There is time for everything in life; you need to properly manage every area of your life. If one aspect of your life is lacking, other parts would be affected.
As a child of God, you have been entitled to divine health. You can't be serving God and die prematurely. When that happens, something is wrong. Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10) #ChurchGRA#TheAdvantage#HealingandHealth#SundayService
God's word has guaranteed you health. He assures you that with long life will He satisfy you. (Psalms 91:16)
feeding on God's word empowers you to live and enforce your divine health.
Most illness inflicting people are linked with emotions. How you feel emotional can affect your health. Fix your emotions and healing will come. Also show love to those around you.
Your body is garbage in garbage out... Be careful with what you eat. Most health problems are linked with our mouth. Don't use your mouth to cause sickness for yourself.
Watch what you eat, balance diet should become a way of living. However don't take things to the extreme, moderation should be applied. (Pro 25:27) sweet things are the things that kill faster.
Physical exercise should be taken advantage of. Deliberately cultivate a culture of constantly engaging in physical exercise. Intentionally increase your foot counts per day.
Anger increases the pace of your heart. This can lead to numerous diseases, as much as you can, get rid of anger. When someone triggers you, give a 6 second break before you respond.
Self care is vital. Don't just over work the system, make out time to intentionally take care of your body. Don't destroy it with your mouth, emotions, habit, actions or in actions. Always care for this temple of God
Go for regular checks even if you feel fine. There are a lot of silent killers. Early detection is still the faster way to treat diseases. Receive grace to know the right things to do.
Welcome to service! 🙌 Today, we step into a realm of divine power to Enlarge Kingdom Frontiers! 🔥 Get ready for an encounter that will shift your destiny.
Ministering: Pastor Sam Ekomekido
Topic: Power to Enlarge the Kingdom Frontiers
Text: Psalms 84:11, Proverbs 4:18
#SundayService #ChurchGRA #ChurchGRAService #GraceAndGlory
To advance and enlarge God's Kingdom, it is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit.
One major characteristic of living things is growth. When you are not growing, then something is wrong. Anywhere you find things not working, it is time to seek the face of God's help.
1. Impatience. Seeking quick solutions. You need faith and patience to inherit the promise. 2. Ignorance of the help that come from God and consequences...
Good morning, welcome to God's Royal Assembly online platform. We are excited to fellowship and worship God with you this morning. Thanks for joining us!.
Now ministering is our Senior Pastor, @danayidu
Topic: All Round Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is the a state of being extremely productive or prolific (Gen 1:28). God desires that you be fruitful.
Five Areas God wants you to be Fruitful 1. Fruitfulness of your body: God doesn't desire any of His children to be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)
God wants you to be fruitful in your body.