungle- His Royal Highness Panthera Tigris.
The biggest de-marketer of Nigeria is the nigerian government. Not Kemi. Not Davido. Not you a random twitter user.
Hear me again and hear it clearly:
The biggest de-marketer of Nigeria is the nigerian government.
Anybody telling you anything else is just taking you for a fool.
A government that has officials who will fall sick and use stolen money to travel out for expensive healthcare abroad, who is de-marketing Nigeria in that instance?
Government officials can’t patronise nigerian hospitals because they know it’s a mismanaged underfunded death centre, so when they or their family fall sick, even for simple ear infections, they run abroad.
Pls who is de-marketing nigeria?
When the president wants to “relax”, he will pack his travelling bag and run to Paris. Not Obudu Cattle Ranch. Not Yankari Game reserve. Not any resort in Nigeria - to help promote the place.
He will run abroad and his cronies will tell their morons to hail such a decision.
While it is true that there may be some microbes and germs 🦠 in a public toilet, they usually can’t survive for long on cold hard surfaces of those toilets like we think.
As a matter of fact, the public toilet is not recognised as a common place for people to catch infections.
And for you to actually catch an infection from using a public toilet, you will need your vagina, anus or any other opening in the private part or a wound in your buttocks to directly touch the infected toilet seat- which while it is theoretically possible is quite very unlikely.
What this lady has is called “angioedema”. It is a form of allergic reaction.
This is the medical term for the sudden development of seemingly unexplained face swelling on the eyelid and/or lips after eating or being exposed to an allergic food/substance.
It is a potentially serious medical condition that left untreated or if it gets severe, it can kill the person.
To learn more, and know what to do:
pls repost and follow this thread/
What is angioedema?
Angioedema is a medical term that is used to describe sudden swelling that is most often caused by an allergic reaction.
It can affect different parts of the body.
This swelling can become very serious and life threatening if your throat becomes swollen and your breathing becomes affected. If nothing is done quickly, the person may be unable to breathe and die.
So what should you do?
What parts of the body can be affected by angioedema? Body parts most commonly affected include: 1. the face (especially the lips, tongue and eyelids) 2. It can also affect the hands, feet or sometimes even the genitals.
What should you do if someone has sudden swelling that you suspect may be angioedema? 1. DO NOT panic.
2. Sit them up.
3. Quickly get an antihistamine tablet and give them to take immediately. It can be chlorphenamine (piriton) 4mg or loratadine 10mg or cetirizine 10mg. They sell these tablets over the counter at any chemist or pharmacy. Get it straightway. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THEIR LIFE.
4. Take them to a hospital straightaway. This is because the doctor needs to check them over and assess them to know the exact cause and best line of treatment. Also, the doctor may need to offer additional treatment like oral steroids, nebulised medicine or fluid treatment into the vein.
5. IF the person cannot breathe well or they are turning blue or their breathing is very noisy or the neck/throat is swollen as well, pls call an ambulance immediately as that is a life threatening emergency. They could die within minutes if you do nothing.
If you have no access to an urgent ambulance, then get a car and rush them straight to the emergency room immediately.
How to to prevent ulcer attack:
•NO fizzy drink
•NO energy drink
•Cut down peppery food
•NO long fasting
•STOP smoking
•AVOID stress
•REDUCE coffee/tea
•NEVER use drugs known as NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, piroxicam)
An ulcer attack can kill.
RT. Pass it on.
Simple home remedy for ulcer pain:
•Sit up
•Take honey
•Cranberry juice
•Yoghurt and bananas
•Use 2paracetamol tabs
•AVOID NSAID drugs like diclofenac, ibuprofen, piroxicam
AVOID milk, alcohol, soft drinks, coffee,
NO fatty/fried/spicy foods.
If this fails, call a doctor.
An ulcer is like having a wound inside your tummy.
Now if this “wound” is not treated,
Just like a wound on your leg/hand,
The wound can get worse.
It can bleed heavily,
It can cause a hole in your tummy,
It can cause serious infection,