Andrew Follett Profile picture
Senior Analyst @club4growth. Views my own, not CFGs. RT/like =/= endorse. Sometimes @NRO. Former DOE, NASA, House Science & @DailyCaller 'Celebrity Scientist'
7 subscribers
Feb 18 23 tweets 7 min read
John Oliver is back ranting about Trump...doing exactly what he promised...on @LastWeekTonight so its time for another #OliverDebunked here… Oliver begins at 0:26 complaining about Trump withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and WHO.

Never mentions WHY Trump is doing those things

The Paris Agreement is a treaty...Biden wanted to join it and didn't get consent of two-thirds of Senate. Trump left it Image
Dec 18, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read
This is the most obvious attempt to bait @elonmusk I've seen in a while, but since I'm always here for #OliverDebunked I'll look into it.

As usual, Oliver is almost hilariously dishonest. First off, I'd just like to say that I've been doing this for...a while...with Oliver.

I started after realizing that whenever Oliver covers a topic I know anything about he's mindbendingly dishonest. Not dumb, lying.
Apr 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The following are true stories:

I was once told by an NSF grant guy that the ENTIRE Western United States from CA Texas should be a "national science park" and people living there relocated to "more ecologically friendly" cities.

He didn't understand my problem with that. A senior professor (who I know darn well will read this) once blew up at me for questioning the importance of "diversity in geochronology."

I later learned he...the whitest dude in America...was having research funded by a diversity grant by having a poor RA act as a front.
Mar 19, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
This is why calling for GOP protests in major cities is such a dumb move.

Wokes largely OWN those places and will use any excuse to wreck even the most peaceful protest, then tie up our activists in court for years using taxpayer cash.

Is this unfair? YES! But that's reality. Stop mimicking what you think the left would do.

We're not left and they can do different things...they've spent decades building up protest infrastructure and we haven't. That isn't getting fixed by Tuesday.

Instead of LARPing like ur a leftie, do something more productive.
Jan 25, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
I know I'm late to party here...

According to Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to New World and 10.7 million survived Middle Passage.

12.5 million minus 10.7 million is...1.8 million....almost 40 times LESS than what this guy claims. Of the 10.7 million Africans moved during the Trans-Atlantic Slave many were shipped to North America (which includes Haiti and Jamica)

Only about 388,000.

That’s right: about 1 in 28....or around 3 percent!……
Dec 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I see Libs sharing this flat out false "blue states pay for everything" meme a lot.

Libs only repeat this bc they're mathematically illiterate.

California is the poorest state in the Union...worse than Alabama or WV. Its not even close. Big =/= rich… Similarly, the "Blue states pay more taxes" thing is a flat out lie...

In order to even claim its close to true, you have to ACTIVELY EXCLUDE the SALT DEDUCTION! And this is AFTER the cap!

Which you'll note CA gets ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more benefit from than other states.
Dec 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Quake was at the juncture of Cascadia and Juan de Fuca plates...quite frankly we are lucky it was so relatively weak.

Pacific Northwest is a timebomb for a 9.0+ quake (so 2011 Japan level) 37% chance of it in next 50 years… A devastating mega-quake occurs there once every 240 years or so, according to USGS…

The last one occurred in 1700...322 years ago. There's records of the associated tsunami HITTING JAPAN.…
Nov 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If I was in AZ, I'd have voted for Lake. But sadly its over. The time for these challenges was weeks ago.

Its very simple, sadly, no judge is going to overturn an election at this stage.


No matter how much sketchy stuff went down. At this point her legal team could be led by a grizzled old Yale JD with an eye patch and a raven who sits on his shoulder & the raven also has an eye patch and is partner @ SullCrom...and u'd still get exact same result.

No judge will "overturn" an election at this point.
Nov 23, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
I actually grew up very close to that Walmart...went to High School about 15 minutes driveaway.

I've been to it many many times. Its a horrendous tragedy.

And anyone who is using this tragedy to advance a political agenda while the bodies are still warm is sick. I didn’t want to post about this, because frankly, it is exhausting and its personal. I’ve been having this exact same argument for my entire adult life.

Here's some evidence to debunk the inevitable nonsense the media will spew.

Nov 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Ok, this is so dishonest I've got to address it.

Let's assume Q Club attacker was grandson of this Lame Duck minor politician.

