Laurence Badgley, M.D. Profile picture
Yale Med School 1968; Army Flight Surgeon, Major; Orthodox & Alternative Med (since 1970); 200 threadreaders Twitter @badgleylaurence
Laurence Badgley, M.D. Profile picture JL Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 25 9 tweets 2 min read
FIBROMYALGIA SLEEP SOLUTION? Very simply, the solution is increased REM sleep. FM sufferers are surface sleepers aroused, by musculoskeletal pain, from deeper levels of sleep. Ask them if they regularly dream, and most admit they don’t. FIBROMYALGIA & SLEEP: A sine qua non of Fibromyalgia (FM) is chronic low back pain. Commonly, etiology of FM low back pain is unilateral sacroiliac (SIJ) dysfunction/subluxation, whereat integrity of the SIJ capsule has been compromised.
Jun 19 8 tweets 2 min read
DYSAUTONOMIAS: etiologic via major joint subluxations (shoulder/pelvic girdles) proximate autonomic tracts/plexi become impinged, due to titled upright body tower, due to ⏬️ musculoskeletal tone, due to prolonged (>2 wks) bedrest, due to significant viral illness. GRAVITY RULES FIBROMYALGIA BEGETS ITSELF: Once chronic widespread muscle spasms begin, chronic pain & restless sleep induce sedentary life, reclusiveness, daytime fatigue and depression. These changes lead to inadequate sunlight, low Vit D, weaker spastic muscles, & greater sedentariness.
Jun 19 8 tweets 2 min read
DYSAUTONOMIAS: etiologic via major joint subluxations (shoulder/pelvic girdles) proximate autonomic tracts/plexi become impinged, due to titled upright body tower, due to ⏬️ musculoskeletal tone, due to prolonged (>2 wks) bedrest, due to significant viral illness. GRAVITY RULES DYSAUTONOMIAS: THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME & CRPS (RSV) of arms aroused via autonomic dysfunctions as neural tract impingements are effected within asymmetric shoulder girdles, secondary to functional scoliosis in hypermobile women with faulty muscle tone & unstable pelvic girdles.
May 6 6 tweets 1 min read
SHOULD WE BE MEASURING BLOOD LEVELS OF THYMUS HORMONE IN LONG- COVID? THYMUS HORMONES INCLUDE: Thymosin, Thymulin, and Thymopoietin. There are alpha and beta types of Thymosin.
Apr 16 6 tweets 1 min read
LOOSE JOINTS, HYPERMOBITY? Gravity is at play in these women with tissue variations. When joint are unstable the obvious compensation is “gorilla” muscles to take over lax ligament efforts. A wise Physical Therapist is key. Lots of dedicated exercise also. LOOSE JOINTS INHERITED (-15% women) is normal. These woman’s have easier births & indigo-smart children. These women are often quite attractive and smart.
Apr 14 5 tweets 1 min read
HYPOPERFUSION? Yes, maybe sympathetic nervous system dominance + decreased pituitary vasopressin causing excess free water elimination in urine ⏩️ decreased blood circulation of hyperosmolar blood. COVID-CAUSED decreased blood volume of blood that is too thick might explain orthodtstic hypotension, POTS. Might also explain the wormy blood clots.
Apr 9 7 tweets 2 min read
TO BE GAY ON NOT, THE QUESTION? In ancient days of the mid last century, the proper medical terminology was “homosexual”. Homo is a Greek prefix for “man” such as used in our species name, homosapiens, I think. Along the way a new adjective/noun, a euphemism, was created, “gay”. “GAYNESS” might be adverb. I don’t know, grammar not my long suit. In any case, Anthropologist of last century seemed to be of consensus that a fixed ~15% of the population was homosexual as a transcultural genetic characteristic of homosapiens. Indeed, genes direct hormones.
Apr 6 11 tweets 2 min read
MCAS & COVID: MCAS IN LONG COVID: is possibly etiologic via biomechanisms known about MCAS, HYPERMOBILITY (HS) & FIBROMYALGIA (FM). Persons with HS & FM commonly suffer MCAS. Reason has been theorized that mast cells reside proximate connective tissue.
Mar 12 9 tweets 2 min read
IC CAUSE DISCOVERED: for years clinicians have been mystified by etiology of IC. Genes, microbes, toxins, & biochemistry have failed to provide insights. IC oft occurs in women who have Hypermobility Syndrome and/or IBS. These circumstances suggest that IC is a dysautonomia. IC A DYSAUTONOMIA? parasympathetic part of autonomic system stimulates smooth tissues of bladder & bowel to contract/evacuate those organs. Over activity of this neural network is unmeasurable, as yet, in current medical sciences. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Mar 12 14 tweets 3 min read
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: doctors will tell you the cause is “unknown”. This is not true. IBS is commonly found in women either Hypermobility Syndrome. Reason is that these women are prone to pelvic girdle injuries and ligament laxity of one of the sacroiliac joints. IBS & HYPERMOBILITY SYNDROME: This association well known in medical circles. Some of these women have regular daily frequent loose stools. Some have intermittent episodes of several days of constipation. Another set of these women have alternating constipation and loose stools.
Mar 12 5 tweets 1 min read
CRUEL INSURANCE SYSTEM?: beyond cruel. Big Insurance-Big Medicine conglomerates have captured biggest capitalism prize, control of medical care/promise of patients’ salvation from dreaded diseases. Shift costs/income to businessmen & refuse honest wages to Physicians. Legit! BIG INSURANCE CAPTURE: enlist BIG PHARMA & BIG ACADEMIC RESEARCH to decide what patentable chemicals “work” to “properly” tinker body Systems. Enlist BIG GOVERNMENT to mandate “proven” patentable toxic chemicals & outlaw natural nutriceuticals.
