In the pursuit of justice LMJ contacted many individuals & organizations via email* to call attention to the corruption/request assistance combatting the corruption. Unless otherwise noted, no response was received.
*Email addresses for attorneys are readily available from the State Bar of WI website or law firm websites. In some cases the email naming convention of an organization was used to extrapolate email addresses of unlisted individuals.
Partners of involved lawyers
Peckerman, Klein & Van Kirk
- Atty Thomas Klein
- Atty Jennifer Van Kirk
- Atty Erica Stoltz
D’Angelo & Grabow (formerly D’Angelo & Jones)
- Atty Christine D’Angelo
- Atty Thomas Jones
- Atty Andrea Lau
Partners of involved lawyers con’t
Halling & Cayo
- Atty Kenneth J. Baker
- Atty Scott N. Burns
- Atty Richard J. Cayo
- Atty Thomas W. Cunnigham
- Atty Robert J. Dvorak
- Atty Angela C. Foy
- Atty Patricia L. Grove: Rec’d dismissive email response
Partners of involved attorneys con’t
Halling & Cayo con’t
- Atty James F. Guckenberg
- Atty Seth Hill
- Atty Christopher T. Kolb
- Atty Jeremy P. Levinson
- Atty Daniel J. O’Brien
- Atty Melissa Papaleo
- Atty Stacie Rosenzweig
- Atty Mark E. Sanders
Partners of involved attorneys
Halling & Cayo con’t
- Atty Michael Schaalman
- Atty Roberta Steiner
- Atty Sean M. Sweeney
Colleagues of listing agent Jeff Lien
First Weber Relators
- James R. Imhoff, Jr., Chairman
- Kevin Donnell, CEO
- Robert Weber, President
- Leo Fitzgerald, Brookfield/Elm Grove Branch Manager: Response rec’d citing “clerical error”
Colleagues of listing agent con’t
First Weber
- Michael Payton, former agent of @TheJeffLienTeam
- Mike Ledzian, team agent
- Donna Duesing, team agent
- Sam Katlua, team agent
Re/Max Relators
- Mike Polega, The WI Real Estate Team
Wisconsin Judicial Commission
- Atty Frank J. Daily, @QuarlesandBrady
- Atty Joseph L. Olson, @MichaelBestLaw
- Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn
- Executive Director Jeremiah Van Hecke
Office of Lawyer Regulation, Special Preliminary Review Panel
- Atty Bruce F. Ehlke, Chairperson: response rec’d
- Atty Stuart S. Mukamal: response rec’d
- Atty Bruce A. Schultz
- Atty Dennis M. Sullivan: response rec’d
Wisconsin Court Officials
- Clerk Gina Colletti, Waukesha Clerk of Court
- Chief Judge Jennifer Dorrow, Waukesha County
- Director of State Courts Atty Randy Koschnick
- @justicedallet, WI Supreme Court Justice
Wisconsin Department of Justice
- Attorney General Josh Kaul @WisDOJ
- Deputy Attorney General Eric Wilson (contacted @ Godfrey & Kahn & DOJ)
- AAG Charlotte Gibson
- AAG Kevin C Potter
- AAG Clayton Patrick Kawasaki
Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Tip left at
- Special Agent Daniel Hargreaves, FBI Milwaukee contacted LMJ: “AUSA Paul Kanter has asked me to reach out”
US Department of Justice: US Trustee Program
- US Trustee Attorney Patrick S. Layng, Region 11
- Assistant US Trustee Attorney David Walter Asbach, Eastern District WI
- Atty Michelle Cramer, Eastern District WI
US Department of Justice: US Attorney
- US Attorney Matthew D. Krueger, Eastern District WI
- Assistant US Attorney Paul L. Kanter, Criminal Division Chief: Rec’d responses “Matter is being reviewed”
Miscellaneous Attorneys
- Atty Susan L. Opper, Waukesha DA
- Atty Amanda Bellville, Bellville & Brown
- Atty Andrew J. Christman, Von Briesen
- Atty Patrick Dunphy, Cannon & Dunphy
- Atty Nicholas D. Harken, McCoy Leavitt Laskey
- Atty Joel Tilleson, Falk Legal Group
Misc attorneys con’t
- Atty Patrick James Leigl, Milwaukee City Attorneys Office
- Atty Daniel Hoff, WI Access to Justice Commission
- Atty Amanda M. Parent, State Public Defenders Office
- Atty John A. Cravens, Mallery & Zimmerman SC
Misc attorneys don’t
- Atty Christopher Stawski: Response rec’d
- Attorneys Elliot Schiff & Atty Bo McNulty, Schiff Gorman: Response rec’d
- Atty Kathleen M. McDaniel, Manitowoc City Attorneys Office: Response rec’d
Journalists & Investigative Reporters
(Misc responses rec’d, no published stories yet)
TMJ4 News
- News desk tip line
- Joe Poss, Station Manager
- Courtney Gerrish, Investigative Reporter
- Casey Geraldo, Investigative Reporter
- Pete Zervakis, reporter
Reporters con’t
FOX6 News
- News desk
- Brian Polcyn, Investigative Reporter
- @amandasaint5, Investigative Reporter
CBS58 News
- News desk
- David Wheaton, Assignment Desk Manager
- Michele McCormack, former news anchor
- @kristenbarbar, Investigative Reporter
Reporters con’t
WISN12 News
- News desk tip line
- Derrick Rose, Investigative Reporter
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Bruce Vielmetti, Legal Affairs Reporter @ProofHearsay
- @aluthern, reporter
Post Crescent
- @ericlitke Investigative Reporter
Reporters con’t
MacIver Institute
- Matt Kittle, Investigative Reporter
Wisconsin Freedom of Information
- @billlueders, President
- @TomFitton, President
- Paul Orfanedes, Director of Litigation
- Chris Farrell, Director of Research & Investigation
Reporters con’t
This thread is not an exhaustive list of those contacted by LMJ to shine a light on the corruption and/or ask for assistance in bringing the perpetrators to justice.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
~ Benjamin Franklin
While no email response was rec’d from Director Koschnick, a 8/2/18 letter was rec’d in mail. Letter cc’d Michael Niemon & included LMJ’s 7/29/18 4 pg letter w/8 exhibits.
Sneaky lawyer tactic: Share information in possession for a purportedly legitimate reason.

While no email response was rec’d from Judge Dorrow, a 7/30/18 unsigned letter was rec’d in mail.