Petitioner was repeated gaslighted by the court and parties in #Case14FA1018. The appointment of a GAL for LMJ sought to solidify to onlookers that LMJ (& therefore claims made) were “crazy”.
But what’s the REAL REASON a GAL for LMJ was appointed?
Petitioner = LMJ
GAL = Guardian ad Litem
OD = Online docket
Fact: At 11/16/15 hearing Joseph Alioto “makes a recommendation” court appoint a GAL for Petitioner. NO MOTION FILED WITH THE COURT. (source: OD)
Fact: At 11/16/15 hearing LMJ “requests a written motion be filed with the court along with a hearing if parties believe that she is in need of a GAL”. (source: OD)
Fact: At 11/16/15 hearing the “court finds there is cause to appoint a GAL” for LMJ. (source: OD)
Fact: On 11/17/15 “Order appointing GAL” filed. (source: OD)
Fact: Order neither appointed a GAL nor named GAL. Order addressed initial payment for GAL.
Side note/fact: Order never sent to LMJ, obtained electronically by LMJ in 2018.…
Fact: A letter from Alioto dated 11/17/15 was received 11/19/15 in mail “encouraging” LMJ to recommence supervised visits and “urging” she share health info with parties. Also included: proposed order from 11/16/15 hearing.…
Fact: 11/19/15 LMJ responded to Alioto addressing concerns and reason for “noncompliance”. LMJ also respectfully requested Alioto stopped harassing her and allow her time to meet with her GAL.
Note: Attorney Julie Gay copied.…
Fact: The order appointing Atty Julie Gay as LMJ’s GAL was filed into court records on 12/1/15, same day parties were present at court for the 12/1/15 hearing.
Note: Gay did not date.…
Fact: Atty Julie Gay is the wife of the Waukesha Circuit Court Judge William Domina, appointed in 2010. Domina remains on the bench today.…
LMJ appear to be an individual in need of a GAL?
LMJ meet legal requirements for appointment of GAL?
Law adhered to in appointment of GAL?
11/17/15 Order intentionally misleading as filed?
Parties “hope” appointment of GAL would gaslight LMJ into compliance? Purpose of Alioto 11/17/15 letter? Give LMJ opportunity to “comply”?
Why wasn’t GAL appointed or named in 11/17/15 order? “Hoping” LMJ would comply/settle & appointment not req’d?
Legal for Gay to meet w/LMJ under guise of being GAL prior to Order filed legally appointing Gay?
GAL appt bc LMJ in need of GAL? Or GAL appt bc parties backed into a corner?
LMJ’s 11/12/15 filing provide insight?……
Why Gay not take husband’s name when married?
Conflict of interest for wife of sitting judge to practice in same courthouse?
Gay chosen to circumvent proper/legal communication channels?
How best/easiest to “get messages” to @JudgeBugenhagen w/o trail?
Is being an individual’s GAL same is being a party’s chosen attny of record?
Gay listed as LMJ attny of record in OD?
When case converted to electronic filing In April 2016 who could/could not make filings?
Why Gay show up at 10/4/16 motion hearing re house?
Dismissed as GAL in divorce decree filed 9/8/16?

10/4/16 hearing: “Court will appoint Atty Gay until today's date and will discharge Atty Gay as of today since she was served with the paperwork”? (source: OD)
“Kept on” to ensure LMJ could not file motion?…
GAL Gay required by law to act in the best interest of LMJ?
Not contacting LMJ to assist responding to Alioto interrogatories in LMJ best interest? (Page 11)…
Gay intentionally not go on record re whether in LMJ’s best interest to release therapists name?
A GAL’s LEGAL PURPOSE to provide independent opinion of what‘s in ward’s best interest?
What was Gay’s REAL PURPOSE?…
Gay knowingly falsely state LMJ therapist=LMJ psychiatrist?
Ackerman desire access to therapist as stated @ trial? Or ulterior motive to access psychiatrist? (“The Beginning” thread)
LMJ coordinating call logistics thwart ulterior motive?…
Not having LMJ psychiatrist testify at trial in LMJ best interest?…
Why LMJ refuse to allow access to therapist?
What were Ackerman/Alioto true intentions?…
Picture of what transpired becoming clear?
LMJ willing to ignore the appearance of events to “outsiders”?
LMJ vocal about steadfast faith in the Divine? Devotion to Greater Good?
LMJ chose to “Let go and Let God”? Lose battles to win war?
The more you know.
One must be willing to evaluate facts & challenge personal beliefs to see the truth on #Case14FA1028. As Mark Twain wisely said:
“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.”