My regard: ligaments in those with #HSD are super flexible & hyper loose, but not stretchable. Normally, ligaments resist being stretched, & reason for confessions during Spanish inquisition (on the rack). Muscle spasms are unconscious attempts to compensate for joint laxity.
I agree, “bendy” is not correctly illustrative & too carnivalesque. Better terms to describe anatomical characteristics of persons with #HSD are “tilt” & “twist”. A good portion of persons have a palpable scoliosis when upright; oft absent prone, thereby “functional” because ...
vertebral disks are specialized ligaments holding bones of vertebral spine together & being flexible they twist (a word better understood by laypeople than “scoliosis”) as spine-post bears weight of upper body; oft on platform of an unstable pelvic platform. Gravity impress ....
causes body to twist in order to maintain a medial center of gravity. A common and curious phenomenon is that the shoulder girdle oft tilts in response to the upright scoliosis; causing one shoulder to be lower. Interestingly, the lower shoulder is often on the same side as ...
the sacroiliac joint that is unstable & where the spine-post droops (estimated 1/2-1/4 inch) relative to the iliac bone component of the pelvic platform and which bone comprises the lateral aspect of the the sacroiliac joint; side where person experiences “hip” pain & sciatica...
The lower shoulder is often on side where the women experience a lose bra strap & what I have named the “T-shirt Sign”; whereby the rim of the shirt is further lateral from the base of the neck than on the other side & more flesh of the shoulder is seen on lower shoulder side....
As consequence of a tilted shoulder girdle, the head is often tilted toward lower shoulder side. This head posture, when upright, often leads to chronic spasm of the Superior trapezius muscle on the higher shoulder side. As the ~10# head tilts this way, the Superior trapezius ...
On the lower shoulder side becomes less used to holding up the head and loses girth and tone; becomes weak and spastic in effort to keep up with head-holding duties. A painful “crossed muscle” syndrome ensues in the neck and shoulders. But this is not all ...
On head-up side there occurs chronic spasm of the Masseter muscle of the jaw & this results in asymmetric closure of the mandible (jaw bone) & over time erodes the fossa (joint socket) where mandible joins the skull at the Temporal Mandibular Joint & the TMJ Syndrome ensues ...
Chronic spasm of Superior trapezium muscles also arouse asymmetric function of the Pectoralis minor muscles, which attaches to the distal clavicle (collar bone) & which normally function to draw shoulder down. In constant effort to oppose spastic Superior trapezium muscles ...
the spastic Pectoralis minor muscle become hypertrophic & hyper dynamic & draws downward the distal clavicle during attempts to abduct (swing upward) the arm and shoulder. This shift causes the part of the clavicle just above the first rib to close the dimension (gap of ~10cm)...
between clavicle & first rib & is called the Thoracic Outlet. This is etiology of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Another consequence of one-sided hyperdynamic & hypertonic Superior trapezius muscle chronic spasm is Tension Muscle Headache, which is commonly a daily event ...
People with chronic Tension Muscle Headaches commonly experience episodic Migraine Headaches. I have my theory as to why that occurs, but that is another story.
As result of discovering above described relationships vs. several chronic pain conditions & syndromes, I have come to regard #Fibromyalgia as a “Super Syndrome”. Knowing true etiology for chronic pain syndromes suggests rational ways to ameliorate them; but that is another story
Lay terms seemingly best adjectival for tissue variations & body morphologies of persons w. #HSD: twist, flexible, & tilt. My theories suggest that upright body tower is in constant impress by gravity & #Fibromyalgia is a body-wide soft tissue chronic repetitive stress disorder.
It has been my perception that evolution of #Fibromyalgia occurs over time measured in months & years. Few clinicians follow people for that long & repeatedly study their bodies & intimate histories of injury & sequence of expression of various pain Syndromes. As result ...
the forest is missed for studying the trees. In my experience #Fibromyalgia (FM) is potentiated, but not predetermined, by hypermobility. Commonly, but not always, a first incitement to the evolution of FM is low back injury whereby pelvic girdle ligaments are loosened ...
Instability of pelvic platform for upright post of the spine potentiates evolution of Fibromyalgia. Various syndromes related to upper body & shoulder girdles manifest anywhere from months to years later. Doctors have overlooked etiologic connections muddied by waters of time.
Persons who have pelvic & shoulder girdle disorders experience painful ground surface torque of these structures when they recline. Nighttime pain can evoke non-restorative sleep oft devoid of REM sleep & dreaming, but that is not all ...
The constellation of cognitive disarray aroused by non-restorative sleep is oft the primary sphere of concern of most doctors who encounter Fibromyalgia patients. These misperceptions have contributed to the disbelief & skepticism harbored by many doctors about “Fibromyalgia”.
I believe that the current popularity & fashion of the theory of the central sensitization of pain is the default position of the medical community; faced with a need to provide explanation for a common condition for which they have no objective findings.
Purpose of my discussion is to tell the medical community that there are plenty of objective findings in #Fibromyalgia patients. They need to sit down with their patients & take a detailed history of the case. Then they need to mostly undress their patients & study their bodies.
In the course of studying #Fibromyalgia patients’ body morphology & functions, doctors need to use sensitive touch, X-rays, Doppler studies, scans & diagnostic blocks for additional clues to the disorders that comprise the Super Syndrome entitled Fibromyalgia.
Unfortunately, the art of physical examination seems to have been overtaken by studies of smaller & smaller parts of the human organism. Answers for causes of human ills are being sought in genes, biochemical molecules, & supposed psychologic dynamics gone awry.
Where do mast cells reign in the arena of #Fibromyalgia & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders?I believe we have to ask their neighbors, the pain receptors, neural tracts for pain messaging, and the autonomic nervous system. There is so much we do not yet understand.
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A Deij Pillar capacitor built into a dipole distributor. The Deij pillar is depicted repeatedly in Sumerian and Egyptian hieroglyphs as the focal point between priests & winged Couriers with handbag batteries. The pillars had cables & distributed light (calcium calcite heated to emit a lime colored light). The pillars were electrically charged by pizeoelectric currents emitted by massive limestone blocks that created pyramids & shaken by water rivers diverted into internal tunnels to succuss the blocks.
ACUPUNCTURE ENERGY: in 1971 Nixon returned from meeting Mao Te Sung & “Acupunture” was announce in the New York Times. It became a hot topic.
Chinese Medical Doctors in SF set up a course at SF School for Health Professions. Twelve Medical Doctors, including myself, received the 1st Acupuncture certificates in the US.
Contemporaneously, I studied Auricular Medicine with Dr. Norgier, Neurologist in Lyon France. He taught how to read the body energy field with radiant color lights and magnetic beams.
In one hand a bag containing a charged clay battery charged at a Deij Pillar connected to a pyramid or spire. In other hand is a pine cone, which is a non-conductor and which reminds the courier not to touch anything so that his body will not ground & thereby discharge the battery.
Hieroglyphics pre-Sumeria and during Egyptian periods of the Pharos commonly depict these bags held by priests standing beside electromagnetic energy generating Deij Pillars.