More on Brazil, and this time how our own jolly trans activists managed to add some fuel to the fire(s). What would u do if you were the British Council or Creative Scotland and u were funding an arts festival across Brazil in 2016? You'd surely recognise there was a bitter...
...Culture War underway in which the religious Right were in full froth mode. You'd know trans rights and 'gender ideology' was at the heart of that War. You'd likely note that central to the opposition to "gender ideology" was the accusation that European countries were trying.. foist their values on Brazil in a form of latter day colonialism. Wouldn't you wonder if maybe we should tread just a little warily? We could be smart and a little subversive perhaps but we could also focus on some uncontroversial stuff too. Things that might nudge..rather
..kick doors down? But if you're a cultural apparatchik at the British Council or Creative Scotland and you've been brainwashed by Stonewall and its Queer Theory baloney about the importance of creating outrage and celebrating deviance you wouldn't care would you?
You'd dismiss all these doubts and you'd place at the centre of the arts festival you're funding with taxpayers money, a play about a trans Jesus by a transgender playwright. The play called 'The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven' opened amid protests in May 2016. ..
It wasn't long until it was denounced by a politician gaining a name for himself, some bloke called Bolsonaro. As anger mounted, armed guards would eventually have to protect the venues. Here's playwright..
I'm sure Clifford's play is fascinating. And I'd happily go along and see it. I'd have no objection at all if a private theatre group wanted to fund its tour anywhere. But for holy Pete's sake could it possibly have helped in the middle of a culture war in a highly ..
...religious country for our state funded cultural institutions to sponsor this play? The answer of course is that trans activists driven by Queer Theory precepts believe in provocation. It's why our 'No Outsiders' initiative in this country..
..was launched in a majority Muslim School. Maximum outrage. Maximum provocation. Well, in the end you reap what you sow as someone may or may not have said. Brazil was indeed outraged and Bolsanaro had something else to keep himself on the front pages, something else back his claim that rich secularizing outsiders were using their money to try to change Brazil. When the British Council and Creative Scotland look at Brazil now (if they can see through the smoke that is ) do they pat themselves on the back, and tell each other..
"well that was a very effective use of taxpayer's money". Maybe they do. But you know what as backlash builds over trans activism's arrogance and the way it has wheedled its way into institutions as well as its hamfisted attempts to impose unsupportable and sometimes downright..
...crazy notions on the public both here and abroad, the sooner liberals and the left (and all fairminded tolerant people) cut them loose and tell them 'not in my name'...the better.
1./ What's the truth about Neil Gaiman and Scientology? Was his allegedly abusive behaviour influenced by his immersion in a pathological cult? Gaiman claims he was a member only as a child but in my latest article I argue this can't be true.
Click on the link in my bio to read more.
2./ Gaiman's parents were leading Scientologists when he was a boy. Most of his family still are. Here's his mother Shiela and sister Lizzy joining him in 2013 for the naming of a street after a semi-autobiographical novel. Both are nothing short of Scientology royalty.
3./ In the book a 7 year old's life is upended by a suicide. When Gaiman was 7 Scientology was plunged into crisis when a South African Scientology student committed suicide at the Gaimans' home. Just as Neil Gaiman now denies allegations of abuse his dad concocted a mad story.
1./ 🧵Was everyone who supported the "trans child" charity Mermaids a predatory scumbag, like Neil Gaiman? I suppose most were like Amanda Palmer. They knew what was happening and were more than happy to be accomplices.
2./ This surreal image is of Gaiman and Palmer as King and Queen of the annual Mermaid Parade in New York. In a creepy Sandman type twist the Parade has a special place in the trans mythology the couple supported so publicly, including financially.…
3./ One of the key texts used to promote trans ideas to kids is 'Julian is a Mermaid'. In thousands of schools it's presented as an uplifting tale of a young boy who finds "his true self." Let me tell you why it's actually a profoundly disturbing book.👉
1./ 🧵Stephen Fry and Britain's Failure to Take Child Abuse Seriously. Our headlines are dominated by the scandal of institutions that refused to protect girls for fear of seeming "racist". My latest article suggests Stephen Fry's knighthood is from the same copybook.
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2./ In a society that took child abuse seriously Stephen Fry's long track record of minimising child sexual exploitation would have disbarred him from the nation's top honour. In Fry's first play 'Latin' an adult teacher sexually abuses a 13 year old boy and takes him to Morocco.
3./ The boy writes back to his schoolmates praising the country which he claims takes a relaxed attitude to sex between men and underage boys. They petition to visit. Fry's interest in adolescent boys continues in 'Hippopotamus' in which a 15 year old has sex with adults.
1./ The Elon problem. Now @Nigel_Farage has been dumped by @elonmusk and Jess Phillips traduced by him it's time people remembered he has a track record of baseless attacks on innocent people. Like the time he called a brave rescue diver... "pedo guy".…
2./ British diver Vern Unsworth was leading the attempt to rescue schoolboys trapped in a Thai cave. That attempt -against all the odds- ended in spectacular success. Musk tho had publicly dismissed the team's chances. Worse still he insisted the team use his experimental tech.
3./ Unsworth rejected Musk's offer of a mini submarine which had never been used for rescue and which he knew would not work. After much online tit for tat he described the sub idea as a PR Stunt. For that offence Musk labelled him "pedo guy", a disgusting, unwarranted slur.
1./ A Puberty Blockers Triumph. The UK permanently bans blockers for under 18s. Many brave people fought for this but ONLY ONE lesbian and gay group did. This was the little film I directed for @alliancelgb about the scandal. It moved some to tears.👇
2./ LGB Alliance was relentlessly defamed by @owenjonesjourno, the creeps at Pink News and the rest of the immoral LGBTQ+ lobby who used government money to campaign FOR the effective sterilisation of kids. With small donations @AllianceLGB fought back with posters like this.
3./ It is worth remembering that only 2 years ago NOT ONE newspaper would take the ad and @TfL refused to put it on buses or the tube. @KateBMwriting was forced to hire vans to take the message round Westminster as she sought to alert politicians to the tragedy.
1./ My latest article dissects the career of a woman who may be one of the most dishonest people in public life: Ruth Hunt. She turned Stonewall into a wing of the toxic trans lobby despite saying she wouldn't. That was only the start of her disregard for ethics.
2./ How ethical was Hunt's behaviour at Stonewall? In the 2016 accounts there's an intriguing note referring to payments of £68,400 made to Caroline Ellis. She was and still is Ruth Hunt's partner. The payments were "conducted at arms length" the note assures us. If you say so.
3./ Ellis and Hunt are still in business together. Tho it's more obviously above board now. They run a consultancy together that teaches managers in NHS Trusts how to use pronouns. And presumably how to tie their shoelaces. If you have money to burn...these are your gals.