Forex Trading (Part 1) - The forest (Forexia) and the hunters (traders).
There is famine in the land, and one of the few remaining food sources is the forest called Forexia. Unfortunately, some monsters have already made their homes in the forest. Everyone who ventures into Forexia must fight, defeat, and steal food from the monsters.
Forex trading is a zero sum game. For you to win, someone else must lose. Those losers may be monsters (large institutional players) or regular people.
For you to win consistently, your strategies must beat theirs.
100 farmers came together to attack the monsters so that they could steal some food. They sang songs of encouragement to themselves and went gallantly into the forest. NONE of them made it back. They were all eaten by the monsters.
0% of unskilled, untrained traders make money. Don’t jump in without any training or with a few days of training or after reading a book.
You will lose all your money.
100 paramilitary fighters trained for 2 months and strategically entered the forest in a bid to get some food. 95 of them dies in the forest, ONLY 5 made it back with a few crumbs of bread.
About 3 - 5% of people make a little money with a few months of training in Forex trading. Most people lose everything they put into it.
Another 100 soldiers trained extensively for 6 to 12 months in a bid to understand the intricacies of Forexia. They went into Forexia with a clear strategy and fought hard with charts and technical analyses. Only 25 of them made it out with some food.
Only 10 to 25% of full-time traders with deep expertise and long term training in Forex trading techniques make any money and just about 15% make a living with it.
The monsters are smart, they have immense resources, and they play to win.
Your FX trade is contesting against monsters with 100+ mathematics PhDs on their payroll, crazy fast computers with >20GB RAM, and 100s of news and information analysts who ONLY think about FX.
I am a pretty smart guy. I have always done well with esoteric information and standardized knowledge. But I don't think I can compete creditably against the monsters.
January 2010 was a truly consequential month in my family’s life.
Our daughter, Audrey, was a healthy beautiful baby who was growing up with the full complement of her mom and dad’s love.
I was a professor at the University of Georgia and my wife, an architect, had taken some time off work in order to spend more time with our baby. Sometime that month, my wife started preparing to return to work so we had to start searching for a daycare program for Audrey.
I have been pondering this question since I saw a documentary on Bushiri/Mboro/TB Joshua.
I think it's because humans seek SIMPLE answers to COMPLEX problems.
- A short thread.
Why am I not financially successful?
Complex solution:
- Maybe I need to develop more skills.
- Maybe systemic (country-wide)issues are responsible.
- Maybe I need to save more.
- Maybe, I need to start a side gig
Simple solution:
- I need to pray harder (enemies!).
Why am I struggling to hold down a relationship?
Complex solution:
- Maybe I need to be friendlier.
- Maybe I need to meet more people.
- Maybe I need to dress better.
- Maybe, I need to have realistic expectations.
Simple solution:
- I need to pray harder (enemies!).
An investment banker went to Bali, Indonesia on vacation.
He visited a small, fishing village and sat down to talk to the fishermen.
He told them about his 12-hour workdays, his six-figure salary, and the prestige of working on Wall Street.
"In 30 years, I will be worth a few million dollars and retire", He added. "After retiring, I will move to a place like this and buy a nice house and fish all day and sleep whenever I feel like sleeping and wake up whenever I feel like waking up and enjoy a quiet, peaceful life.
The fishermen were confused.
They looked at him weirdly and asked, "Why then do you have to work as a slave for 30 years so that you can live our current lifestyle?"