How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App itself is pretty happy to absorb polytheist gods, albeit holding them to be inferior to buddhas. in Chinese Buddhism, the Jade Emperor is considered to be the same as Brahma.月8日刊登在《星洲日报》《言路》版,题目作《这些迷信的父母都病得不轻》的黄翠娴女 士的专栏文章,内容主要是控诉“父母束缚着年幼的孩子‘成全’乩童往自己孩子嘴里投含血唾液”的作法不仅不合卫生,而且有迷信之嫌。, As much as the analects may be culturally important, they are written in a very hard, archaic form of chinese (which even I struggle with!) that is also ambiguous to boot: there have been millennia long disputes on what passages even mean. visualisation exxercises can get really trippy- things like visualising the gods that dwell in various parts of the body, nurturing numinous embryos etc- thus imagining you are purifying your own cum would probably be not out of place, for example if you wish to see if mars(♂️ in the chart below, at the 7 o'clock position) is trine anything, notice that he is in gemini♊️, which is yellow. of Edward's ancestor worship trust thing that has struck me when I see astrology being 'applied' is the technical simplicity of a lot of these things. I have seen half-hour podcasts dedicated to nothing more complex than analysing aspects the moon is making... seems to be no clearer image of that portrait online, but zooming in, it seems he has Saturn in Aquarius (black-robed figure eating what seems to be a baby= Cronus = Saturn). He has one other planet in Capricorn which I can't identify…… should clarify. china has its own indigenous systems of astrology that are altogether very different from western astrology. chinese websites give free readings in the indigenous bazi system, often to a high degree of detail. of course, we now know that Saturn has rings and Jupiter has moons, but does this mean that information about when Saturn is burnt in the rays of the sun, or Jupiter retraces his steps across the sky less valuable?… in Buddhist and Daoist rituals, there is the concept of 三厭:the three detestables: :Gray Goose 雁、Dog 狗、"blackfish" 烏魚。which are tabooed for practitioners… rest of the inscriptions of the paper are a jumble of dates. here is what is found on the right-hand side interesting example of this comes from Buddhism, specifically the history of the Medicine Buddha sutra, as recounted by master Chuk Mo = Zhumo 竺摩, for example, a person taking psychedelics under a 'Saturn-Pluto transit' one sees saturnine things, like fear, death, dread; under Jupiter-Uranus transits one sees more jovial scenes- new vistas, new breakthroughs &c. 水牛 is the water buffalo