In a world in which there are men and women who do not know to which sex they belong, it should not be surprising that there are corporate CEOs who do not know for whom they work.
Just yesterday (08/19/19), the CEOs of 181 major corporations agreed that they no longer work simply for their stockholders but also for their “stakeholders,” i.e., for everyone affected by their companies. (See
It’s difficult to believe that so many CEOs know so little about economics that they don’t know that in a free market producing for the profit of their stockholders in and of itself implies producing for the benefit of everyone.
To have customers, you have to produce for their benefit. In fact, you have to give them more benefit for every dollar they spend on your products than they can find anywhere else for those dollars. If you don’t, then they spend them somewhere else.
To have workers, you have to give them more benefit than they can find working anywhere else. If you don’t, they leave you.
Prosperous businesses employing large numbers of workers at competitive wages is the foundation of prosperous towns and cities.
Economic competition in quest of profits operates to the benefit of everyone. It’s actually the mechanism for organizing the process of voluntary social cooperation that is at the heart of the economic system.
(For a full explanation of the benefit of competition, allowing for the fact that people can lose their jobs because of it, see ch. 9 of my book Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics.)
What is so significant about the statement of the CEOs is that it shows to what extent America’s intellectual heritage of the right to the pursuit of happiness (which includes the pursuit of profit) has rotted away and been replaced by a mentality ripe for socialism.
We must keep in mind that as the arbitrary power of the state has grown, businessmen have been put in a position more and more resembling that of hostages held by terrorists.
They are at the point where they attempt to anticipate the wishes of their masters and seek to gratify their masters without being ordered. This also helps to explain their agreement to the document concerning “stakeholders.”
I think it also helps to explain the preference of several major auto companies for the more stringent mileage regulations of California over those proposed by the Trump Administration.
They expect that California’s regulations will ultimately prevail and are afraid to be remembered as “obstructionists” when that time comes.
Finally, we are living in a reign of fear not only with respect to the government itself but also with respect to any private group that can create enough of a social commotion as to threaten possible government action against one, irrespective of the matter.
In this category falls the destruction of careers based on mere accusations, often anonymous and sometimes dating from the last century. The victims of such accusations are regarded as “hot potatoes,” that cannot be touched without danger of getting burned oneself.
It will take a very long time to change this environment. To start changing it, it’s necessary to read and study the works of Mises, Rand, and Reisman. People need to understand how and why socialism is evil and capitalism is good. That essential is what these works demonstrate.
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WARNING: Now and then there is talk of using “lockdowns” as a means of combatting climate change. If this were to happen, the next step would be mass extermination. Those “locked down” [up], would be forcibly prevented from contributing anything to the economic system except CO2.
They could not help but be viewed as constituting a class of destructive parasites. The Left’s logic already implies that billions should be slaughtered, especially where prosperity and thus CO2 emissions are greatest.
To the Left, such lockdowns would make the case for mass murder seem irresistible. The Left, with all of its alleged “Love,” is nothing but a swarm of little murderous monsters waiting for an excuse. They will make Hitler and Stalin seem small by comparison. Keep your guns!
Columbus Day, which this year marks the 528th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of America, is tomorrow.
Everyone who identifies himself as a member of Western Civilization should acknowledge the greatness of Columbus. He brought the Western Hemisphere into the orbit of Western Civilization and thereby correspondingly increased the civilized area of the earth’s surface.
Here's my preference: I prefer global warming and rising sea levels to socialism and a life of deprivation and poverty..
I prefer my car, my A/C, refrigerator, and all the other goods that fossil fuels make possible to holding down the global mean temperature a few degrees over the course of centuries. I have the same preference vis-a-vis a 50-100 foot rise in sea levels over 500-1000 years.
Capitalism can handle such problems, with minimal loss of human life. Against a backdrop of continuing economic progress, history will barely notice them.
The purpose of my life is my own happiness. It is not to serve as a conscript in anyone’s cockamamie scheme to “bend a curve,” hold back the seas, or hold down the mean temperature of the globe.
That is government central planning, which violates my individual right to plan and pursue my own goals, i.e., my right to the pursuit of my own happiness.
I, and everyone else, engages in individual economic planning that is aimed at making us happier, which often means, making us richer. Our individual plans are harmonized, coordinated, and integrated by the price system. (See chaps. 6-8 of my Capitalism for details.)
Kamala Harris praises BLM, says ongoing protests are 'essential' for change in US
A vote for Biden and Harris (who will likely become President sometime in Biden’s term) is a vote for the black equivalent of the KKK and continuing rioting in the streets.
"Peaceful protests" for Biden and Harris include throwing Molotov cocktails, smashing windows and looting stores, and beating, terrorizing, and killing people, especially police officers.
Irresponsible Reporting Causes Needless Outrage Two Times Over
The Breonna Taylor case in Louisville, KY is an example of today’s media doing such an irresponsible job of reporting, that the result is needless outrage, followed by rioting and destruction, two times over.
First, the media allege, and then repeat ad nauseam, heinous crimes committed by the police, ignoring such major facts as were the police acting without cause or in self-defense?