I think you are expressing that baseline inherited ligament laxity potentiates additional ligament laxity. This seems correct. In medicine we call ligaments, “plastic tissues”. They can be lengthened if exposed to chronic repetitive stretch. Ligaments connect bones at joints.
Each joint has a normal range of motion. Ligaments hereditarily & excessively stretchable endow joints w. greater range of motion (ROM). Over time joints experience repeated mechanical stress of forced ROM & repetitive mechanical stress tends to stretch ligaments into new lengths
Over time, as ligament becomes longer, this endows joint w. even greater ROM. Greater ROM of joint imposes greater angular moment of force on ligament, with additional excessive stretching. The dynamic of stress-ROM-stretch magnifies over time; lengthening this plastic tissue.
Greater angular rotation associated with increased ROM exposes the ligaments of that joint to potentially greater wear & tear, & especially when acute sudden injurious mechanical forces are involved, e.g., falls, motor vehicle accidents, etc.
Injurious forces can tear ligament fibers & permanently alter tethering integrity. Unlike skin & muscle tissues, which have generous blood supply, ligaments & tendons don’t & don’t heal as readily when injured & torn. Once they loose their normal & stable length it is forever.
The ligament dynamics discussed herein is why it is important to identify children with #HSD & flexible ligaments & to steer them away from contact sports & extreme sports, where pratfalls can cause dislocations & ligament injuries of pelvis, back & shoulders.
These kinds of injuries can disrupt integrity of some of largest ligament systems in human body, ligaments of pelvis sacroiliac joints. Disruption of these ligament systems can lead to lifelong low back pain, chronic sciatica, spine scoliosis, & tilted & pained shoulders & neck.
Paradox is that loose & hyper-flexible ligaments lend excellence at cheerleading, ballet, soccer, gymnastics, basketball etc. Unfortunately, these sports include falls onto buttocks.
Women with #HSD who pursue these sports as youths commonly incur chronic low back pain by time they enter H.S.
Horseback riding falls, skateboarding, & skiing are among the most dangerous sports for those with #HSD. Women with #HSD have great coordination & length of reach & can excel at swimming, golf, fencing, etc.; avoiding chronically painful pelvic sacroiliac joint injuries.
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these symptoms are due to intermittent impingement of neural branches within the brachial neural plexus, between the collar bone and the first rib. Women with FM often have tightness of this “Thoracic Outlet” d/t hyper flexible ligaments around the shoulder girdles.
THORACIC OUTLET IMPINGEMENT CORRECTION: Avoid surgeons. Physical therapists have ideas. Build muscles of military posture. Wear small backpack backwards by hang on chest. Fill pack with ~15-20% body wt. (bag sugar/rice). Wear when shopping, walking, working in yard.
THORACIC OUTLET IMPINGEMENT CORRECTION: the idea is to use gravity magnification imposed on muscles that lift shoulder bones up-back & thereby reduce slouching, even when pack is disused.
This is Dr. Krause, Neurosurgeon, of an El Salvador healing center he set up contemporaneously. Dr. Delgado, Neurosurgeon he mentions, was one of my Professors at Yale Medical School in 1966 & famous then for implanting radio frequency controlled electrode in a bull’s brain.
MIND CONTROL WITH EMF & LIGHT: Dr. Delgado, or surrogate, got into bull ring. As bull charged for the kill a flick of a switch stopped him in his tracks. ‘‘Twas a powerful demonstration. Dr. Delgado was an handsome Surgeon & the coeds, my own same-time fancy, swooned.
IBS IN VETERANS: As a medical doctor I have clinically studied this disorder. My clinical impressions are as follows:
My prediction is that this disorder will be found in more female veterans than males. My Threadreader to follows explains why …
VETERANS WITH IBS, PREFACE TO THIS THREAD: Over >2 decades, I have studied pathophysiology/etiology of IBS. Amongst my >300 threadreaders on Twitter/X, I have discussed IBS issues.
VETERANS WITH IBS, MY AUTHORITY: Since 2007, I have published clinical data internationally in “Proceedings of Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain”, which Congress meets every three years.
HYPERMOBILITY SYNDROME (~15% women) predisposes ▶️ Dysmenorrhea due to Relaxin hormone each menses ▶️ Abdominal Endoscopy whereby 100% women ▶️ intestinal adhesion from #2-3 Scopes ▶️ IBS symptoms of partial obstruction = “Endometriosis” …
After several endoscopic procedures iatrogenic-caused bowel adhesions induce dysfunctional bowel manifest as IBS. Now the time for widespread ablation of peritoneal tissue. I am curious about the long term effects of this mutilating procedure.
FIBROMYALGIA SLEEP SOLUTION? Very simply, the solution is increased REM sleep. FM sufferers are surface sleepers aroused, by musculoskeletal pain, from deeper levels of sleep. Ask them if they regularly dream, and most admit they don’t.
FIBROMYALGIA & SLEEP: A sine qua non of Fibromyalgia (FM) is chronic low back pain. Commonly, etiology of FM low back pain is unilateral sacroiliac (SIJ) dysfunction/subluxation, whereat integrity of the SIJ capsule has been compromised.
DAMAGED LIGAMENTS HURT, as the Spanish Inquisition’s use of “The Rack” taught us. Each sacroiliac is 17 cm sq., largest joint in axial spine, & has a large ligament capsule. Torsion of this capsule occurs at night …