How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App one hand a bag containing a charged clay battery charged at a Deij Pillar connected to a pyramid or spire. In other hand is a pine cone, which is a non-conductor and which reminds the courier not to touch anything so that his body will not ground & thereby discharge the battery. ENERGY EXPLAINED BY PRE-SUMARIAN PRE-EGYPTIAN TARTERIAN HIEROGLYPHICS: OUTLET IMPINGEMENT CORRECTION: Avoid surgeons. Physical therapists have ideas. Build muscles of military posture. Wear small backpack backwards by hang on chest. Fill pack with ~15-20% body wt. (bag sugar/rice). Wear when shopping, walking, working in yard. is Dr. Krause, Neurosurgeon, of an El Salvador healing center he set up contemporaneously. Dr. Delgado, Neurosurgeon he mentions, was one of my Professors at Yale Medical School in 1966 & famous then for implanting radio frequency controlled electrode in a bull’s brain. WITH IBS, PREFACE TO THIS THREAD: Over >2 decades, I have studied pathophysiology/etiology of IBS. Amongst my >300 threadreaders on Twitter/X, I have discussed IBS issues. SYNDROME (~15% women) predisposes ▶️ Dysmenorrhea due to Relaxin hormone each menses ▶️ Abdominal Endoscopy whereby 100% women ▶️ intestinal adhesion from #2-3 Scopes ▶️ IBS symptoms of partial obstruction = “Endometriosis” … & SLEEP: A sine qua non of Fibromyalgia (FM) is chronic low back pain. Commonly, etiology of FM low back pain is unilateral sacroiliac (SIJ) dysfunction/subluxation, whereat integrity of the SIJ capsule has been compromised. BEGETS ITSELF: Once chronic widespread muscle spasms begin, chronic pain & restless sleep induce sedentary life, reclusiveness, daytime fatigue and depression. These changes lead to inadequate sunlight, low Vit D, weaker spastic muscles, & greater sedentariness. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME & CRPS (RSV) of arms aroused via autonomic dysfunctions as neural tract impingements are effected within asymmetric shoulder girdles, secondary to functional scoliosis in hypermobile women with faulty muscle tone & unstable pelvic girdles. HORMONES INCLUDE: Thymosin, Thymulin, and Thymopoietin. There are alpha and beta types of Thymosin. JOINTS INHERITED (-15% women) is normal. These woman’s have easier births & indigo-smart children. These women are often quite attractive and smart. decreased blood volume of blood that is too thick might explain orthodtstic hypotension, POTS. Might also explain the wormy blood clots.“GAYNESS” might be adverb. I don’t know, grammar not my long suit. In any case, Anthropologist of last century seemed to be of consensus that a fixed ~15% of the population was homosexual as a transcultural genetic characteristic of homosapiens. Indeed, genes direct hormones. IN LONG COVID: is possibly etiologic via biomechanisms known about MCAS, HYPERMOBILITY (HS) & FIBROMYALGIA (FM). Persons with HS & FM commonly suffer MCAS. Reason has been theorized that mast cells reside proximate connective tissue. A DYSAUTONOMIA? parasympathetic part of autonomic system stimulates smooth tissues of bladder & bowel to contract/evacuate those organs. Over activity of this neural network is unmeasurable, as yet, in current medical sciences. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. & HYPERMOBILITY SYNDROME: This association well known in medical circles. Some of these women have regular daily frequent loose stools. Some have intermittent episodes of several days of constipation. Another set of these women have alternating constipation and loose stools. INSURANCE CAPTURE: enlist BIG PHARMA & BIG ACADEMIC RESEARCH to decide what patentable chemicals “work” to “properly” tinker body Systems. Enlist BIG GOVERNMENT to mandate “proven” patentable toxic chemicals & outlaw natural nutriceuticals.