@BetseyStevenson We have an Introductory Micro book, Macro, or combined Principles of Econ. Choose the book you need.
It'll be free for you (the instructor) & we’ll provide free (digital) copies for all of your students. Plus instructor resources.
Your students will see you as a superhero...
@BetseyStevenson Read the fine print: Obviously, I can’t persuade my publishers to do this forever. The free textbooks are just for Spring 2020. After that, it’ll back to usual retail pricing (though @MacmillanLearn is usually more competitive than its rivals).
My publisher knows whether the book is high quality. Instructors don’t. This offer loses money unless folks who try the book end up loving it. It's a costly signal worth sending only if you believe the book really works.
One thing I've learned to do when I have questions about social security number holders who are age 100 or older is to look up the SSA Inspector General audit report, "Numberholders Age 100 or Older Who Did Not Have Death Information on the Numident."
After all: Is there a principled difference between weighting on age (to ensure that your sample includes youngs and olds) and weighting on past vote (to ensure you get folks from across the political spectrum)?
Both age and past vote are:
- Predetermined (before this poll)
- Non-manipulable
- Though self-reported
- And we have good population estimates to weight them to.
What principle would make one of these a legitimate survey design weight and the other "herding"?
This decline in violent crime is evident in not just the FBI reports, but also an independent survey by the BJS.
If you don't trust data from G-men, the decline in homicide rates the FBI reports is also evident in a count of death certificates in which coroners cute homicide as the cause of death.
September payrolls grew +254k, well above expectations.
August payrolls revised up +17k to +159k, and July revised up +55k to +144k.
Unemployment fell to 4.1%
This economic expansion that is motoring along.
Honestly, there's not much to say here other than that fears the job market had slowed turned out to be a statistical illusion due to incomplete data.
Over the past three months, payrolls is motoring along at +186k per month, on average, which is pretty much where you want it.
(The conspiracy theories on revisions to economic numbers confuse me, and I can't remember whether numbers getting revised up to look good is evidence of a conspiracy, or numbers later get revised down is evidence of an initial conspiracy that falls apart.)