I am glad that @ewarren said she was sorry today for the the harm that she caused, but without her using her platform and power to repair that harm the apology falls flat. What does she need to do next? I'm gonna get specific... #THREAD
Warren has perpetuated misinformation about Cherokee identity that directly undermines tribal sovereignty. Her "apology" didnt set the record straight, bc most ppl still think she has a Cherokee ancestor, the DNA test proved it, and White ppl claiming to be Cherokee need no proof
Here is what she said today:
“I know I’ve made mistakes. I am sorry for the harm that I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot.”
Here's what she needs to say:
"I was told a story as a child that my family had a Cherokee ancestor. I now know that story is not true. I am not Native American, I am not "part Cherokee" and my family is not Cherokee. My family and I are White.
In October of 2018 I took a DNA test to try and prove that my family's story was true. The DNA test proved nothing, because only tribal affiliation and kinship prove Cherokee identity, not race or biology. Equating Cherokee identity with the results of a DNA test is wrong.
It was not only my fault, but my privilege to never question what my parents told me. Research on my genealogy going back over 150 years does not reveal a single Native ancestor. Like many people who grew up with such stories, mine was never true.
Native Nations are not relics of the past, but active, contemporary, and distinct political groups who are still fighting for recognition and sovereignty within the United States. Those of us who falsely claim Native identity undermine this fight.
I will continue to use my platform to support Native issues and policies. And I will continue to correct any stereotypes and misinformation about Native identity that I helped promote."
See the difference? One names and then addresses the harm caused and one, well, doesn't.
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(1/6) Why the federal funding chaos disproportionately affects Native Americans:
(2/6) The Trump layoffs, funding freezes and executive orders disproportionately affect tribes. Tribes rely on federal funding to administer healthcare, schools, food programs, police departments and more.
(3/6) This funding isn’t welfare or a handout. It is a treaty right, enshrined in our constitution as the “supreme law of the land”. In exchange for billions of acres, tribes received assurances the U.S. would provide things like food or education.
(1/x) So much of what is happening in our present stems from what we have not resolved in our past.
(2/x) In our self-conception, America is a beacon of democracy for the rest of the world. Even when our founding sins are recognized, we like to believe things have gotten better. The story we tell ourselves is one of progress. In reality, our government committed genocide.
(3/x) It has never reformed itself or changed its laws to prevent such atrocities from happening again.
So now, when our government wants to ban Muslims from entering our country, suspend the international rules of war to fight terror, detain enemy combatants indefinitely, put...
(1/x) I keep seeing ppl look abroad for political leaders to compare Trump with and find lessons from. All the ingredients of a Trump presidency are right here in the U.S. We need look no further than our own backyard. In 1828, President Andrew Jackson was elected on...
(2/x) top of a wave of populism. In his campaign, he claimed the 1824 election, which he lost to John Quincy Adams, was stolen. Jackson’s signature policy was the removal of Indigenous nations from the territorial limits of the United States; a racist policy of ethnic cleansing.
(3/x) A huge protest movement sprang forth to try and stop Jackson’s plan; it included the largest petition drive in US history and the first national political action organized by women. The debate over the future and wellbeing of Indigenous nations polarized the country and...
There's no FDA approved treatment for Long Covid, but a proposed bill to fund research could close some crucial gaps. Long Covid is a hell I would not wish on anyone. For me, it was followed by the hell of trying to access care. motherjones.com/politics/2024/…
When I initially got Long Covid, I was not able to work and barely left the house. I had been treated for migraines and concussion-like symptoms, but not Long Covid and decided I wanted to get into a specialty clinic. I had no idea how hard that would be.
There is not a clinic that serves long Covid patients in the state where I live, Oklahoma. When I googled “Long Covid clinic” the first two links were broken.
After some cringe-worthy coverage from non-Native outlets, here is a run down of Native journalists covering last week’s #scotus oral arguments in Haaland v #Brackeen.
.@180099native hosted an analysis and reflection on the oral arguments with Matthew Fletcher (Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians), Suzette Brewer (citizen of the Cherokee Nation), and Dr. Sarah Kastelic (Alutiiq)
During the #SCOTUS oral argument in #Brackeen several Justices seemed to think #ICWA takes Native children from foster parents they attached to & that’s bad.
So here’s a list of every time the foster parents in this case moved a foster kid or fought for a kid to be moved:
We’ll start with the Brackeens.
The first child they ever fostered was not an ICWA case bc the kid was not Native. After 5 months, they asked CPS to take the child back bc the 3 yr old was “difficult” and “suffocating”.
In 2019, when the Brackeens fought for and got custody of YRJ the child was a year old. She had been raised the first year of her life by a different Texas foster family, who was willing to adopt her. At the time they got custody, she was not being raised by the Brackeens.