Good morning 🦚 - my finance world 🌎 (traders, investors, economists, & people that love Asian macro) just joined forces w/ the academic world @natixis , @NatixisResearch & @CarnegieEndow 🥰💪🏻
On the macro front, Indonesia 🇮🇩 CB decision & flash PMIs today. So excited 🤗🤓🥳 !
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow Australia prelim for services moved into contraction of 49.2 from 52.3 & composite goes below 50. For Japan, manu stayed negative at 49.5 w/ some stabilization while services picked up, likely a pre VAT tax hike boost. EU flashes are key for Asian exporters but exps are subdued😬
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow For those outside of finance, may seem strange that people are so obsessed w/ a central bank decision - in this case we have Indonesia today (consensus a hold; current rate 5.75%). While Indonesia capital market is shallow (by that we mean credit/gdp low ~30%), rates matter. Why?
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow#Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world & that population is only rising. But Indonesia is an archipelagos (thousands of island) & there's massive diversity. GDP/capital in Jakarta is ~4 times the national average. Urbanization rates will 📈so a lot of people 👇🏻
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow What do these people striving for a better life need? Well, infrastructure (roads, railways, subways, ports & airways b/c Indonesia has lots of islands). Jakarta is notoriously jammed packed & that reducesproductivity & will only get WORSE! So need to BUILD INFRASTRUCTURE 🤗
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow But how to build? Infrastructure is a great sector in that it has stable cash flow. But it also requires LONG-TERM INVESTMENT, usually only at the state level can you truly fund NATIONAL development. So there lies the rub.
To build, u need $, or to put another way, financers👈🏻
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow Can Indonesia fund its own infrastructure building? No. It has a fiscal deficit & the government says cap is 3% of GDP & the latest budget shows it chooses fiscal prudence. Ok, so how? Well, other actors like SOEs (doesn't show up on deficit but gov debt) &YOU (FOREIGN INVESTORS)
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow Look at the chart below & how u loop it back to central banks & interest rates & why spending your life staring at the price of $ & bond prices can be a noble profession😇. Indonesia's interest expense payment is LARGE as a share of total expenditure & roughly 2% of GDP. So what?
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow It means that in the afternoon, the central bank'll have to decide whether to LOWER THAT INTEREST EXPENSE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OR NOT. Obviously this impacts everyone (private sector too). Key here is that the role of the central bank in easing the interest expense burden for gov🤗
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow The question for Indonesia is not whether but when the central bank'll have to step in to ✂️ rates. Fiscal space is very limited & with the amount of building they have to do, rate cuts needed. Why do they hesitate? Not about inflation but the Fed & worried about risk-aversion.
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow When someone asks you what u do for a living, instead of saying I'm in finance, why don't u say this for a change (said this yesterday at the FCC & journalists laughed, in a good way of course🤗): We finance EM Asia development. Roads, ports, etc w/ our investment in EM 😇😉👌🏻
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow Indonesia is mulling corporate income tax cut from 25% to 20%. Likely to reduce already very low tax revenue ratio (% of GDP). This begs the question, how is it going to FUND infra? Indonesia, like China & other EM, derives MOST tax rev from indirect taxation (VAT, import duties)
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow Taxes: DIRECT (corp income, which is a ratio of economic activity & tends to be considered PROGRESSIVE (pay as much as u earn & target higher income); & INDIRECT (VAT etc) & considered REGRESSIVE as poorer people have less disposable income. EM goes for INDIRECT-easier to enforce
@natixis@NatixisResearch@CarnegieEndow This is flagged in earlier Tweets of mine on the GLOBAL CONSEQUENCE OF US TAX REFORMS, which will PUSH DOWNWARD PRESSURE ON REST OF THE WORLD FISCAL, esp EM that wants to retain & attract investment. A paper by the IMF below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
President Trump was inaugurated and the big question is to whom tariffs will be applied, not whether. Markets priced 8-9% tariffs on world before inauguration & so the dollar softened as he did not do this on Day 1.
But rest assure, it's coming. Let's talk about consequences through answering 3 key questions.
First, I talked about tariffs here on this thread if you didn't read before () & this is a follow-up.
Question #1: Who is most vulnerable to Trump 10% tariff to the world in Asia?
First, I want to talk about a few ideas that was talked about in the previous thread on impact of tariffs.
One is of course tariff level. He says 10% higher so that's our assumption here. Second, elasticity of demand assumption, which I took as 4, which is basically from the literature and also from the Fed paper.
Anyway, to think about impact on GDP, you have to think how big of a trader they are anyway in terms of exports to the US.
Chart 3 shows you that exports to the US is the highest for Vietnam & lowest for Australia, Indonesia and India.
Chart 2 shows you that what is the manufacturing share of GDP an the highest is Taiwan, China, Thailand, Vietnam & Malaysia. Lowest is Australia and India.
Okay, yesterday, you had China rocking global trade with a USD1trn merchandise trade surplus, but by Friday (17th), we'll get news that China industrial profits are FALLING for a 3rd year in row.
