#finma will hopefully cast the net a bit wider. #gts previous address in Zug good place to start. mona.co coin...rebadged crytpo.com biggest selling point i could see from their marketing material is they had a ''metal'' prepaid visa...whooopy do.
long story short....track back through a myraid of defunct shells and you end up on the sunny seaside of #seychelles
Id almost forgot about Ivo kraemer....who helped transition the new straw board and the rebranding of semicon to Global Trade solutions. he stands tall amongst his peers as not only claiming pole position as to who's shell''s the grubbiest.
His chopshop is also responsible for Swiss Assets which was used to promote a $40m ponzi across europe and the uk.
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@DrFranzC @NortheastCash @sprintcat9 @DOGE_GSA @DOGE You idiot. The contract award amount is not paid by the gov agencies it is fully funded by a 3rd party under an ESPC with a performance guarantee by Ameresco as the ESCO, it is self funded through the savings gained through the retrofit/upgrades across the 23 buildings.
@DrFranzC @NortheastCash @sprintcat9 @DOGE_GSA @DOGE So instead of paying zero, the agency will have to continue to maintain aging and legacy equipment the older they get the more expensive O&M is.
@DrFranzC @NortheastCash @sprintcat9 @DOGE_GSA @DOGE So now the agency will have to go through the same process at some stage the agency will have to waste time and resources going through the process again making an assessment between two pathways;
- ESPC; or
- Design-bid-build
Well done DOGE. You have just cancelled a contract for the feasibility study for a ESPC (Energy Saving Performance Contract) the sole purpose of guaranteeing the costs savings to be achieved by the project to secure 3rd party financing which is repaid by the savings generated through the term of the contact.
This contract went through a multistage tender approval process. So by cancelling it you have delayed the project.
@DOGE_GSA the contract is 23 years because the service provider (who guarantees the energy costs savings) provides the O&M services....guess the money comes from....the fucking guaranted savings.
So why does it cost so much to undertake the feasibility studies. because you are shifting the risk from the gov as well as the financing. The provider needs to be absolutely certain that those savings are actually going to be available to repay the 3rd party loan that finance all the capex and has sufficient additional cashflow to fund the O&M.
mate its absolutely achievable. I've done the numbers.
There are only 2 critical success factors; 1. Bitcoin goes to $23m per coin by 2045; 2. A visionary buyer that has accumulated > $20T and has confidence that even after 20 years of 34% CAGR providing the seller with a 350x bagger, that there's sufficient upside to warrant acquiring 1m bitcoin for > $20T.
The analysis;
Current US GDP $29.33T, Debt $35.49T
Using World bank forecast GDP growth of 1.9% and assuming the debt ratio stays the same
2045 debt will be a spritely $51.71B
Just for good measure here's the GDP and debt numbers for the Top 20.
Even after the 50% debt reduction, the US will still have the largest debt of all countries.
For the purpose of the analysis I've distilled the Lummis plan down to;
Buy 1m BTC for $70B using existing cash reserves.
Exit all or part of BTC holdings by 2045 to payout half the total debt.
In estimating how much of the investment would be required to settle 50% of the debt.
Two scenarios: Pessimistic (sell down 100%) and probable (sell down 50% ).
So for months I've been asking the question.
Who is behind the unnamed "private sector" group who are being given prioritised access to delivering food and supplies into #gaza.
I am suprised that literally no one appears to be looking into who this un-named collective that has delivered 25% of all 'goods and services' into #gaza.
I say G&S and not #humanitarianaid as these are commercial arranagements. Not for the starving or needy just for those that can pay.
The previous pie chart falls well short of actually what's happening with the shift to these unknown private groups.
When you look at the data over the last 3 months. Private groups are > 50% and increasing volumes month to month while total deliveries are decreasing.
July they are at 75% of total.
Here's a little #googlesheet #osint tool I made.
is the best free #whois history service.
But it works even better if you use its #API (which starts at $2 pay as go). Whoxy.com
To make it easy to use. I created a googlesheet using the importjson script.
The whoxyAPI provides 5 search functions;
Whois, whois history, email, person, keyword saerch
@RepMikeCollins No problem with tasering student while handcuffed.
In fact you seem so proud of that you thought it was worth cheering on.
Was it because he was a student? Or because he was protesting? or because he was black?
@RepMikeCollins Not sure what your laws are down in Georgia.
But here is a police department recommendation report from Stanford that gives some pretty clear guidelines when a Taser can be used.
So why would cheer on someone getting tasered while handcuffed expressing his First amendment right?