I’m really goddamn sick & tired of ignorant fools passing shit like around claiming Bernie has ever done anything except help Bernie. So let’s take this apart shall we?
You’re giving 100% credit to Bernie on minimum wage increases- yet there’s only been one piece of legislation that has ever been passed on this subject & that was written by Lacy Clay & passes the house
Bernie is a senator. He introduced the Stop Bezos Act last year & it’s never been voted on. So numbers 2,3 & 5 are complete bullshit & had nothing to do with Bernie Sanders
THE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER AND PRIMARY CARE WORKFORCE EXPANSION ACT OF 2019 that’s what you’re talking about in # 1. It’s an addendum to what’s already in the ACA (which Bernie wants to get rid of) & it was sponsored by Clyburn, co sponsored by Bernie
Also co-sponsored by Harris, Gillibrand & Warren. It hasn’t gone to vote yet & won’t if not done before September 30
# 4 is wacky town- because IBM did away with pensions in 2007, replaced them with 401 k & was sued. Bernie has nothing to do with anything of that
#6 is actually true. The only piece of legislation he’s ever passed besides naming 2 post offices
Numbers 7,8,9,10,13 he voted for. So did every other democrat including every democrat running for resident who sat in congress when those bills were passed. He didn’t write nor co-sponsor them so giving him credit for passage is rich
# 11 is also loony tunes, because the post office did announce it would end Sunday delivery, but was reminded by congress that it was mandated to provide Saturday delivering since 1980- Bernie wasn’t there in 1980.
The other things mentioned were all involved in a post office Act introduced in 2017 by Jason Chaffetz- a Republican & funding was given the way funding is always given through line item agreed by congress
#13 look up what roll call amendments mean
I’m sorry #12
#14- that was an executive order signed by Obama
#15 he voted for, he didn’t write it, co sponsor or help it pass
#16 is a state by state program. He may have doubled it in his state, not federally?
#17 is completely false, this was Bill Clinton who directed energy Secretary Bill Richardson to establish this
#18,19& 20 all legislation signed into by Obama & voted for by Bernie, but once again he did not write nor pass nor sponsor
In summation. Bernie has the thinnest record of any person running for President & his supporters know this, so they lie, they don’t research & they attribute victories because they know most ppl are lazy & wont look for themselves- kinda like Bernie
Forgive my typos plz, I pulled over to get this all down
I woke up this am & made some coffees I told my husband he needs to try this new coffee- it’s great. Using Bernie logic, that means I invented coffee. That’s how asinine & desperate not only Sanders campaign is but also his supporters #neverbernie
His base is clueless & knows nothing about politics or government. Bernie never caught my radar until I started hearing the “establishment” mantra. First thought? Wait? He’s been in politics his whole life? How is he not establishment? #neverBernie
So right off the bat, I’m like, this is just like trumps campaign. Playing off the ignorance of the electorate. So I started looking into Bernie. First stop- congress.gov see I don’t rely on newspaper opinion pieces #neverbernie