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Family Physician. Egalitarian. Libertarian. British-Nigerian. Apply logic. Defend human rights. Resist extremism/theocratic fascism. And critique govt excesses.
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Feb 20 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
MKO ran for president in 1993.
He won fair and square, but he was denied.
He got locked up, accused of treason and died (?murdered) in jail.

Today 32years after his death,
The criminal traitorous military monster that annulled the 1993 elections, denied over 100million Nigerians their rightful leader, unleashed security forces killing over 100nigerians in the protests, an animal who should be languishing in jail if Nigeria was a sane country, he is today launching a worthless book and is being hailed as a “hero” and an “inspiration”.

How a despicable treasonous traitor who truncated a democracy and deprived a duly elected leader of his rightful office, is now rebranded as a some kind of a hero by the political establishment today tells you everything you need to know about this geographical skit called Nigeria.

A country with leaders that have zero honour, zero virtue, and zero values.
What a shame. What a disgrace. And to think that some of the people in the presidency and in the political establishment today were people who were allies, friends, loyalists and foot soldiers of MKO back then.

Today, they are happily and shamelessly participating in a last-minute whitewashing of an unpatriotic treasonous criminal who unilaterally smashed the collective hopes of all Nigerians, deprived the people of their electoral wishes and infact unleashed security forces to murder over 100 of the citizens who protested.

You will think at least among thieves, there should be honour. But not to these current opportunists and shameless parasites in the political establishment today.

What a shame. What a horrifying disgrace.
Feb 18 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Can we please stop comparing the lion to the tiger? A tiger is stronger, is heavier, is faster and more brutal than lions.

The lion is a fraudulent creature who paid influencers to call it “king of the jungle”. This overhyped wig-wearing fraud does NOT even live in the jungle. Lions live mostly in grasslands, rocky hills and savannah. A lion can’t even hunt alone most times. They behave like nigerian cultists that need the support of their guys to attack a prey as a group.

Tigers on the other hand actually live in the jungle. A jungle is a dense forest with trees. You will almost never find a lion there. It’s too weak to live there.

And by the way, Tigers regularly hunt alone. Because guess what, contrary to the lies in LionKing and from paid influencers on social media 😂, the tiger is the actual king of the jungle.
Dec 14, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The biggest de-marketer of Nigeria is the nigerian government. Not Kemi. Not Davido. Not you a random twitter user.

Hear me again and hear it clearly:
The biggest de-marketer of Nigeria is the nigerian government.

Anybody telling you anything else is just taking you for a fool. A government that has officials who will fall sick and use stolen money to travel out for expensive healthcare abroad, who is de-marketing Nigeria in that instance?

Government officials can’t patronise nigerian hospitals because they know it’s a mismanaged underfunded death centre, so when they or their family fall sick, even for simple ear infections, they run abroad.
Pls who is de-marketing nigeria?
Nov 23, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
There is NOTHING like “Toilet Infection”. There is NO such medical diagnosis at all.

What people call “toilet infection” is usually a urine infection or an STD.

The chances of catching an infection strictly from using a toilet is almost zero.

“Toilet infection” DOES NOT exist. While it is true that there may be some microbes and germs 🦠 in a public toilet, they usually can’t survive for long on cold hard surfaces of those toilets like we think.

As a matter of fact, the public toilet is not recognised as a common place for people to catch infections.
Jun 10, 2024 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
What this lady has is called “angioedema”. It is a form of allergic reaction.

This is the medical term for the sudden development of seemingly unexplained face swelling on the eyelid and/or lips after eating or being exposed to an allergic food/substance.

It is a potentially serious medical condition that left untreated or if it gets severe, it can kill the person.

To learn more, and know what to do:
pls repost and follow this thread/Image
What is angioedema?
Angioedema is a medical term that is used to describe sudden swelling that is most often caused by an allergic reaction.

It can affect different parts of the body.

This swelling can become very serious and life threatening if your throat becomes swollen and your breathing becomes affected. If nothing is done quickly, the person may be unable to breathe and die.

So what should you do?
May 31, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
How to to prevent ulcer attack:
•NO fizzy drink
•NO energy drink
•Cut down peppery food
•NO long fasting
•STOP smoking
•AVOID stress
•REDUCE coffee/tea
•NEVER use drugs known as NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, piroxicam)

An ulcer attack can kill.
RT. Pass it on. Simple home remedy for ulcer pain:
•Sit up
•Take honey
•Cranberry juice
•Yoghurt and bananas
•Use 2paracetamol tabs
•AVOID NSAID drugs like diclofenac, ibuprofen, piroxicam

AVOID milk, alcohol, soft drinks, coffee,
NO fatty/fried/spicy foods.

If this fails, call a doctor.
Apr 10, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Someone drowned in a river.
He was rescued and taken to a mortuary without a doctor’s assessment- only to be found not to be dead.

Then from there he was taken for “rituals” before a river god.

This is “emergency response” offered by strangers to a victim of drowning in our country.

Imagine a drowning dying person being taken from mortuary to ritualists - when he should be in an ambulance to the emergency room of an equipped hospital.

Tomorrow someone will say it’s better to earn 200k in Nigeria than earn $2,000 in usa. Again, if you always only think about life in terms of money, you are very shortsighted and you can’t see the big picture. Availability of ambulance: Zero.
Knowledge of basic first aid: Zero.
Awareness of emergency response: Zero.

Everything about the story is saddening.
No emergency response. No urgent ambulance. No immediate medical attention.

No CPR knowledge.
No correct basic first aid done.
Jan 28, 2024 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Have you seen someone suddenly develop seemingly unexplained face swelling on their eyelid/lips?

This is medically called ANGIOEDEMA.

It is a potentially serious medical condition that left untreated or if it gets severe, it can kill.

To learn more,
pls repost and follow thread/Image
What is angioedema?
Angioedema is a medical term that is used to describe sudden swelling that is most often caused by an allergic reaction.

It can affect different parts of the body.

This swelling can become very serious and life threatening if your throat becomes swollen and your breathing becomes affected. If nothing is done quickly, the person may be unable to breathe and die.

So what should you do?Image
Dec 23, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Someone is just recovering from hangover of yesterday after many bottles and glasses of alcohol.

They will make a mistake of going into the shower to have a hot water bath.

Taking a hot water bath with alcohol in your system can make you drop dead.

Repost. Retweet. Help save a life. IF you have a hangover:
NEVER take a steambath or a hot shower.

Professional medical opinion is a combination of hot temperature with alcohol in your system can make your heart have an abnormal electrical activity which can lead to sudden death.

This is NOT a joke. Tell others.
Nov 30, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I just read the sad story of a Nigerian who came to uk employed by an agency to work as a carer for elderly people.

She was assigned to care for an elderly patient who was dying and she was reported for “praying for the client to get better”.

Yeah. She got sacked and deported. For those expressing shock at the sack and deportation, let me explain further.

As a health worker/carer in uk, it is unethical to involve religion or impose your religious views on patients/clients.

It’s seen as abuse of trust and misuse of your position. You are expected to simply do your job and focus on your job.
Jul 16, 2019 • 25 tweets • 9 min read
I watched this video over and over again with a lot of sadness.

Not many Nigerians know what to do when a person collapses.

Remember that the collapsed person can be you. Or your friend. Or partner. Or parents. Or even family.

So what do you do when someone collapses?
Thread/ A lot of people panic if a person collapses around them. And that’s because they don’t know what to do.

However, panicking doesn’t help.
Throwing your hands up and saying Eya does nothing for the victim.

You must learn how to do first aid
It may save the life of your loved one.