1. @MSNBC@SteveKornacki had @TIME reporter Tessa Berenson (@tcberensonto) on to address @POTUS Trump'a apparent leak of apparently classified photo. Ms. Berenson referred to, without naming, a 1988 SCOTUS case and a @BarackObama EO as authority for what Trump did being lawful.
2. I think the 1988 SCOTUS case is Department of Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988) and if that is the case, it does not say the President can just hand out US secrets to our adversaries. The case involved power to grant or deny clearances that court held was reserved to
EO 13526 re-affirmed a President's ability to classify and as a classifying authority de-classify. But there should be a mark on the photo that shows it was classified and clearly Trump took no effort to comply with the lawful
5.requirements to declassify it. He just leaked it to a state sponsor of terrorism.
I would love to hear from the pros on this. It is critically important that with an authoritarian scofflaw in the @WhiteHouse that networks like @msnbc@cnn vet their guests who are
6. giving a legal opinion. Loos talk will only embolden this dangerous person. Our Democracy won't necessarily get a do over. @maddow@Lawrence
I've seen some recent posts that claim that Musk has used his Tesla shares as collateral in large loans to finance his other operations. If that is true, it's possible that Tesla share's slide has put him at risk of a default that could mean he loses everything in an instant.
I think Tesla is now domiciled in Texas and if that is so the lenders would likely have control agreements in place with Tesla that requires them to follow the lenders' instructions in the event of a default, What we need to know is, what are the loan covenants?
If there is a price floor that the lenders can call the loan or require additional collateral then, as Musk continues destroy the Tesla brand, that he has rebranded as a Nazi front, the price will slide to a point that shareholders begin to panic and sell to keep from being
The @GOP will collapse on itself when Trump reveals he's precisely who we thought he was: Putin's stooge and the enemy of democracy. Shun those who would cede US power and moral authority to a defeated degenerate Russian mass murderer.
First, everyone must cut the cord and destroy @FoxNews and the other propaganda organs the cable industry forces us to subsidize. Listen to @MSNBC on @tunein until the network is free from the burden of subsidizing the corporate enemies of democracy. Prepare to cut the cord.
@FoxNews @MSNBC @tunein A cheap antena gets most local stations. With their revenue in peril the cable industry will be forced to terminate Fox's and other propagandist subsidies we're forced to pay. If we don't have the will to perform these small acts of resistance, then we are already defeated.
Everyone calls Musk the richest person in the world because it's easy to count his @tesla shares and multiply them by the share price. But that doesn't mean Musk has the most cash or that he could ever realize
the cash value because, to do it, he'd have to sell shares and the price would fall. Wealth is a term that needs definition. Owning a load of land in a country like Germany might make one "wealthy" but the taxes and
limits on alienation might make it difficult to turn the wealth into cash. Do we really think Musk is wealthier than the Saudi royals? Remember when Musk bought Twitter? I had a few shares so I got the SEC-mandated
HTS knows that their leader has a drone strike target pined to his tunic. His complicity with Turkey is apparent. The board is being reset. Military aircraft do no appear to be moving but yesterday and today show a large number of executive jets in the region that tells me
the players are talking but don't trust the phone. That could mean that what they are planning bad for the west. After Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinian civilians it was only a matter of time for the retaliatory blood letting to begin.
The Kurds, Christians and Yazidis appear to be the targets. I still don't have trustworthy data on SNA and HTS force size and capability. With all the noise on social media I find it shocking that there is nothing on this critical data.
I spotted the Kremlin sock puppets during the 2016 campaign because I'd seen them while covering Ukraine. What I have seen recently on Twitter aka X is that Generative AI is being used to steer the tariff discussion. I don't have time or the will to engage so I
simply block the accounts once I am relatively sure of their origin. My suspicion is that the tariff absurdity is straight out of the SVR and Trump adopted it as a condition of Elmo being the Kremlin source of cash to win the election. I think Trump is backing away from Elmo
not just because he doesn't like sharing the spotlight but also because he may be getting warnings, similar to what he got after he was sworn, about Flynn that were the result of nitwits like Flynn and now Musk not knowing how FISA works.
1. I have supported a two-state solution to the conflict in #Palestine for my entire life. I agree that #Netanyahu's conduct of the war in #Gaza violated the the law of armed conduct and could support charges of #genocide. I don't believe that #Arab and
2. other #Muslim Americans' lives will be somehow improved if #Trump is elected.
Political power comes from coalitions. Working on campaigns, being reliable partners when the call comes is how my #Irish ancestors gained political power.
3. Using threats to not vote as leverage against the only party that protects you only serves to isolate your vital growing part of the electorate from becoming a powerful voice in American politics. We support you. It's now time for you to support the cause.