My great hope for the keyboard debacle is that Apple pulls a Johnson & Johnson 1982 move and recalls every single laptop they've sold since 2015, and gives buyers a new scissor-keyboard equipped model instead. How many billions might that cost? A quarters' worth of buybacks?
It sounds so implausible under modern corporate ethics. Where Apple is a forerunner in deny, deflect, delay, and dismiss. But it doesn't have to be that way. The most profitable computer company in the history of the world could choose a different way.
I know it's institutionally almost impossible for Apple to accept that they not only fucked up the MacBook's keyboard, but that they failed to fix their fuckup for 4 years running, with several attempts. They're proud people, Apple. But I'd be prouder still of them if they did.
Johnson & Johnson correctly diagnosed in 1982 that the Tylenol murders had the potential to run their business and their brand for decades to come. They recalled every bottle, even if it wasn't their fault!, and they won consumer confidence back.…
Apple's consumer confidence amongst people who've been stricken by the keyboard debacle is hurting. Maybe it's not showing up in their net-promoter scores yet, but it's there. Oh it's there. I-FUCKING-BOUGHT-A-WINDOWS-LAPTOP it's there.
Hey @tim_cook, I know you know the Johnson & Johnson Tylenol case study. I doubt there's a business major who hasn't been exposed to that one. Consider how you might turn this keyboard debacle into the next case study we'll talk about in 30 years 🙏
@tim_cook Apple sells ~$25B worth of Mac stuff per year. The keyboards have been fucked for four years. They sold ~$100B of Mac stuff in that time frame. Say half of that is laptops? $50B. Say half would do exchange program? $25B. To win the hearts and minds back? CHEAP!
@tim_cook Compared to the cost of losing customers forever, it's a steal.
@tim_cook This is neither rare nor isolated nor fixable with a program that gives you another shitty keyboard of the same design that'll go bust again.
"As Apple faces down hearings in Congress and lawsuits in court, its argument that it needs to maintain total control over the iPhone app ecosystem to keep users safe doesn’t mesh with the obvious examples of grift that anyone can easily find." 🎯☠️…
I've seen some ugly sides of Apple over the past year in particular, but this is both the ugliest AND most befuddling?! When you're staking your entire justification of a billion-dollar app tax on keeping a "safe & secure" store, why would you let yourself get embarrassed so?
Most security theaters at least PRETEND to act accordingly with the stakes. Apple's gross negligence with the safety & security of the App Store is costing consumers millions, and the company just stonewalls any journalists who asks questions about it.
"'One of the things that became apparent to us in the beginning is the lack of fairness in credit scores.' – Apple reinventing credit scores, allowing cardholders and spouses to merge their credit lines and credit scores." WOW! This is a direct response, huge improvement. YES! 👏
This is what I mean when I retain faith that Apple can and eventually will release their monopoly squeeze on the App Store. Just like finally giving up on those awful butterfly keyboards. Apple will eventually do what's right with enough pressure.
Still, immensely gratifying to see Apple change the Apple Card after the wave of criticism that followed our family's terrible experience just 18 months ago. Wish they would have engaged throughout, but still. Wonderful to see.…
Kosta just keeps finding the corrupt, the sleazy, and the truly bizarre in the App Store. What is Apple spending all those billions from the 30% tax on? It sure isn't operating an actually safe, secure, and sanctioned store of apps. Anyway, off to install this for our 5-year old!
Maybe we can even get some new, beautiful iPads today with even better screens to play our... uhmmm.. ladies in underwear with man-dogs on a leash games for 4 year-olds. Apple Approved! 😬
Although I guess it's possible that this bizarre game is in the App Store because an Apple employee submitted it? Apple has quite the history in that regard.…
A single bitcoin transaction now consumes almost a thousand kWh. Or a month's worth of power consumption for an average US household. 🤯☠️…
And that's an average American household! In Denmark, the average apartment household use ~2200 kWh. So that's upwards of six months of energy consumption in a single bitcoin transaction. Horrible.
If the App Store can't even protect you from getting scammed with MEDICAL APPS, then what's even the point? This is just an astounding level of negligence paired with Apple's seal of approval resulting in a multi-million dollar scam that's been going for a long time. YIKES.
Meanwhile, Apple continues to claim that unless they prevent apps like @heyhey or @fortnite from processing their own payments, then the integrity and trust in the App Store is in jeopardy. Lol.
Here's another example. Total scam copy app of the Roku Remote app (the official one is FREE!) that charges people $4.99 PER WEEK?? Stacked with fake reviews. Write-up on Forbes platform. Still chugging along.…
The echoes of the Shaun King scandal reverberate. But now it's with the enforcement of Twitter to keep questions of charity accounting suppressed. Just bananas.…
If you're running a non-profit that has raised $90m without transparent accounting for how the funds are dispensed, yeah, it's probably going to raise questions if purchase home after home. It was the same shit, at smaller scale, with Shaun King.…
The reason I in particular care about the Shaun King story was that I donated $10,000 to his Justice Together non-profit back in 2015. Total shit show, total fraud the best I could tell. No transparency into how funds were spent, suddenly they were just gone, shop shut.