Are there ambulances outside every railway stn?
How long would it have taken for a stretcher to fetch this woman in labour?
How many personnel have been trained to handle critical situations on rly platforms?

A man once fell under a train. Nobody knew what to do. Because I had undergone #FirstAid training, I checked for his vital stats, under the train.
It was 15mins before authorities came.
A cop came in, probably of @rpfwr1 but he wouldn't lend me a hand. He only stopped people from crowding around me & the unconscious bleeding man
By then, 45mins had passed...
Anyway, the stretcher was pulled out, the train was allowed to leave & stretcher was carried to the platform. The man's hands were falling to his sides
What if the woman was in a critical condition? Would you have taken the onus for not addressing it?
You can pass the buck all you want. But honestly, even for your own individual lives:
Do you know how to carry an unconscious body?