Most kids on campus go there with the goal of getting an education, not being a soldier in the culture wars.
They know (correctly) that woke admins and students have 1 million ways to get back at they just knuckle under.
"Courage" CAN'T be a requirement to be a con.
I've told this story a lot, but the campus mob came for me in 2013...weeks before I graduate... for "climate denial" (aka being pro nuclear) and anti-Soviet Union.
I'd said on my personal FB that USSR killed more people than the Nazis.
That was ALL it took.
My accuser claimed this was equal 2 Holocaust denial.
The chair of disciplinary committee kangaroo court (who happened to be father of accuser, because of course) agreed.
The PUBLIC accusation below was on my personal FB wall while I was under consideration by grad schools.
I only won my "legal" fight because the accuser got stupid and took a swing at me in front of witnesses, then moronically emailed me a threat.
Quite frankly, if they'd been more competent, I'd probably have been disciplined.
And the mere accusation had a major cost for me.
BC, what kind of grad program would accept a person who their classmates are accusing of something like that.
The whole experience made me the conservative I am today. But I wouldn't wish it on it was an unbelievably stressful couple of weeks.
The worst thing was that my accuser KNEW the accusation he was making was total BS. He said so to me multiple times.
The facts were 100% on my side and I had them well documented because I was a fervent reader of the @NRO and I knew that's was smart move.
I STILL almost lost.
I've worked for a LOT of great organizations like CFG and The Caller.
The accuser is still out to get me (I wouldn't be shocked if he responds to this) and made accusation to employers before.
Basically, this means I can only safely work for con groups who will hear me out.
What I know is that I was "courageous" 6 years ago when the Libs came for me. It still costs me.
There is not a lack of courage in the conservative world. There is a lack of support for it in both corporate/social America.
As PM says, the people who attack us have no limits. They have no guardrails. They gleefully destroyed @KyleKashuv's academic career, for no reason other than that he was on the wrong side of the political debate.
As PM says, these people are trying to make it so the "smart move" is "don't be a conservative.
If Kashuv had never spoken out, he’d be attending Harvard freshman orientation right now.
If you want to be anything other than politics, the "smart move" is "don't show courage." The risk is too high, the stakes are to big.
It will only cost you.
In the end of my case, I "won" and got the campus equivalent of a restraining order against my accuser.
But it was a Pyrrhic victory at best and I'll likely never know how much I lost.
And the worst part story is FAR from the worst I've heard from talking to young cons
From what I hear, it's gotten much worse.
One of my interns was doxxed just for joining the CRs.
At the 5 min mark in this, Oliver wines that Musk (correctly) said "I've done more for envrio than any single human on early" which Oliver calls "Messianic."
I'd call that...accurate.
And I say that as a person with a track record of Elon skepticism! I was wrong!
I was once told by an NSF grant guy that the ENTIRE Western United States from CA Texas should be a "national science park" and people living there relocated to "more ecologically friendly" cities.
A senior professor (who I know darn well will read this) once blew up at me for questioning the importance of "diversity in geochronology."
I later learned he...the whitest dude in America...was having research funded by a diversity grant by having a poor RA act as a front.
Another senior professor once showed my class pics of fracking site where trees had been cut down 2 ominously predict "u can't think there won't be ecological consequences."
When I, being me, asked him 2 Google "lithium mine" looked like, he panicky responded "that's different."
This is why calling for GOP protests in major cities is such a dumb move.
Wokes largely OWN those places and will use any excuse to wreck even the most peaceful protest, then tie up our activists in court for years using taxpayer cash.
We're not left and they can do different things...they've spent decades building up protest infrastructure and we haven't. That isn't getting fixed by Tuesday.
Instead of LARPing like ur a leftie, do something more productive.
What every single person reading this CAN do that'd be productive is research and telling others just how awful these left wing DAs are.
Bragg, who is allegedly about to indict Trump, is infamous for making it policy to let lifelong criminals walk.
The inability of CRT advocates to understand numbers...and willingness to flat out LIE about numbers to make them sound bigger and more impressive... is pretty much entirely unique to adherents of Critical Race Theory.
Similarly, the "Blue states pay more taxes" thing is a flat out lie...
In order to even claim its close to true, you have to ACTIVELY EXCLUDE the SALT DEDUCTION! And this is AFTER the cap!
Which you'll note CA gets ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more benefit from than other states.
Now, since Libs are illiterate re more than math, a SALT deduction is a federal tax subsidy for high-tax CA and MA...allowing them to write off a portion of their state taxes at the cost of federal taxpayers.