What's going on? How does this work? And finally, what does it mean for the rest of the world?
Let's look at China industrial profits for 2024 from Jan to November.
It's down -4.5% & in 2023 it was down & in 2022 it was down.
Fine, but not all sectors experienced decline. These are the sectors with some profit: food manufacturing, textile, tobacco, furniture manufacturing, electricity, waste, and basically a few sectors kind of not that negative or flat - general equipment.
Sorry, meant to write a longer thread but had to go! Long story short, China is experiencing a balance sheet recession and with a few sectors growing so all that savings is being channeled to it.
That means reduced profits and which means to make more money it has to sell outward & thus that translates to profits being squeezed increasingly abroad too as it gains market share.
You can see that in the export data where exports grow but imports not so much. In Germany's case, it's losing out of both ability to export to China (Chinese imports of German stuff decline) & also China selling more of its goods in Germany.
But that is not all. The Germans are likely facing competition in third markets too.
And replace Germans with others like Japan, South Korea, and of course even not big traders like Indonesia.
So China's problem of weakening profits is global.
First, let's talk about the losers, as in DECLINE IN CHINA IMPORTS.
Germany saw imports from China decline by -10.7%, followed by France (-5.9%) and then Italy (-3.2%). Meaning, the Dutch still got something China want (ASLM chip making machine) but others saw decline of goods.
To add salt to injury, not only is Europe losing market share in China, Chinese goods have RISEN in Europe in nominal term or exports rose to 516bn.
But that's just Europe. It likely also lost out in other markets too, but the US. Europe gained US market share.
Who else lost out in LESS CHINESE IMPORTS (contraction in nominal term)??? Well, Thailand, which is a -5.2% contraction, Indonesia too! -4% (Chinese demand weak so commodity weak = less imports) And Japan -2.6% and also Australia -10% (Chinese demand weak so less demand for commodity etc)
And of course India at -3%. India is an interesting case because it loses in EXPORT TO CHINA BUT China has managed to export more and so India got a pretty large deficit with China at more than -100bn.
It is a beautiful day in HK. I’m at lunch, well, waiting for my bff at a wonderful Italian place called Cantina (next door was our wedding reception 5 yrs ago) & opened up my fav pink paper & the FT Big Read was Ursula choking Europe with regulations (she also chairs a paper that also supposed give her more money to deregulate). There lies the rub. Can u let the person who has led Europe down this rabbit hole be the person to lead it out of it? Some pics from my walk from home to lunch. Hong Kong 🇭🇰 is lovely, best time to visit is October, November & December.
“Inflexible EU rules set Europe’s car 🚗 industry for failure” says critics according to the paper.
“Conservatives & far-right lawmakers accuse the bloc’s ambitious green & digital agendas of punishing citizens & businesses.”
Interesting the definition of conservative & far-right. But irrespective, you can see the results.
She & Draghi chaired a report that says the EU is uncompetitive & too regulated & strangled. Behind.
Okay, but who has been in charge?
Not the conservative & far-right. Ursula has been in charge. All along.
So if we have to measure her performance with, well, outcome, then what is the score card? She said it herself in the report.
The RBI just cut the cash rate by 50bps and kept the policy rate on hold at 6.5% as slowing government spending and a weakening manufacturing sector is dragging down GDP growth.
This is my short thread on examining the India-Japan investment and trade relationship & why they haven't changed much in 10 years despite India being a big domestic demand market that Japan needs.
I argue that this is symptomatic of what is happening to Indian firms themselves. They find it hard to scale and leverage the labor endowments the country has.
How do we change this? Well, by changing the norms of thinking that the government needs to micro manage everything. It should set framework but let Indian private sector flourish.
Let's go.
First, what is the India Japan relationship? Well, it's getting better but remains SMALL relative to the ASEAN Japan (Vietnam Japan for example). Japan investment to India despite India being a huge domestic demand market that is super complementary to Japan weak demographic trends is at 4% of total. Look at ASEAN. Yes, at peak around 28% and settling about 24% of total.
India is a ginormous market. So why growing just from 2 to 4% of total???
Now let's look at Japan imports from India - it basically remains flat at a small level of 1% of total. Meanwhile, imports from China is 22% and ASEAN 15%.
So Japanese FDI to India has increased to 4% of total but imports remain small.
Basically this relationship remains small and has a lot of scope to grow.
I'm going to Delhi this Thursday for the India Japan Conference. Excited to go. The key thing I will emphasize while India is how much India needs manufacturing.
The contraction of manufacturing in Q3 2024 led to sharp slowdown of GDP to 5.4%YoY.
India needs manufacturing not just for cyclical growth but social stability. There is no way you can absorb that many people from the rural sector without manufacturing.
The government needs to put all its effort behind this. Manufacturing is the future. It is an essential ingredient to growth.
Why? Because we still live in a material world. How do I know? India has about USD100bn deficit with China in manufactured goods.
Shared my views in this documentary:
My op-ed on India jobs & manufacturing and why there must be more emphasis on manufacturing: