Edward W. Profile picture
Sep 18, 2019 77 tweets 34 min read
1/n A long compilation of astrology books you can find online.
2/ Christian astrology:
The 1647 Edition: books.google.com.sg/books?id=cExRA…
The 1659 ed:
3/ A nice copy of the 1647 ed: archive.org/details/b30338…
4/ "An introduction to astrology by William Lilly". (1852) This is a heavily edited version of Lilly's Christian Astrology. It was one of the first astrology books I read. With hindsight, reading the original would've made me less confused. books.google.com.sg/books?id=5icSA…
5/ Zadkiel's Lilly retains mostly the Horary parts, and adds material on the (then) newly discovered Uranus.
Here is an earlier edition from 1835: books.google.com.sg/books?id=dCEAA…
6/ Eland's tutor to astrology. Unjustly neglected. books.google.com.sg/books?id=GGcFA…
7/ Partirdge's MIKΡOΠANAΣTΡΩN (Mikropanastron)
books.google.com.sg/books?id=RSDVW…. the 1st part is on the basics the 2nd on Nativities, the 3rd part on elections. Has nice compilation of astrological aphorisms in the 3rd part.
8/ Ramesey's Astrologia Restaurata. Extremely comprehensive work. Only treats of Elections & mundane, but these sect, are prob. the most comprehensive available for free. Also has table of fixed stars. books.google.com.sg/books?id=EyZlA…
9/ An astrological judgment concerning Theft. Does what it says on the can. books.google.com.sg/books?id=um5jA…
10. Blagrave's Astrological Practice of Physick. Not as good as Culpeper's Semiotica Uranica. books.google.com.sg/books?id=XJBmA…
11.Gadbury's Nauticum Astrologium. A work on astrology for mariners, incl. elections for travelling and ships. Also has a 20-year record of weather. Climate scientists, take note. books.google.com.sg/books?id=y4JZA…
12. Sibley's A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology. Vol 1: books.google.com.sg/books?id=L6xCA…
vol. 2: books.google.com.sg/books?id=36tCA…
12a: Also of interest is this work: amazon.com/Siblys-London-… A biography of the man. Quite interesting, but pricey!
13. The Familliar Astrologer, by Raphael. Contains other non-astrological material as well, including divination in general, spells etc. Has really nice illustrations. books.google.com.sg/books?id=eIt9C…
14.The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century.Equally nice illustrations. books.google.com.sg/books?id=WOZhA…
15. Raphael's Manual of astrology. A solid work, but struck me as spending more time defending astrology than describing how it works. books.google.com.sg/books?id=u4RF3…
16. Tabulae directionum et profectionum. A table of (amongst other things) Oblique ascensions by the celebrated Regiomontanus.
16b. Such tables greatly simplified the work of calculating primary directions. I recall reading somewhere that Lilly might have used a similar table
17. The astrologer's guide: The 1886 reprint of Lilly's edtion of Bonatti and cardan's aphorisms: archive.org/details/astrol…
18. The curious "Astrolabium Planum" of Johannes Angelus. Angelus gave *every single degree* of the zodiac an image. books.google.com.sg/books?id=0rfma…
19. Here is an english edition, although sadly, without the illustrations app.box.com/s/znpd10kqft. This edition is discussed in the following blog post: heavenastrolabe.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/abo…
20. Simmonite's wonderful Horary astrology. This work is a
very practical and easy to understand work I recall this book was a heavy influence on March and McEver's "The only way to learn horary & electional astrology" benebellwen.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/willia…
Shoutout to Benebell Wen @tarotanalysis for hosting this file.
21. Another work from Simmonite: The "Complete Arcana of Astral Philosophy". This is his work on natal astrology. Has extensive section on Primary Directions, archive.org/details/comple… For a discussion of the book's treatment of fixed stars, see skyscript.co.uk/forums/viewtop…
22. Not astrology, but here is Simmonite's other major work, his "Medical Botany or herbal guide to health". books.google.com.sg/books?id=DzIEA…
23: Several works by Alan Leo are available on Internet Archive
Astrology For all: archive.org/details/bub_gb…
The Art of Synthesis : archive.org/details/artofs…
The Progressed horoscope : archive.org/details/bub_gb…
Esoteric Astrology: archive.org/details/in.ern…
24: "The Spherical basis of astrology" A set of tables of houses, but only from 22-60 latitude. archive.org/details/spheri… The last four pages of the book showed a set of tables that were used by Raphael's ephemeris until their 2019 edition.
24b. Sadly, they changed the format in the 2020 edition of the ephemeris, into a much less legible computer-generated one...
25. Ashmand's translation of the Tetrabiblos. books.google.co.uk/books?id=ABtbA…
26. Zadkiel's legacy: A short, but absorbing pamphlet on the 1842 Great conjunction (conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter). Interestingly, he incorporates uranus into the predictive scheme books.google.co.uk/books?id=jh5kA… I should do a review of this book some day
27. Placidus' Primum Mobile, translated by John Cooper books.google.co.uk/books?id=IhVbA…
28:C. Heydon's The new astrology. archive.org/details/b28762… Has section on Nativities as well as Horary. The latter sect. has a set of example charts, including this: "Is she a maid or virgin that asks a question" p.161. Result: The inquirer was a "honourable & handsome virgin"
28b.Footnote to above: "Christian astrology is not only lawful, but essentially useful. At the same time, the best things in the world may be prostituted for the worst of purposes. The consequence most assuredly is, that they will bring down divine vengeance on their own bodies"
29. zadkiel's "Handbook of astrology vol. 2", on nativities books.google.co.uk/books?id=LzEDA… I recall reading in 'Urania's children' the word "Tao Sze" was intened to mean 'Professor'. The word does resemble the Chinese 道師, Daoshi, meaning Daoist priest/master
29b. An alternative translation is Master of the Way, as Dao 道 refers to a 'path' or 'way' in general, not just Daoism.
30. Astrology in medicine : the Fitzpatrick lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians on November 6 and 11, 1913 also archive.org/details/astrol…
31. Another from
This book "Astrology, its technics and ethics" contains another early example of sun-sign astrology: archive.org/details/astrol… Image
@AngelBellizia 32. John Goad's Astro-Meteorologica, on astrologal weather prediction. One of the few books on this subject.
@AngelBellizia 33. sacred-texts.com/astro/index.htm has a list of astrological literature. Of particular note is H. E. Butler's Solar Biology. This book gives character delineations from a person's Sun and Moon signs. sacred-texts.com/astro/sb/index…
@AngelBellizia 34: Heindel's Simplified Scientifc Astrology archive.org/details/simpli… includes a table of planetary hours an a table of houses for 41 &42 degrees north
@AngelBellizia 35: Heindel's The message of the stars. a compendum of Natal and medical astrology. Has section on Sun Signs, seen below; archive.org/details/messag…
@AngelBellizia 36. Heindel's Simplified Scientific table of houses: web.archive.org/web/2017040601…
@AngelBellizia 37: On the Indian and Arabian Division of the Zodiac , H, T Colebrooke archive.org/details/in.ern…
@AngelBellizia 38: Gadbury's Collectio Geniturarum: A collection of horoscopes of famous people. books.google.co.uk/books?id=U25jA…
@AngelBellizia 38b.Gadbury has early example of "Midday times" for birth. Here is his treatment of Anne Stuart's nativity en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Stua… could not find the exact time of her birth,(hence the blank chart) so he used the positions of the planets at midday.this was evidently good enough Image
@AngelBellizia 39/ raphael's ephemeris, 1800-1861. a massive volume of over 900 pp. archive.org/details/raphae…
I recall seeing copies of raphaels ephemeris from the 1960s-70s, which are more or less identical in format to the one given here
@AngelBellizia 40/ John Butler's Christologia/ Χριστολογία, an attempt to calculate the exact moment of Christ's birth. the horoscope looks like this : books.google.co.uk/books?id=KJamG… Image
@AngelBellizia NB: this is not the only birth-time for Jesus. No less than 14 other times have been proposed: astro.com/astro-databank… Curiously butler's time is not one of those mentioned in the article
@AngelBellizia 41. N. C. Lahiri's "Advance Ephemeris", a Sideral ephemeris for the years 1950-2050. Of especial interest to Indian astrologers; contains tables for calculating the Tithi&Yoga. Note the ephemeris only gives planetary positions once a mth
@AngelBellizia 42/Bowron's "Observations on Planetary and Celestial Influences in the Production of Epidemics" books.google.co.uk/books?id=2vZZA…
@AngelBellizia 43/ Broughton's Monthly Planet Reader and Astrological Journal, April 1860- Dec 1869. books.google.co.uk/books?id=XRBLA… Has nativities of Lincoln (rectified tho') Napoleon III, Charles Dickens and more.
@AngelBellizia 44/ Simmonite's Prognostications on Revolutions; or, Solar Figures, etc books.google.co.uk/books?id=xSRbA… Short bk on Solar Return charts, with very handy rules for interpreting them. Has monthly positions of sun, superior planets & nodes for 1854-1879
@AngelBellizia 45/ The Astrologers' Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany books.google.co.uk/books?id=_CoSA… Sept 1857-May 1858 This periodical is mostly a serialized astrology textbook, but has some interesting things eg "generation of silkworms from veal" books.google.co.uk/books?id=_CoSA… Image
@AngelBellizia 46/The conjuror's magazine, or magical and physiognomical mirror vol 1 : books.google.co.uk/books?id=_iIOA…
Vol 2: books.google.co.uk/books?id=frw6A…
The collection is truly misc. you have basics of primary directions rubbing shoulders with parlour magic tricks etc. has significant pts on palmistry
@AngelBellizia 47 Patridge and Flamsted's new and well experienced fortune book. books.google.co.uk/books?id=itkDA… Nothing to do with astrology at all, but a very early work on telling fortunes using a 52-card deck. Still, the use of the astrologers/astronomers names tells u smth. abt their reputation.
@AngelBellizia 48/ The Astrooger's Magazine:
vol iv, 1894: archive.org/details/astrol…
vol v , 1895 archive.org/details/astrol…
@AngelBellizia 48b Here is a rather fascinating article on the "Nadigrantham", or Nadi astrology. It was serialized between the Sept-oct 1893 : archive.org/details/astrol… and archive.org/details/astrol… Here is part 1... ImageImage
@AngelBellizia 48c. This is pt 2. I should also add
vol iv has the issues from Aug 1893-Jul 1894,
and vol v has the issues from Aug 1894-jul 1895. ImageImageImage
@AngelBellizia 48d. The two volumes contain a substantial amount of Indian astrology in general. Here is a picture of the "Hindu Zodiac" with its horas, navamsas, Dwads etc etc archive.org/details/astrol… Image
@AngelBellizia 49/ THE MATHEMATICS OF ASTROLOGY DOES HOUSE DIVISION MAKE SENSE citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/downlo… A skeptical article, nonetheless one of the more extensive treatments of the basis of house division.
@AngelBellizia 50/ Charles E.O. Carter's "the 7 great problems of astrology" astroamerica.com/seven_great_sc…
@AngelBellizia 51/ A. E. Housman's translation of Manillius' astronomica
All books are in latin. but Vol 2 & 3 have a substantial intro in english,
@AngelBellizia 52. The Loeb ed. of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, translated by F.E. Robbins. archive.org/details/L350Ma…
@AngelBellizia 53: A surprisingly large cache of works on astrological and magical works archive.org/details/alchem…
@AngelBellizia 54/ A large collection of astrological works archive.org/details/Astrol…
@AngelBellizia 55/ Heinrich Däath's Medical astrology
@AngelBellizia 56/ "The Sphere of Marcus Manilius Made an English Poem" A rhyming translation of Manilius' Astronomica. Probably the only astrology textbook in English, written in rhyme.

@AngelBellizia 56b/ Note, it seems the above is NOT a complete translation of Manilius.
@AngelBellizia 57/ Heliocentric astrology; archive.org/details/helioc…
@AngelBellizia 58/ A practical guide to traditional astrology, J. Crane archive.org/details/162899…
@AngelBellizia 59: "Astrology collection of 7000 books and docs" archive.org/details/Book.A…
@AngelBellizia 59b. N.B. most of the above appear to be ones of Indian astrology
@AngelBellizia 60: The first part of the "Seven Segments of Cardan" skyscript.co.uk/cardan_first.p… a set of rather interesting astrological aphorisms
@AngelBellizia 60b. For a very critical review of the above, see heavenastrolabe.wordpress.com/2009/09/24/abo…
@AngelBellizia 61/Phillip Graves' astrological articles; a veritable library of information. astrolearn.com/astrology-arti…
@AngelBellizia 62/ archive.org/details/b28762… Astrology. The wisdom of Solomon in miniature, being a new doctrine of nativities, C Heydon.

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Feb 3
In this thread I shall attempt to translate the inscriptions on these four sheets that make up the "Benefactor attracting talisman" 貴人接引符
Some notes:
Although these four talismans are sold as a set, it appears some of the yellow sheets- in particular the first- is occasionally sold separately under the name of 小百解 - small Hundred Resolvings shopee.com.my/%E7%B2%BE%E8%A… Image
these talismans are actually structured as writs/petitions. They have gaps in the text, into which you are supposed to fill in with your name and details. Once everything is filled in, you burn it to send the petition to Heaven.
In practise this is seldom done.
Read 55 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
puella hath boobs

puer hath balls


Thank me later
Laetitia-- Joy-- is a big, hard [CENSORED]

[image suppressed to preserve reader's sense of decency]

If these strike the readers as unusual, let them be reminded that the I Ching has, from very early times, been seen in sexual terms
(From Minford's tr. of the I Ching)
Read 7 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
I do not actually think this is an Amithaba triad: It is more probably a "Saha-world triad" 娑婆三聖, viz. Śākyamuni Buddha; Guanyin (R, with headdress) and Dizang (L, Bald head, with outstretched palm)
If this was indeed an Amithaba Triad, you would have Mahāsthāmaprāpta instead of Dizang (and Amithaba instead of Śākyamuni Buddha); Mahāsthāmaprāpta is depicted almost identically to Guanyin, as you can see below baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%A5%BF…
However, as you can see in the above sculpture, the figure on the left does not remotely look like Guanyin at all, but is rather bald (consistent with depictions of dazing) and holds a pearl (another of His attributes)
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
Near the end of the 1608 edition of Cattan's Geomancy we find this folding plate, with short interpretations for each of the figures in all 12 houses. However, the plate in the scan I have is damaged, & only 12 of a total 16 figures remain. Does anyone have a complete version?
Update: Like much of Cattan, a reformatted version of this table was copied into Heydon's Theomagia: archive.org/details/theoma…
This copy is fortunately complete; you can see all 16 figures
Please note this delineation of Puella in the 6th house "Good, but Special for Lechery"
Read 5 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
@XianyangCB @Vermeullarmine "Although long rumored, the Classical Chinese translation of BAP was never conclusively proven, until one night, the ghost of the Beureaucrat appeared in a dream to her grandson. She motioned to a spot on the wall, and then disappeared...
@XianyangCB @Vermeullarmine "The very next morning, the Grandson-- mindful of the legends behind the discovery of the Chinese classics- applied a crowbar to that wall, whereupon he discovered, wrapped in a bag of black silk, that very translation which rumor promised and news denied...
@XianyangCB @Vermeullarmine " News spread like wildfire. Blurry smartphone pictures of the Ms. soon appeared on twitter, but accounts describing the manuscript were soon expunged. Counter-rumors emerged: the style of writing was simply too archaic, or too simplistic, to be produced in the age of its...
Read 8 tweets
Nov 14, 2021
Oddly specific house significations in geomancy
Taken from the transcribed version of Cattan by @thisisorval
1st hse:
"this house containeth the questions which may be propounded and made of the head, and of every things therein contained; as the braine, memorie, understanding, reason, intelligence, eyes, eye-browes, nose, teeth, mouth, ears, and visages;"
2nd house: "Which of the two gamblers have won or shall win the silver" [...] "Whether the friend put in trust, be secret or not"
(You can also see why the transcription was necessary )
Read 31 tweets

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