Libs are claiming that Voepel somehow got his grandson off of bomb threat/kidnapping HIS DAUGHTER!

That's the dumbest conspiracy theory ever! The Statehouse, State Sen, Attorney General, and Gov. of Colorado where mass shooting happened = ALL Dems.

Rather than blame people ACTUALLY IN CHARGE of state, Libs are generating conspiracy theories.

Logically, assemblyman would WANT 2 PUNISH attacker for kidnapping daughter!
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is must watch...

The Democrat's second biggest donor was flat out gambling his customer's money and giving the proceeds to Dems.

This was "spectacularly illegal."

The FTX Disaster is Deeper Than you Think via @YouTube Its important to remember that Dems and their media buddies totally enabled this guy stealing his customer's money and are flat out trying to write the regulations governing the company.
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
This is a full on and flat out lie by @guzman4virginia.

There's two possibilities.

1: She didn't even attempt to read the standards and is 2 lazy 2 do her job.

2: She did read the standards but thinks her constituents are 2 stupid 2 check them. Again, this isn't hard to find.

The thing Guzman is claiming isn't in the standards literally is..and it starts in Kindergarten.

Nov 12, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
VERY basic primer on post elections vote counts and sketchiness...

It matters both where votes are coming from, what types of votes are coming, the rate they're coming at, and if there's a "good reason" for the delay. Rural areas are often a bit slower for good reason (it's naturally more difficult to collate ballots in that kind of environment) and the count has steadily increased and parts of NV had a lot of drop offs on election day.
Nov 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It looks like Nevada Senate race will come down to the ability to "fix errors" in ballots (that's what curing a ballot is.)

Local officials will notify voters of errors and the voters have till next Tuesday to fix it.

Use THIS LINK if u live in NV!… Image This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

These errors are things that ur allowed to fix retroactively.

A registered NV voter can view status of their ballot using the link.

If u voted in NV, CHECK THIS LINK to see if your vote counted and "View My Existing" Image
Nov 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A lot of journos are claiming that the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi is right wing based on his blog...but that's an OBVIOUS hoax!

It was literally updated 5 hours ago from Alabama! It says so right on the whois website!

How'd he do that if he's in custody? Don't take my word for this.…

Check it yourself.
Oct 15, 2022 37 tweets 10 min read
For what feels like the 500th time...The Electoral College is ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD...and the folks who criticize it basically never do it honestly.

That's exactly what's happening here.

Maybe your just not looking for actual pro-EC arguments. Yes, I have to say this a lot.

Oct 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is what we're up against.

Doctors exploiting vulnerable children who aren adequately informed for profit.

Docs should be criminally liable for "child mutilation."

Or AT LEAST be civilly liable 2patient who regrets the procedure. If regret is rare, shouldn't be a problem A plan for @GovernorVA

1: Medical licensing is handled at the state level, pill mill style docs promote transitioning children should lose their license.
Oct 13, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
This is HILARIOUSLY untrue.

The most violent society ever detected in the archeological record was an indigenous American societies. Image The weird left-wing defense of tribal societies...which were VERY because this is what almost every Lib today actually wants to be seen as the savior of the oppressed.

And that requires ignoring that the "oppressed" were REALLY violent.
Sep 30, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
In the last month since Biden's "Republicans are a dangerous threat to America speech:"

NM GOP Gov nominee @MarkRonchettiNM's home window was shot out…

TX Two staffers for GOP @GregAbbott_TX were violently assaulted.… MI 84-year-old pro-life volunteer passing out info shot in the back…

FL-13 GOP congressional @VoteAPL has tires slashed and window smashed

Sep 28, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
This is...of course...objectively untrue that major storms will increase in absolute number. Major storms are a function of total storms and will be reduced in absolute #.

But environmentalists sadly very little regard for the truth of science. ImageImage See, major hurricanes need a VERY special set of conditions to develop...conditions which warming will make rarer.

Just how much rarer can be debated. But fewer total storms = fewer major storms too in absolute numbers, bc there's fewer "shots" 2 become major.
Sep 25, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Teaching my kids early the truth that Communist tanks were overrated trash at the #AmericansInWartimeExperience ImageImage Kids enjoying using the VASTLY superior American and Polish equipment. ImageImage