Mar 3 5 tweets 1 min read
BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER: weakness at this physiological junction might be a major measure of LONG COVID etiology. The key will be to discover what correlates or even causes these markers to manifest abnormalities. ASTROCYTE MARKER ABNORMALITIES IN LONG COVID? If these measurements were to be demonstrated to be certain markers, then physiologic culprits should be sleuthed in patients who have these marker abnormalities. Candidate poisons ?…..
Mar 3 5 tweets 1 min read
MAST CELLS, MICROBIOTA, AND NERVES: Hypermobility Syndrome is correlated with Mast cell degranulation. There is evidence for connective tissue hyperplasticity ⏩️ neural stretch & degranulation of Mast cells. This seems to be a “chicken-or-egg first” dynamic. IBS IS CORRELATED WITH HYPERMOBILITY SYNDROME: why would nature conserve frequent IBS intestinal flushing? Perhaps it is biological mechanism to maintain an optimal microbiota via Mast cell degranulation to preserve microbiota/metabolite stew best for brain health…
Mar 3 4 tweets 1 min read
SUNLIGHT: POTENT HEART PROTECTIVE MEDICINE. Science has proven maximal human health requires aboriginal lifestyle sunlight exposure. Optimal mitochondrial function occurs when eyes & brain receive such light. Perhaps sunlight deprivation induces LONG COVID. LANDMARK STUDY: CELL REPORT, Vol. 28, Issue 6, 6 August 2019, page 1471 +. Found at
Feb 25 5 tweets 1 min read
TBI HEALING WITH LIGHT FREQUENCY AND EMF: what, why, how, when. Quantum biology transcends anachronistic precepts of the currently fashionable centralized medicine static models of gene-driven biochemical systems. “ENERGY MEDICINE” is the title of my book and a compilation of my clinical medical research and data published in 1986. Inspirations for my work came from my studies of Acupuncture and the work of Dr. Norgier, Neurologist in Lyon France, discoverer of Auricular Medicine.
Feb 25 18 tweets 3 min read
BACK PAIN, MIR SCANS, AND TREATMENT: this excellent patient-friendly thread is a wonderful resource. Academic medical literature reminds us that 13-30% of chronic low back pain is generated by dysfunctional sacroiliac joints, which were not discussed in this review. SACROILIAC JOINT PAIN: is generated from sacroiliac joints, which at 17 cm squared each, are the largest joints in the axial spine. The massive ligaments that tether this joint are often chronically injured in humans, wherein upright posture is made possible by these joints.
Feb 18 8 tweets 2 min read
FIBROMYALGIA (FM) & MEN: men w. Hypermobility Syndrome (HS) ~1/100 & women ~1/15; genetic. HS potentiates FM by ⏩️ pelvic girdle instability (PGI). Women get PGI via childbirth & mundane lift/slip/fall injuries. Male (robust bones/ligaments) ⏩️ PGI d/t severe mechan. injury. FIBROMYALGIA: loose & dysfunctional pelvic girdle (injured sacroiliac joint) ⏩️ tilted pelvis, functional scoliosis, tilted spine, tilted shoulders & head ⏩️ chronic widespread spastic painful muscles ⏩️ sedentary ⏩️ weaker & more spastic/pained muscles; self begetting.
Feb 15 9 tweets 2 min read
DEMENTIA & COVID-19 IN THE AGED: matrix studies found association. Not reported was vaccine status of those studied. Being aged suggested that subjects were repeatedly vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. Recent studies have reported more COVID-19 infections amongst those vaccinated. Clinical analysis of mRNA COVID vaccines has commonly found Roundup toxic, from animal gelatin, a vaccine stabilizer. Gelatin comes from animal bones, & animals eat grains. Roundup is used to treat growing grains. So why is this important?….
Feb 14 7 tweets 1 min read
@ShaneyWright LONG COVID CONSEQUENCES: medical history reminds us that viruses novel to human societies wreak havoc. COVID-19 is novel. Until majority of humans gain natural immunity, the virus will prosper & gain victims. When susceptible hosts remit, the virus will fade away. @ShaneyWright Virus endogenous genes & the single virus “gene” inserted in mRNA “vaccine” birth “spike” protein toxin that attacks human tissues. Vaccine is more potent than natural virus & creates much more toxin, which is ongoing for unknown time. No spike “turn off” switch put in vaccine!
Feb 13 9 tweets 2 min read
LONG COVID & HYPERMOBILITY: vascular disorders associated, just as are aneurysms (Marfans) and laxity of connective tissue in heart that manifests as Mitral Valve Prolapse; with resultant panic attacks, Hyperventilation, & POTS. COVID & VASCULAR INJURY: recent medical literature shows spike protein is severe arterial endothelial toxin. Additionally, cytotoxic storms from COVID-19 virus induce release of platelet tsunamis from replete lung mediastinum megakaryocytes with undoubted arterial consequences.
Feb 11 9 tweets 2 min read
EXERCISES FOR ME, CFS, LONG COVID, FIBROMYALGIA: the “spoon theory” used with FM illustrates energy depletion with activity. The failure of graded exercises with ME/CFS & “crashes” illustrates energy depletion in those disorders. There is explanation for those failures. EXERCISE FAILURES: persons with FM, ME/CFS & LONG COVID have lost muscle strength to confront gravity. Weak muscles cannot obtain enough oxygen to function lifting the body. Weak & spastic muscles hurt. A mere 2 weeks of bed rest can seriously degrade muscle tone.