#Thread Why President Trump Should End Birthright Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants:
First we begin with the brilliant @KrisKobach1787 in 2011 on the O'Reily Factor, laying out the legal case to End Birthright Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants 1/
"The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity — historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically." - Michael Anton 2/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/citiz…
"Some will argue that the Supreme Court has already settled this issue, establishing birthright citizenship in United States v. Wong Kim Ark. But this is wrong. The court has ruled only that children of LEGAL residents are citizens." - Michael Anton 3/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/citiz…
"Practically, birthright citizenship is, as Erler put it, 'a great magnet for illegal immigration.'"
"Fly to the United States to have your baby, and its silly government will give him or her American citizenship!" -Michael Anton 4/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/citiz…
"It is no wonder that citizens of other countries take advantage of our foolishness."
"The wonder is that we Americans continue to allow our laws to be flouted and our citizenship debased." - Michael Anton 5/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/citiz…
"An executive order could specify to federal agencies that the children of noncitizens are not citizens."
"Why shouldn’t @POTUS act to defend the clear meaning of the 14th Amendment?"
.@AnnCoulter on Birthright Citizenship: "Any President or Congress could simply state that children born to illegal aliens are not citizens. If only we had a President or Congress that would do so." 7/ thehill.com/opinion/immigr…
President @realDonaldTrump on Birthright Citizenship earlier this year: "They have a baby on our land, the baby becomes a citizen...and then the parents come in with the baby because the baby is a citizen, this is like crazy.”
We agree! End it! 8/
.@anncoulter and @DennisPrager with a fantastic discussion on Birthright Citizenship and the Supreme Court. 9/
@RepThomasMassie Grills AG Garland For Refusing To Answer Questions About Government Assets On January 6th And The Mysterious Misdemeanor Charge For Ray Epps
"Isn't that a wonderful coincidence? On a misdemeanor! Meanwhile you're sending grandmas to prison! You're putting people away for 20 years for merely filming, some people weren't even there! Yet you've got the guy on video who is saying go into the Capitol, he's directing people to the Capitol before the speech ends, he's at the site of the first breach, you've got all the goods on him, ten videos, and it's an indictment for a misdemeanor?!"
White people should pay very close attention to how the Left and the Mainstream Media are reacting to the SCOTUS Affirmative Action decision.
These people never wanted to end racial discrimination. They have always wanted to punish white people for the benefit of their own… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Today is a good day, and this grotesque looting operation is being more and more exposed every day.
But this is only the beginning.
There are still plenty of Anti-White policies that exist out there that must be dismantled and the foundations they were built on permanently… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…