“Every time I join a new organisation, it only takes a week or two before someone in senior management sidles up to me to ask “How can we instil a sense of urgency in the team?!” which really means “Why is our pace of delivery so slow??”” @lisa_van_gelder#LeadDevAustin
Some great stories about what was really slowing things down, including:
- publicly shaming devs who didn’t complete a story (led to sandbagging)
- individual story point targets (led to seniors being incentivised to NOT help other engineers)
Latest in the “moving into tech leadership and/or management” subtheme here today at #LeadDevSanFrancisco is “Becoming a Manager Somewhere Else” from @mybluewristband
“Not all the advice provided in this talk will definitely work for you, as it’s my own story”
Jenn’s Career Trajectory:
- civil engineer
- mechanical engineer
- structural engineer
- customer support (to get foot in the door of tech)
- web developer (~5 years)
- software engineer (again. Another 3 yrs)
- moving towards management
“Three Things to Look for in the Person:
[0) Care about people (non-neg) ] 1) Doubts (filter out power hungry) 2) Growth mindset (highly competent at engineering —> highly incompetent at managing) 3) Courage to be disliked (recognition changes)
“Inclusion is a foundation for setting and creating a level playing field for people to be given opportunities to succeed. Inclusion has to presume competence.”
I love the @TheLeadDev crowd so much. They just gave @carlaprvieira applause and whooping for explaining it’s her first time in the US and her first international conference talk here at #LeadDevSanFrancisco 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖
“Bias is like a virus that travels and is replicated by machine learning models.”
Potential Harms Caused by AI Systems: 1) Bias & discrimination 2) Denial of individual autonomic rights 3) Non-transparent, unexplainable or unjustifiable outcomes 4) Invasions of privacy 5) Unreliable, unsafe or poor quality outcomes